is an acronym for “Bayesian informative hypotheses evaluation”. It uses the Bayes factor to evaluate hypotheses specified using equality and inequality constraints among (linear combinations of) parameters in a wide range of statistical models.
A tutorial is provided by Hoijtink, Mulder, van Lissa, and Gu (2019) retrievable from the Psychological Methods website at or the bain website at
Users are advised to read the tutorial and this vignette before using bain
The full bain
reference list (all retrievable from the bain
website) is
Bosman, M. and Hoijtink, H. (unpublished). Robust Bayes factors for Bayesian ANOVA: overcoming overcoming adverse effect of non-normality and outliers.
Gu, X., Mulder, J., and Hoijtink, H. (2018). Approximate adjusted fractional Bayes factors: A general method for testing informative hypotheses. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 71, 229-261. DOI: 10.1111/bmsp.12110
Gu, X., Hoijtink, H., Mulder, J., and Rosseel, Y. (2019). Bain: A program for Bayesian testing of order constrained hypotheses in structural equation models. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation.
Hoijtink, H., Mulder, J., van Lissa, C., and Gu, X. (2019). A tutorial on testing hypotheses using the Bayes factor. Psychological Methods. DOI: 10.1037/met0000201
Hoijtink, H., Gu, X., and Mulder, J. (2019). Bayesian evaluation of informative hypotheses for multiple populations. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 72, 219-243. DOI: 10.1111/bmsp.12145
Hoijtink, H., Gu, X., Mulder, J., and Rosseel, Y. (2019). Computing Bayes Factors from Data with Missing Values. Psychological Methods, 24, 253-268. DOI: 10.1037/met0000187
Van Lissa, C.J., Gu, X., Mulder, J., Rosseel, Y., van Zundert, C, and Hoijtink, H. (unpublished). Teacher’s corner: Evaluating informative hypotheses using the Bayes factor in structural equation models.
bain(x, hypothesis, fraction = 1, ...)
An R object containing the outcome of a statistical analysis. Currently, the following objects can be processed:
objects (Student’s t-test, Welch’s t-test, paired samples t-test, one-group t-test, equivalence test). Note that, t_test
can be used in the same way as t.test
objects (ANOVA, ANCOVA, multiple regression).lavaan
objects generated with the sem()
, cfa()
, and growth
method. Note that, named means that each estimate has to be named such that it can be referred to in hypotheses.hypothesis
A character string containing the informative hypotheses to evaluate (see below the section on “The Specification of Hypotheses”).
fraction = 1
A number representing the fraction of information in the data used to construct the prior distribution (see Hoijtink, Mulder, van Lissa, and Gu, 2019): The default value 1 denotes the minimal fraction, 2 denotes twice the minimal fraction, etc.
Additional arguments (see below).
with a lm
or t_test
objectThe following steps need to be executed:
x <- lm()
or x <- t_test()
. Execute an analysis with lm
or t_test
. See the Examples section below for a complete elaboration of the calls to lm
and t_test
that can be processed by bain
. Note that, lm
and t_test
will apply list-wise deletion if there are cases with missing values in the variables used.coef(x)
. (Unique abbreviations of) the names will be used to specify hypotheses
. Set seed
equal to an integer number to create a repeatable random number sequence. It is recommended to run analyses with two different seeds to ensure stability of the results.results <- bain(x,hypotheses,fraction = 1)
or results <- bain(x,hypotheses,fraction = 1,standardize = FALSE)
. The first call to bain
is used in case of lm
implementations of ANOVA, ANCOVA, and t_test
. The second call to bain
is used in case of lm
implementations of multiple regression. With standardize = TRUE
hypotheses with respect to standardized regression coefficients are evaluated. With standardize = FALSE
hypotheses with respect to unstandardized regression coefficients are evaluated.print(results)
Print the results of an analysis with bain
.summary(results, ci=0.95)
Present descriptives for the parameters used to specify hypotheses
. ci
can be used to specify the confidence level of the credibility intervals.bain
with a lavaan
objectThe following steps need to be executed:
x <- sem()
or x <- cfa()
or x <- growth()
. Execute an analysis with the sem, cfa, or growth functions implemented in lavaan
( . Note that, by default, lavaan
will apply list-wise deletion if there are cases with missing values in the variables used. An imputation based method for dealing with missing values tailored to Bayesian hypothesis evaluation is illustrated in Section 4 “Examples Using a Named Vector” in Example h. (based on Hoijtink, Gu, Mulder, and Rosseel, 2019).lavaan
model using the model <- ...
command. In case of multiple group models, only models without between group restrictions can be processed by bain
with a lavaan
object as input.coef(x)
. Only parameters who’s names contain ~
(regression coefficients), ~1
(intercepts), or =~
(factor loadings) can be used in the specification of hypotheses. (Unique abbreviations of) the names can be used to specify hypotheses
. For multiple group analyses the names have to end with a group label .grp
. Group labels can be assigned using commands like sesamesim$sex <- factor(sesamesim$sex, labels = c("boy", "girl"))
. If in a lavaan
model specification parameters are labeled, e.g., as in model <- 'age ~ c(a1, a2)*peabody + c(b1, b2)*1
then the labels have to be used in the specification of hypotheses.set.seed(seed)
. Set seed
equal to an integer number to create a repeatable random number sequence. It is recommended to run analyses with two different seeds to ensure stability of the results.results <- bain(x,hypotheses,fraction = 1,standardize = FALSE)
. With standardize = TRUE
hypotheses with respect to standardized coefficients are evaluated. With standardize = FALSE
hypotheses with respect to unstandardized coefficients are evaluated.print(results)
Print the results of an analysis with bain
.summary(results, ci=0.95)
Present descriptives for the parameters used to specify hypotheses
. ci
can be used to specify the confidence level of the credibility intervals.bain
with a named vectorThe following steps need to be executed:
In case of a single group analysis, the following information has to be extracted from the statistical analysis and supplied to bain
;In case of a multiple group analysis, the following information has to be extracted from the statistical analysis and supplied to bain
. Note that, names
is a character vector containing new names for the estimates in estimates
. Each name has to start with a letter, and may consist of “letters”, “numbers”, “.
