Weighted On-base Average (wOBA)

Kris Eberwein


The baseballDBR package provides several variations of the wOBA calculation. There are two primary functions that provide the data and calculations. The wOBA() function provides the final calculation, while the WOBA_values() function provides the season average data that drive the higher level calculation.

Quick Start

# Load data from Baseball Databank
get_bbdb(table = c("Batting", "Pitching", "Fielding"))

Batting <- wOBA(Batting, Pitching, Fielding, Fangraphs = T)
head(Batting, 3)

Understanding wOBA

Weighted on-base average was a statistic first used by sabermatrican Tom Tango and published in The Book. The wOBA metric has been show to strongly correlate to the number of runs scored. The basic formula is:

\[\frac{wBB*BB + wHBP*HBP + wX1B*X1B + wX2B*X2B + wX3B*X3B + wHR*HR}{(AB+BB-IBB+SF+SH+HBP)=PA}\]

The basic formula is simple enough, but first we must find the w values, or weighted values. Calculating the weighted values is not as straight forward and is done by applying a system of linear weights to yearly league averages in order to create a “run scoring environment” for the year. The baseballDBR package uses Tom Tango’s formula to calculate weighted values. Tango’s SQL has been ported to R for our use. The wOBA functions also offer a “Fangraphs” argument, which uses the weights provided by Fangraphs. The Fangraphs algorithm and Tango algorithm produce similar woba values, but can be slightly different.

Fangraphs wOBA vs Tango wOBA

As we discussed above, the modifiers that Fangraphs produces are slightly different than the modifiers that the Tango algorithm produces, therefore the two produce slightly different wOBA values. The wOBA values are normally within one one-thousandth of one percent.

Why are they different?

The data from the Baseball Databank does not specify a player’s position. Therefore, “fuzzy logic” is used to determine a player’s primary position. This may cause instances where a player’s statistics are weighted according to a position other than their primary position.

get_bbdb(table = c("Batting", "Pitching", "Fielding"))

Batting$f_wOBA <- wOBA(Batting, Pitching, Fielding, Fangraphs = T)
Batting$t_wOBA <- wOBA(Batting, Pitching, Fielding, Fangraphs = F)

# Going to subset for players who had more than 100 at-bats and played in at least eighty games.
# This shoul eliminate most of the pitchers and minor league call-ups.
Batting_2016 <- subset(Batting, yearID >= 2016 & AB >= 100 & G >= 80) %>%



The wOBA() and wOBA_values() functions require three data frames:

Even though wOBA is a batting metric, the Pitching and Fielding tables are used to determine a player’s primary position. The tables should be full tables of entire years, and not a subset, because the wOBA calculation depends on yearly league average values.

The wOBA_values Function

The higher-level wOBA() function relies on wOBA_values(). It is not necessary to call the wOBA_values() function to use the wOBA() function, but it this function has been exported to the package to give users the opportunity for deeper analysis. Arguments include:

# Load data from Baseball Databank
get_bbdb(table = c("Batting", "Pitching", "Fielding"))

# Run wOBA values for seperate leagues
w_vals <- wOBA_values(BattingTable = Batting, FieldingTable = Fielding, PitchingTable = Pitching, Sep.Leagues = TRUE)

If we look at the data, we notice that the years 1871 to 1875 produce several NAs. This is due to incomplete or untracked data during that time period. We also notice there was only one league in existence during those years. Otherwise, the data are complete. The “league wOBA” for the two leagues is often close, but varies depending on the quality of play across various years.
