BAMP includes a data example.
plot(cases[,1],type="l",ylim=range(cases), ylab="cases", xlab="year", main="cases per age group")
for (i in 2:8)lines(cases[,i], col=i)
For simulating APC data, see vignette(“simulation”, package=“bamp”).
bamp() automatically performs a check for MCMC convergence using Gelman and Rubin’s convergence diagnostic. We can manually check the convergence again:
## [1] TRUE
Now we have a look at the model results. This includes estimates of smoothing parameters and deviance and DIC:
## Model:
## age (rw1) - period (rw1) - cohort (rw1) model
## Deviance: 231.41
## pD: 36.89
## DIC: 268.30
## Hyper parameters: 5% 50% 95%
## age 0.383 1.005 2.227
## period 67.974 203.540 652.087
## cohort 34.507 58.662 97.534
We can plot the main APC effects using point-wise quantiles:
More quantiles are possible:
For other models see vignette(“modeling”,package=“bamp”).
Using the prior assumption of a random walk for the period and cohort effect, one can predict cases for upcoming years.
plot(pred$pr[2,,8],type="l", ylab="probability", xlab="year", ylim=c(0,m))
for (i in 7:1)
legend(1,m,col=8:1,legend=paste("Age group",1:8),lwd=2,cex=0.6)
More details see vignette(“prediction”,package=“bamp”).