”, “_
”, “:
”, “~
”, “=~
”, and “~1
”. These names are used to specify hypotheses
(see below). An example is names <- c("a", "b", "c")
. Set seed
equal to an integer number to create a repeatable random number sequence. It is recommended to run analyses with two different seeds to ensure stability of the results.results <- bain(estimates, hypotheses, n=., Sigma=., group_parameters = 2, joint_parameters = 0, fraction = 1)
executes bain
with the following arguments:estimates
A named vector with parameter estimates.hypotheses
A character string containing the informative hypotheses to evaluate (the specification is elaborated below).n
A vector containing the sample size of each group in the analysis. See, Hoijtink, Gu, and Mulder (2019), for an elaboration of the difference between one and multiple group analyses. A multiple group analysis is required when group specific parameters are used to formulate hypotheses
. Examples are the Student’s and Welch’s t-test, ANOVA, and ANCOVA. See the Examples section for elaborations of the specification of multiple group analyses when a named vector is input for bain
A list of covariance matrices. In case of one group analyses the list contains one covariance matrix. In case of multiple group analyses the list contains one covariance matrix for each group. See the Examples section and Hoijtink, Gu, and Mulder (2019) for further instructions.group_parameters
The number of group specific parameters. In, for example, an ANOVA with three groups, estimates
will contain three sample means, group_parameters = 1
because each group is characterized by one mean, and joint_parameters = 0
because there are no parameters that apply to each of the groups. In, for example, an ANCOVA with three groups and two covariates, estimates
will contain five parameters (first the three adjusted means, followed by the regression coefficients of the two covariates), group_parameters = 1
because each group is characterized by one adjusted mean, and joint_parameters = 2
because there are two regression coefficients that apply to each group. In, for example, a repeated measures design with four repeated measures and two groups (a between factor with two levels and a within factor with four levels) estimates
will contain eight means (first the four for group 1, followed by the four for group 2), group_parameters = 4
because each group is characterized by four means and joint_parameters = 0
because there are no parameters that apply to each of the groups.joint_parameters
In case of one group joint_parameters = 0
. In case of two or more groups, the number of parameters in estimates
shared by the groups. In, for example, an ANCOVA, the number of joint_parameters
equals the number of covariates.fraction = 1
A number representing the fraction of information in the data used to construct the prior distribution (see Hoijtink, Mulder, van Lissa, and Gu, 2019): The default value 1 denotes the minimal fraction, 2 denotes twice the minimal fraction, etc.print(results)
Print the results of an analysis with bain
.summary(results, ci=0.95)
Present descriptives for the parameters used to specify hypotheses
. ci
can be used the specify the confidence level of the credibility intervals.hypotheses
is a character string that specifies which informative hypotheses have to be evaluated. A simple example is hypotheses <- "a > b > c; a = b = c;"
which specifies two hypotheses using three estimates with names “a”, “b”, and “c”, respectively.
The hypotheses specified have to adhere to the following rules bain
may still run if you deviate from the rules, however, the output will be nonsense:
with a lm
or t_test
or lavaan
object, (unique abbreviations of) the names displayed by coef(x)
have to be used (but see the section “Using bain with a lavaan object” for additional instructions if multiple group analyses are executed and/or parameters are labeled). If, for example, the names are cat
and dog
, c
and d
would be unique abbreviations. If, for example, the names are cato
and cata
the whole names have to be used.bain
with a named vector, parameters are referred to using the names specified in names()
.Each parameter name is used at most once.
Each parameter name may or may not be pre-multiplied with a number.
A constant may be added or subtracted from each parameter name.
A linear combination can also be a single number.
Examples are: 3 * a + 5
; a + 2 * b + 3 * c - 2
; a - b
; and 5
a > 0
or a > b = 0
or 2 * a < b + c > 5
can be used to combine different parts of a hypothesis. For example, a > b & b > c
which is equivalent to a > b > c
or a > 0 & b > 0 & c > 0
.a > (b,c)
which is equivalent to a > b & a > c
.hypotheses <- "a > b > c; a = b = c;"
, specifies two hypotheses.The set of hypotheses has to be compatible. For the statistical background of this requirement see Gu, Mulder, Hoijtink (2019). Usually the sets of hypotheses specified by researchers are compatible, and if not, bain
will return an error message. The following steps can be used to determine if a set of hypotheses is compatible:
1 < a1 < 3
, by an equality constraint in which the parameter involved is equated to the midpoint of the range, that is, a1 = 2
.a1 = a2 > a3 > a4
becomes a1 = a2 = a3 = a4
.a1 = a2 = a3 = a4 = 2
. An example of two non-compatible hypotheses is hypotheses <- "a = 0; a > 2;"
because there is no solution to the equations a=0
and a=2
.Each hypothesis in a set of hypotheses has to be non-redundant. A hypothesis is redundant if it can also be specified with fewer constraints. For example, a = b & a > 0 & b > 0
is redundant because it can also be specified as a = b & a > 0
. bain
will work correctly if hypotheses specified using only < and > are redundant. bain
will return an error message if hypotheses specified using at least one = are redundant.
