
CRAN status

Buy Me A Coffee

The goal of batata is to help R users manage R packages removals. For example, imagine you’re attending tomorrow an R meet up in which you’ll experiment many packages that you don’t want to keep. By the end of the meet up, you’ll have to remember each installed package, its name (trust me, packages’ names may be complicated). Further, each installed package might come with a bunch of dependencies which makes the operations more complicated. Using the batata package, you can just run rm_today_packages() (one of many other functions), and you’re clean for today. Before removing the packages, batata will prompt you to confirm your decision (which adds a certain degree of security), you can also run today_packages() to check all the today installed packages before making a decision.

batata takes into account the modification time of the packages instead of the birth time. As such, if you decide to update a package to a newer version, batata will consider it as a new package (which is technically true as a new package will be installed).


You can install the batata package from CRAN with:


Install the development version of batata from Github with:

install.packages("remotes") # if not installed



The fresh_start() function removes all your installed R packages. Particularly useful when moving from an R version to another. This function is quite dangerous, so you’ll be prompted twice to make sure that you’re absolutely certain to run it.

today_packages() and rm_today_packages()

today_packages() displays all the packages installed the day you’re running that function and in parallel, rm_today_packages() removes the corresponding packages.

yesterday_packages() and rm_yesterday_packages()

yesterday_packages() displays all the packages installed the day before you’re running that function and in parallel, rm_yesterday_packages() removes the corresponding packages.

since_packages() and rm_since_packages()

since_packages() displays the packages that you’ve installed according to a specific date. It has two argument:

rm_since_package() works similarly except that it removes the packages instead of displaying them.

latest_packages() and rm_latest_packages()

Suppose you want to check out the last 10 packages that you’ve installed, or, maybe you want to display the last installed package:


# The 10 last installed packages

latest_packages(n = 10)
#>       packages      modification_time    
#>  [1,] "batata"      "2020-06-16 13:26:21"
#>  [2,] "rmarkdown"   "2020-06-16 03:10:15"
#>  [3,] "tinytex"     "2020-06-16 03:10:13"
#>  [4,] "base64enc"   "2020-06-16 03:10:13"
#>  [5,] "devtools"    "2020-06-16 02:54:53"
#>  [6,] "withr"       "2020-06-16 02:54:53"
#>  [7,] "testthat"    "2020-06-16 02:54:52"
#>  [8,] "sessioninfo" "2020-06-16 02:54:52"
#>  [9,] "rversions"   "2020-06-16 02:54:52"
#> [10,] "rstudioapi"  "2020-06-16 02:54:52"

# The last package installed (by default = 1)

#>      packages modification_time    
#> [1,] "batata" "2020-06-16 13:26:21"

Code of Conduct

Please note that the batata project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms. If you encounter any bug or if you want an improvement, please feel free to open an Issue.