Each hypothesis in a set of hypotheses has to be possible. An hypothesis is impossible if estimates in agreement with the hypothesis do not exist. For example: values for a
in agreement with a = 0 & a > 2
do not exist. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the hypotheses specified are possible. If not, bain
will either return an error message or render an output table containing Inf
The commands bain()
or results<-bain()
followed by results
or print(results)
will render the default (most important) output from bain
. These concern for each hypothesis specified in hypotheses
the fit, complexity, Bayes factor versus its complement, posterior model probability (based on equal prior model probabilities) excluding the unconstrained hypothesis, and posterior model probability including the unconstrained hypothesis. Note that, the posterior model probabilities are computed from the Bayes factors of each hypothesis versus the unconstrained hypothesis. In Hoijtink, Mulder, van Lissa, and Gu (2019) it is elaborated how these quantities (and the other output presented below) should be interpreted. Additionally, using summary(results, ci=0.95)
, a descriptives matrix can be obtained in which for each estimate, the name, the value, and a 95% central credibility interval is presented.
The following commands can be used to retrieve the default and additional information from the bain
output object:
renders the default output, results$fit$Fit
contains only the column containing the fit of each hypothesis. In the last command Fit
can be replaced by Com
, BF
, PMPa
, PMPb
to obtain the information in the corresponding columns of the default output. Note that, in the column BF
the Bayes factor of the hypothesis at hand versus its complement is displayed.results$BFmatrix
contains the matrix containing the mutual Bayes factors of the hypotheses specified in hypotheses
contains for each of the groups in the analysis the fraction of information of the data in the group at hand used to specify the covariance matrix of the prior distribution.results$prior
contains the covariance matrix of the prior distribution.results$posterior
contains the covariance matrix of the posterior distribution.results$call
displays the call to bain
displays the named vector or the call to the R function rendering the R object that is input to bain
displays the sample sizes per group.results$independent_restrictions
displays the number of independent constraints in the set of hypotheses under consideration. Note that, in Gu, Mulder, and Hoijtink (2018) en Hoijtink, Gu, and Mulder (2019) the definition given was misprinted (besides R and S also r and s should have been added to the definition).results$fit$Fit_eq
displays the fit of the equality constrained part of each hypothesis. Replacing Fit_eq
by Fit_in
, renders the fit of the inequality constrained part of an hypothesis conditional on the fit of the equality constrained part. Com_eq
, and Com_in
, respectively, are the complexity counterparts of Fit_eq
, and Fit_in
.Note that, each of the examples given below can be run by copy pasting them into the Source screen of RStudio
Unless indicated otherwise, the examples that follow below use a simulated data set inspired by the Sesame Street data set from: Stevens, J. P. (1996). Applied Multivariate Statistics for the Social Sciences. Mahwah NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. This data set is included in the bain package. The variables contained in sesamesim are subsequently:
The examples that follow below are organized in three categories:
with a t_test
with a lm object
; and,The ANOVA and ANCOVA examples are provided using both a lm
object and a named vector as input for bain
. Below you will find the following examples:
1. Examples Using a t_test
If a t_test
object is used, the main output table is labeled: “Bayesian informative hypothesis testing for an object of class t_test” (which denotes that a t-test
was executed).
2. Examples Using a lm
with levels man
and woman
, and a factor age
with levels young
and old
, these have to be recoded in a new factor sexage
with levels manyoung
, manold
, womanyoung
, womanold
. If a lm
“ANOVA”object is used, the main output table is labeled: “Bayesian informative hypothesis testing for an object of class lm (ANOVA)”lm
using functions of the predictors (for example, adding squared predictors to the model using commands like y ~ x + I(x^2)
) can not be processed by bain
. However, one can compute a new variable (for example, a squared predictor) and add this variable to the model specification of lm
. If a lm
“ANCOVA”object is used, the main output table is labeled: “Bayesian informative hypothesis testing for an object of class lm (ANCOVA)”. Note that, in the ANCOVA the covariates are centered!lm
using functions of the predictors (for example, adding squared predictors to the model using commands like y ~ x + I(x^2)
) can not be processed by bain
. However, one can compute a new variable (for example, a squared predictor) and add this variable to the model specification of lm
. Note furthermore, that only if standardize = FALSE
interactions between predictors can be processed. If a lm
“regression with only continuous predictors” object is used, the main output table is labeled: “Bayesian informative hypothesis testing for an object of class lm (continuous predictors)”. If a lm
object contains two or more factors and, optionally, continuous predictors, the main output table is labeled: “Bayesian informative hypothesis testing for an object of class lm (mixed predictors)”. In case of mixed predictors, the one group approach to computing Bayes factors is used (see, Hoijtink, Gu, and Mulder, 2019). This may render inferior results if group sizes are unequal.3. Examples Using a lavaan
If a lavaan
object is used, the main output table is labeled: “Bayesian informative hypothesis testing for an object of class lavaan”.
Additional examples can be found in Gu, Hoijtink, Mulder, and Rosseel (2019).
4. Examples Using a Named Vector
If a named vector
object is used, the main output table is labeled: “Bayesian informative hypothesis testing for an object of class numeric” (which denotes that named vector
input was used).
Additional examples are available in BFTutorial.R
downloadable from the bain website at
using a named vector objectbain
using a named vector object1. Examples Using a t_test
# load the bain package which includes the simulated sesamesim data set
# collect the data for the boys in the vector x and for the girls in the
# vector y
# execute student's t-test
ttest <- t_test(x,y,paired = FALSE, var.equal = TRUE)
# Check the names of the estimates
# set a seed value
# test hypotheses with bain
results <- bain(ttest, "x = y; x > y; x < y")
# display the results
# obtain the descriptives table
summary(results, ci = 0.95)
# load the bain package which includes the simulated sesamesim data set
# collect the data for the boys in the vector x and for the girs in the
# vector y
# execute student's t-test
ttest <- t_test(x,y,paired = FALSE, var.equal = FALSE)
# Check the names of the coefficients
# set a seed value
# test hypotheses with bain
results <- bain(ttest, "x = y; x > y; x < y")
# display the results
# obtain the descriptives table
summary(results, ci = 0.95)
# load the bain package which includes the simulated sesamesim data set
# compare the pre with the post measurements
ttest <- t_test(sesamesim$prenumb,sesamesim$postnumb,paired = TRUE)
# Check name of the coefficient
# set a seed value
# test hypotheses with bain
results <- bain(ttest, "difference=0; difference>0; difference<0")
# display the results
# obtain the descriptives table
summary(results, ci = 0.95)
# load the bain package which includes the simulated sesamesim data se
# compare post measurements with the reference value 30
ttest <- t_test(sesamesim$postnumb)
# Check name of estimate
# set a seed value
# test hypotheses with bain versus the reference value 30
results <- bain(ttest, "x=30; x>30; x<30")
# display the results
# obtain the descriptives table
summary(results, ci = 0.95)
# load the bain package which includes the simulated sesamesim data set
# collect the data for the boys in the vector x and for the girs in the
# vector y
# execute student's t-test
ttest <- t_test(x,y,paired = FALSE, var.equal = TRUE)
# Check the names of the estimates
# compute the pooled within standard deviation using the variance of x
# (ttest$v[1]) and y (ttest$v[2])
pwsd <- sqrt(((length(x) -1) * ttest$v[1] + (length(y)-1) * ttest$v[2])/
((length(x) -1) + (length(y) -1)))
# print pwsd in order to be able to include it in the hypothesis. Its value
# is 12.60
# set a seed value
# test hypotheses (the means of boy and girl differ less than .2 * pwsd =
# 2.52 VERSUS the means differ more than .2 * pwsd = 2.52) with bain
# note that, .2 is a value for Cohen's d reflecting a "small" effect, that
# is, the means differ less or more than .2 pwsd.
results <- bain(ttest, "x - y > -2.52 & x - y < 2.52")
# display the results
# obtain the descriptives table
summary(results, ci = 0.95)
2. Examples Using a lm
# load the bain package which includes the simulated sesamesim data set
# make a factor of variable site
sesamesim$site <- as.factor(sesamesim$site)
# execute an analysis of variance using lm() which, due to the -1, returns
# estimates of the means per group
anov <- lm(postnumb~site-1,sesamesim)
# take a look at the estimated means and their names
# set a seed value
# test hypotheses with bain
results <- bain(anov, "site1=site2=site3=site4=site5; site2>site5>site1>
# display the results
# obtain the descriptives table
summary(results, ci = 0.95)
# load the bain package which includes the simulated sesamesim data se
# make a factor of variable site
sesamesim$site <- as.factor(sesamesim$site)
# Center the covariate. If centered the coef() command below displays the
# adjusted means. If not centered the intercepts are displayed.
sesamesim$prenumb <- sesamesim$prenumb - mean(sesamesim$prenumb)
# execute an analysis of covariance using lm() which, due to the -1, returns
# estimates of the adjusted means per group
ancov <- lm(postnumb~site+prenumb-1,sesamesim)
# take a look at the estimated adjusted means, the regression coefficient
# of the covariate and their names
# set a seed value
# test hypotheses with bain
results <- bain(ancov, "site1=site2=site3=site4=site5;
# display the results
# obtain the descriptives table
summary(results, ci = 0.95)
# load the bain package which includes the simulated sesamesim data set
# execute a multiple regression using lm()
regr <- lm(postnumb ~ age + peabody + prenumb,sesamesim)
# take a look at the estimated regression coefficients and their names
# set a seed value
# test hypotheses with bain. Note that standardize = FALSE denotes that the
# hypotheses are in terms of unstandardized regression coefficients
results<-bain(regr, "age = 0 & peab=0 & pre=0 ; age > 0 & peab > 0 & pre > 0"
, standardize = FALSE)
# display the results
# obtain the descriptives table
summary(results, ci = 0.95)
# Since it is only meaningful to compare regression coefficients if they are
# measured on the same scale, bain can also evaluate standardized regression
# coefficients (based on the seBeta function by Jeff Jones and Niels Waller):
# set a seed value
# test hypotheses with bain. Note that standardize = TRUE denotes that the
# hypotheses are in terms of standardized regression coefficients
results<-bain(regr, "age = peab = pre ; pre > age > peab",standardize = TRUE)
# display the results
# obtain the descriptives table
summary(results, ci = 0.95)
Note that, most the code below can be replaced by a call to the function bain_sensitivity
. See the help file for this function for further instructions (call ?bain_sensitivity
# load the bain package which includes the simulated sesamesim data set
# make a factor of variable site
sesamesim$site <- as.factor(sesamesim$site)
# execute an analysis of variance using lm() which, due to the -1, returns
# estimates of the means per group
anov <- lm(postnumb~site-1,sesamesim)
# take a look at the estimated means and their names
# set a seed value
# test hypotheses with bain
results1 <- bain(anov, "site1=site2=site3=site4=site5; site2>site5>site1>
site3>site4", fraction = 1)
# display the results
# obtain the descriptives table
summary(results1, ci = 0.95)
# execute a sensitivity analysis. See Hoijtink, Mulder,
# van Lissa, and Gu (2019) for elaborations.
results2 <- bain(anov, "site1=site2=site3=site4=site5; site2>site5>site1>
site3>site4",fraction = 2)
results3 <- bain(anov, "site1=site2=site3=site4=site5; site2>site5>site1>
site3>site4",fraction = 3)
3. Examples Using a lavaan
# Load the bain and lavaan libraries. Visit for
# lavaan mini-tutorials, examples, and elaborations
# Specify and fit the confirmatory factor model
model1 <- '
A =~ Ab + Al + Af + An + Ar + Ac
B =~ Bb + Bl + Bf + Bn + Br + Bc
# Use the lavaan sem function to execute the confirmatory factor analysis
fit1 <- sem(model1, data = sesamesim, = TRUE)
# Inspect the parameter names
# Formulate hypotheses, call bain, obtain summary stats
hypotheses1 <-
" A=~Ab > .6 & A=~Al > .6 & A=~Af > .6 & A=~An > .6 & A=~Ar > .6 & A=~Ac >.6 &
B=~Bb > .6 & B=~Bl > .6 & B=~Bf > .6 & B=~Bn > .6 & B=~Br > .6 & B=~Bc >.6"
y <- bain(fit1,hypotheses1,fraction=1,standardize=TRUE)
sy <- summary(y, ci = 0.95)
# Load the bain and lavaan libraries. Visit for
# lavaan mini-tutorials, examples, and elaborations
# Specify and fit the latent regression model
model2 <- '
A =~ Ab + Al + Af + An + Ar + Ac
B =~ Bb + Bl + Bf + Bn + Br + Bc
A ~ B + age + peabody
fit2 <- sem(model2, data = sesamesim, = TRUE)
# Inspect the parameter names
# Formulate hypotheses, call bain, obtain summary stats
hypotheses2 <- "A~B > A~peabody = A~age = 0;
A~B > A~peabody > A~age = 0;
A~B > A~peabody > A~age > 0"
y1 <- bain(fit2, hypotheses2, fraction = 1, standardize = TRUE)
sy1 <- summary(y1, ci = 0.99)
# Load the bain and lavaan libraries. Visit for
# lavaan mini-tutorials, examples, and elaborations
# Specify A multiple group regression model
model3 <- '
postnumb ~ prenumb + peabody
# Assign labels to the groups to be used when formulating
# hypotheses
sesamesim$sex <- factor(sesamesim$sex, labels = c("boy", "girl"))
# Fit the multiple group regression model
fit3 <- sem(model3, data = sesamesim, = TRUE, group = "sex")
# Inspect the parameter names
# Formulate and evaluate the hypotheses
hypotheses3 <-
"postnumb~prenumb.boy = postnumb~prenumb.girl & postnumb~peabody.boy = postnumb~peabody.girl;
postnumb~prenumb.boy < postnumb~prenumb.girl & postnumb~peabody.boy < postnumb~peabody.girl
y1 <- bain(fit3, hypotheses3, standardize = TRUE)
sy1 <- summary(y1, ci = 0.95)
4. Examples Using a named vector
# load the bain package which includes the simulated sesamesim data se
# make a factor of variable site
sesamesim$site <- as.factor(sesamesim$site)
# execute an analysis of variance using lm() which, due to the -1, returns
# estimates of the means per group
anov <- lm(postnumb~site-1,sesamesim)
# take a look at the estimated means and their names
# collect the estimates means in a vector
estimate <- coef(anov)
# give names to the estimates in anov
names(estimate) <- c("site1", "site2", "site3","site4","site5")
# create a vector containing the sample size of each group
# (in case of missing values in the variables used, the command
# below has to be modified such that only the cases without
# missing values are counted)
ngroup <- table(sesamesim$site)
# compute for each group the covariance matrix of the parameters
# of that group and collect these in a list
# for the ANOVA this is simply a list containing for each group the variance
# of the mean note that, the within group variance as estimated using lm is
# used to compute the variance of each of the means! See, Hoijtink, Gu, and
# Mulder (2019) for further elaborations.
var <- summary(anov)$sigma**2
cov1 <- matrix(var/ngroup[1], nrow=1, ncol=1)
cov2 <- matrix(var/ngroup[2], nrow=1, ncol=1)
cov3 <- matrix(var/ngroup[3], nrow=1, ncol=1)
cov4 <- matrix(var/ngroup[4], nrow=1, ncol=1)
cov5 <- matrix(var/ngroup[5], nrow=1, ncol=1)
covlist <- list(cov1, cov2, cov3, cov4,cov5)
# set a seed value
# test hypotheses with bain. Note that there are multiple groups
# characterized by one mean, therefore group_parameters=0. Note that are no
# joint parameters, therefore, joint_parameters=0.
results <- bain(estimate,
"site1=site2=site3=site4=site5; site2>site5>site1>site3>site4",
n=ngroup,Sigma=covlist,group_parameters=1,joint_parameters = 0)
# display the results
# obtain the descriptives table
summary(results, ci = 0.95)
# load the bain package which includes the simulated sesamesim data se
# make a factor of variable site
sesamesim$site <- as.factor(sesamesim$site)
# center the covariate. If centered the coef() command below displays the
# adjusted means. If not centered the intercepts are displayed.
sesamesim$prenumb <- sesamesim$prenumb - mean(sesamesim$prenumb)
# execute an analysis of covariance using lm() which, due to the -1, returns
# estimates of the adjusted means per group
ancov2 <- lm(postnumb~site+prenumb-1,sesamesim)
# take a look at the estimated adjusted means and their names
# collect the estimates of the adjusted means and regression coefficient of
# the covariate in a vector (the vector has to contain first the
# adjusted means and next the regression coefficients of the covariates)
estimates <- coef(ancov2)
# assign names to the estimates
names(estimates)<- c("v.1", "v.2", "v.3", "v.4","v.5", "pre")
# compute the sample size per group
# (in case of missing values in the variables used, the command
# below has to be modified such that only the cases without
# missing values are counted)
ngroup <- table(sesamesim$site)
# compute for each group the covariance matrix of the parameters of that
# group and collect these in a list note that, the residual variance as
# estimated using lm is used to compute these covariance matrices
var <- (summary(ancov2)$sigma)**2
# below, for each group, the covariance matrix of the adjusted mean and
# covariate is computed
# see Hoijtink, Gu, and Mulder (2019) for further explanation and elaboration
cat1 <- subset(cbind(sesamesim$site,sesamesim$prenumb), sesamesim$site == 1)
cat1[,1] <- 1
cat1 <- as.matrix(cat1)
cov1 <- var * solve(t(cat1) %*% cat1)
cat2 <- subset(cbind(sesamesim$site,sesamesim$prenumb), sesamesim$site == 2)
cat2[,1] <- 1
cat2 <- as.matrix(cat2)
cov2 <- var * solve(t(cat2) %*% cat2)
cat3 <- subset(cbind(sesamesim$site,sesamesim$prenumb), sesamesim$site == 3)
cat3[,1] <- 1
cat3 <- as.matrix(cat3)
cov3 <- var * solve(t(cat3) %*% cat3)
cat4 <- subset(cbind(sesamesim$site,sesamesim$prenumb), sesamesim$site == 4)
cat4[,1] <- 1
cat4 <- as.matrix(cat4)
cov4 <- var * solve(t(cat4) %*% cat4)
cat5 <- subset(cbind(sesamesim$site,sesamesim$prenumb), sesamesim$site == 5)
cat5[,1] <- 1
cat5 <- as.matrix(cat5)
cov5 <- var * solve(t(cat5) %*% cat5)
covariances <- list(cov1, cov2, cov3, cov4,cov5)
# set a seed value
# test hypotheses with bain. Note that there are multiple groups
# characterized by one adjusted mean, therefore group_parameters=1 Note that
# there is one covariate, therefore, joint_parameters=1.
results2<-bain(estimates,"v.1=v.2=v.3=v.4=v.5;v.2 > v.5 > v.1 > v.3 >v.4;",
n=ngroup,Sigma=covariances,group_parameters=1,joint_parameters = 1)
# display the results
# obtain the descriptives table
summary(results2, ci = 0.95)
# load the bain package which includes the simulated sesamesim data set
# estimate the means of three repeated measures of number knowledge
# the 1 denotes that these means have to be estimated
within <- lm(cbind(prenumb,postnumb,funumb)~1, data=sesamesim)
# take a look at the estimated means and their names
# note that the model specified in lm has three dependent variables.
# Consequently, the estimates rendered by lm are collected in a "matrix".
# Since bain needs a named vector containing the estimated means, the [1:3]
# code is used to select the three means from a matrix and store them in a
# vector.
estimate <- coef(within)[1:3]
# give names to the estimates in anov
names(estimate) <- c("pre", "post", "fu")
# compute the sample size
# (in case of missing values in the variables used, the command
# below has to be modified such that only the cases without
# missing values are counted)
ngroup <- nrow(sesamesim)
# compute the covariance matrix of the three means
covmatr <- list(vcov(within))
# set a seed value
# test hypotheses with bain. Note that there is one group, with three
# means therefore group_parameters=3.
results <- bain(estimate,"pre = post = fu; pre < post < fu", n=ngroup,
Sigma=covmatr, group_parameters=3, joint_parameters = 0)
# display the results
# obtain the descriptives table
summary(results, ci = 0.95)
# load the bain package which includes the simulated sesamesim data set
# make a factor of the variable sex
sesamesim$sex <- factor(sesamesim$sex)
# estimate the means of prenumb, postnumb, and funumb for boys and girls
# the -1 denotes that the means have to estimated
bw <- lm(cbind(prenumb, postnumb, funumb)~sex-1, data=sesamesim)
# take a look at the estimated means and their names
# collect the estimated means in a vector
est1 <-coef(bw)[1,1:3] # the three means for sex = 1
est2 <-coef(bw)[2,1:3] # the three means for sex = 2
estimate <- c(est1,est2)
# give names to the estimates in anov
names(estimate) <- c("pre1", "post1", "fu1","pre2", "post2", "fu2")
# determine the sample size per group
# (in case of missing values in the variables used, the command
# below has to be modified such that only the cases without
# missing values are counted)
# cov1 has to contain the covariance matrix of the three means in group 1.
# cov2 has to contain the covariance matrix in group 2
# typing vcov(bw) in the console pane highlights the structure of
# the covariance matrix of all 3+3=6 means
# it has to be dissected in to cov1 and cov2
cov1 <- c(vcov(bw)[1,1],vcov(bw)[1,3],vcov(bw)[1,5],vcov(bw)[3,1],
cov1 <- matrix(cov1,3,3)
cov2 <- c(vcov(bw)[2,2],vcov(bw)[2,4],vcov(bw)[2,6],vcov(bw)[4,2],
cov2 <- matrix(cov2,3,3)
# set a seed value
# test hypotheses with bain. Note that there are multiple groups
# characterized by three means, therefore group_parameters=3. Note that there
# are no additional parameters, therefore, joint_parameters=0.
results <-bain(estimate, "pre1 - pre2 = post1 - post2 = fu1 -fu2;
pre1 - pre2 > post1 - post2 > fu1 -fu2" , n=ngroup, Sigma=covariance,
group_parameters=3, joint_parameters = 0)
# display the results
# obtain the descriptives table
summary(results, ci = 0.95)
# load the bain package which includes the simulated sesamesim data set
# regression coefficients can only be mutually compared if the
# corresponding predictors are measured on the same scale, therefore the
# predictors are standardized
sesamesim$age <- (sesamesim$age - mean(sesamesim$age))/sd(sesamesim$age)
sesamesim$peabody <- (sesamesim$peabody - mean(sesamesim$peabody))/
sesamesim$prenumb <- (sesamesim$prenumb - mean(sesamesim$prenumb))/
# estimate the logistic regression coefficients
logreg <- glm(viewenc ~ age + peabody + prenumb, family=binomial,
# take a look at the estimates and their names
# collect the estimated intercept and regression coefficients in a vector
estimate <- coef(logreg)
# give names to the estimates
names(estimate) <- c("int", "age", "peab" ,"pre" )
# compute the sample size. Note that, this is an analysis with ONE group
# (in case of missing values in the variables used, the command
# below has to be modified such that only the cases without
# missing values are counted)
ngroup <- nrow(sesamesim)
# compute the covariance matrix of the intercept and regression coefficients
covmatr <- list(vcov(logreg))
# set a seed value
# test hypotheses with bain. Note that there is one group, with four
# parameters (intercept plus three regression coefficients) therefore
# group_parameters=4.
results <- bain(estimate, "age = peab = pre; age > pre > peab", n=ngroup,
Sigma=covmatr, group_parameters=4, joint_parameters = 0)
# display the results
# obtain the descriptives table
summary(results, ci = 0.95)
# load the bain package which includes the simulated sesamesim data set
# load the numDeriv package which will be used to compute the covariance
# matrix of the adjusted group coefficients and regression coefficient of age
# for the boys and the girls # using the estimates obtained using the data for
# the boys AND the girls.
# make a factor of the variable sex
sesamesim$sex <- factor(sesamesim$sex)
# center the covariate age
sesamesim$age <- sesamesim$age - mean(sesamesim$age)
# determine sample size per sex group
# (in case of missing values in the variables used, the command
# below has to be modified such that only the cases without
# missing values are counted)
ngroup <- table(sesamesim$sex)
# execute the logistic regression, -1 ensures that the coefficients
# for boys and girl are estimated adjusted for the covariate age
anal <- glm(viewenc ~ sex + age - 1, family=binomial, data=sesamesim)
# take a look at the estimates and their names
# collect the estimates obtained using the data of the boys AND the
# girls in a vector. This vector contains first the group specific
# parameters followed by the regression coefficient of the covariate.
estimates <-coef(anal)
# give names to the estimates
names(estimates) <- c("boys", "girls", "age")
# use numDeriv to compute the Hessian matrix and subsequently the
# covariance matrix for each of the two (boys and girls) groups.
# The vector f should contain the regression coefficient of the group
# at hand and the regression coefficient of the covariate.
# the first group
data <- subset(cbind(sesamesim$sex,sesamesim$age,sesamesim$viewenc),
f <- 1
f[1] <- estimates[1] # the regression coefficient of boys
f[2] <- estimates[3] # the regression coefficient of age
# within the for loop below the log likelihood of the logistic
# regression model is computed using the data for the boys
logist1 <- function(x){
out <- 0
for (i in 1:ngroup[1]){
out <- out + data[i,3]*(x[1] + x[2]*data[i,2]) - log (1 +
exp(x[1] + x[2]*data[i,2]))
hes1 <- hessian(func=logist1, x=f)
# multiply with -1 and invert to obtain the covariance matrix for the
# first group
cov1 <- -1 * solve(hes1)
# the second group
data <- subset(cbind(sesamesim$sex,sesamesim$age,sesamesim$viewenc),
f[1] <- estimates[2] # the regression coefficient of girls
f[2] <- estimates[3] # the regression coefficient of age
# within the for loop below the log likelihood of the logistic
# regression model is computed using the data for the girls
logist2 <- function(x){
out <- 0
for (i in 1:ngroup[2]){
out <- out + data[i,3]*(x[1] + x[2]*data[i,2]) - log (1 +
exp(x[1] + x[2]*data[i,2]))
hes2 <- hessian(func=logist2, x=f)
# multiply with -1 and invert to obtain the covariance matrix
cov2 <- -1 * solve(hes2)
#make a list of covariance matrices
# set a seed value
# test hypotheses with bain. Note that there are multiple groups
# characterized by one adjusted group coefficient,
# therefore group_parameters=1. Note that there is one covariate,
# therefore, joint_parameters=1.
results <- bain(estimates, "boys < girls & age > 0", n=ngroup,
Sigma=covariance, group_parameters=1, joint_parameters = 1)
# display the results
# obtain the descriptives table
summary(results, ci = 0.95)
# load the bain package which includes the simulated sesamesim data set
# load the WRS2 package which renders the trimmed sample mean and
# corresponding standard error
# make a factor of variable site
sesamesim$site <- as.factor(sesamesim$site)
# create a vector containing the sample sizes of each group
# (in case of missing values in the variables used, the command
# below has to be modified such that only the cases without
# missing values are counted)
ngroup <- table(sesamesim$site)
# Compute the 20\% sample trimmed mean for each site
estimates <- c(mean(sesamesim$postnumb[sesamesim$site == 1], tr = 0.2),
mean(sesamesim$postnumb[sesamesim$site == 2], tr = 0.2),
mean(sesamesim$postnumb[sesamesim$site == 3], tr = 0.2),
mean(sesamesim$postnumb[sesamesim$site == 4], tr = 0.2),
mean(sesamesim$postnumb[sesamesim$site == 5], tr = 0.2))
# give names to the estimates
names(estimates) <- c("s1", "s2", "s3","s4","s5")
# display the estimates and their names
# Compute the sample trimmed mean standard error for each site
se <- c(trimse(sesamesim$postnumb[sesamesim$site == 1]),
trimse(sesamesim$postnumb[sesamesim$site == 2]),
trimse(sesamesim$postnumb[sesamesim$site == 3]),
trimse(sesamesim$postnumb[sesamesim$site == 4]),
trimse(sesamesim$postnumb[sesamesim$site == 5]))
# Square the standard errors to obtain the variances of the sample
# trimmed means
var <- se^2
# Store the variances in a list of matrices
covlist <- list(matrix(var[1]),matrix(var[2]),
matrix(var[3]),matrix(var[4]), matrix(var[5]))
# set a seed value
# test hypotheses with bain
results <- bain(estimates,"s1=s2=s3=s4=s5;s2>s5>s1>s3>s4",
n=ngroup,Sigma=covlist,group_parameters=1,joint_parameters= 0)
# display the results
# obtain the descriptives table
summary(results, ci = 0.95)
# load the bain package which includes the simulated sesamesim data set
# load the mice (multiple imputation of missing data), psych
# (provides access to the describe function), and MASS libraries -
# inspect the mice help file to obtain further information
# - also surf to to obtain
# further information and references for mice.
sesamesim <- cbind(sesamesim$prenumb,sesamesim$postnumb,sesamesim$funumb,sesamesim$peabody)
colnames(sesamesim) <- c("prenumb","postnumb","funumb","peabody")
sesamesim <-
# this examples is based on the prenumb, postnumb, funumb and peabody
# variables in the sesamesim data set. First of all, missing data are
# created in these four variables.
for (i in 1:240){
pmis1[i] <- .80
pmis2[i]<- .80
pmis3[i]<- .80
if (pmis1[i] < uni) {
if (pmis2[i] < uni) {
if (pmis3[i] < uni) {
# print data summaries - note that due to missing valus the n per variable is smaller than 240
# use mice to create 1000 imputed data matrices. Note that, the approach used below
# is only one manner in which mice can be instructed. Many other options are available.
M <- 1000
out <- mice(data = sesamesim, m = M, seed=999, meth=c("norm","norm","norm","norm"), diagnostics = FALSE, printFlag = FALSE)
# create matrices in which 1000 vectors with estimates can be stored and in which a covariance matrix can be stored
mulest <- matrix(0,nrow=1000,ncol=2)
covwithin <- matrix(0,nrow=2,ncol=2)
# execute 1000 multiple regressions using the imputed data matrices and store the estimates
# of only the regression coefficients of funumb on prenumb and postnumband and the average
# of the 1000 covariance matrices.
# See Hoijtink, Gu, Mulder, and Rosseel (2019) for an explanation of the latter.
for(i in 1:M) {
mulres <- lm(funumb~prenumb+postnumb,complete(out,i))
covwithin<-covwithin + 1/M * vcov(mulres)[2:3,2:3]
# Compute the average of the estimates and assign names, the between and total covariance matrix.
# See Hoijtink, Gu, Mulder, and Rosseel (2019) for an explanation.
estimates <- colMeans(mulest)
names(estimates) <- c("prenumb", "postnumb")
covbetween <- cov(mulest)
covariance <- covwithin + (1+1/M)*covbetween
# determine the sample size
samp <- nrow(sesamesim)
# compute the effective sample size
# See Hoijtink, Gu, Mulder, and Rosseel (2019) for an explanation.
lam <- (1+1/M)*(1/length(estimates))* sum(diag(covbetween %*% ginv(covariance)))
nu<- nuold*nuobs/(nuold+nuobs)
fracmis <- (nu+1)/(nu+3)*lam + 2/(nu+3)
# set the seed
# test hypotheses with bain
results <- bain(estimates,"prenumb=postnumb=0",n=neff,Sigma=covariance,group_parameters=2,joint_parameters = 0)
# display the results
# obtain the descriptives table
summary(results, ci = 0.95)
, so the user must manually extract the required information. See van Lissa et al. (unpublished) for further elaborations. First, we fit a structural equation model using lavaan
model1 <- 'A =~ Ab + Al + Af + An + Ar + Ac
B =~ Bb + Bl + Bf + Bn + Br + Bc'
fit1 <- sem(model1, data = sesamesim, = TRUE)
We want to specify the following hypotheses:
Next, we extract the required information from the lavaan
model object, in the order of the parameter table above:
# Extract standardized parameter estimates (argument x)
PE1 <- parameterEstimates(fit1, standardized = TRUE)
# Identify which parameter estimates are factor loadings
loadings <- which(PE1$op == "=~")
# Collect the standardized "std.all" factor loadings "=~"
estimates <- PE1$std.all[loadings]
# Assign names to the standardized factor loadings
names(estimates) <- c("Ab", "Al", "Af", "An", "Ar", "Ac",
"Bb", "Bl", "Bf", "Bn", "Br", "Bc")
# Extract sample size (argument n)
n <- nobs(fit1)
# Extract the standardized model parameter covariance matrix,
# selecting only the rows and columns for the loadings
covariance <- lavInspect(fit1, "vcov.std.all")[loadings, loadings]
# Give the covariance matrix the same names as the estimate
dimnames(covariance) <- list(names(estimates), names(estimates))
# Put the covariance matrix in a list
covariance <- list(covariance)
# Specify number of group parameters; this simply means that there
# are 12 parameters in the estimate.
group_parameters <- 12
# Then, the number of joint parameters. This is always 0 for evaluations of
# SEM hypotheses:
joint_parameters <- 0
Now, we can evaluate the hypotheses using bain.default()
res <- bain(x = estimates,
hypothesis = hypotheses,
n = n,
Sigma = covariance,
group_parameters = group_parameters,
joint_parameters = joint_parameters)
#> Bayesian informative hypothesis testing for an object of class numeric:
#> Fit Com BF.u BF.c PMPa PMPb
#> H1 0.878 0.009 92.612 753.784 1.000 0.989
#> Hu 0.011
#> Hypotheses:
#> H1: (Ab,Al,Af,An,Ar,Ac)>.6&(Bb,Bl,Bf,Bn,Br,Bc)>.6
#> Note: BF.u denotes the Bayes factor of the hypothesis at hand versus the unconstrained hypothesis Hu. BF.c denotes the Bayes factor of the hypothesis at hand versus its complement.
Finally, we print the results of the bain analysis and obtain the estimates and 95% central credibility intervals
sres <- summary(res, ci = 0.95)
#> Parameter n Estimate lb ub
#> 1 Ab 240 0.7104508 0.6433340 0.7775677
#> 2 Al 240 0.8114029 0.7632944 0.8595115
#> 3 Af 240 0.8370936 0.7941226 0.8800647
#> 4 An 240 0.9061333 0.8769727 0.9352938
#> 5 Ar 240 0.6980414 0.6287429 0.7673399
#> 6 Ac 240 0.8731170 0.8374249 0.9088091
#> 7 Bb 240 0.7658397 0.7076188 0.8240605
#> 8 Bl 240 0.6476698 0.5687998 0.7265397
#> 9 Bf 240 0.8101849 0.7604160 0.8599537
#> 10 Bn 240 0.8878987 0.8531156 0.9226818
#> 11 Br 240 0.7205677 0.6540778 0.7870576
#> 12 Bc 240 0.8282004 0.7819303 0.8744705