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A minimal set of predicates and assertions used by assertive, for package developers who want to include run-time testing features in their own packages. Most of the documentation is on the assertive page. End-users will usually want to use assertive directly.


To install the stable version, type:


To install the development version, you first need the devtools package.


Then you can install the assertive.base package using



There are six functions that accept (expressions resolving to) logical vectors, and return logical vectors:

is_true returns a logical vector that is TRUE when the input is TRUE (x & !

is_false returns a logical vector that is TRUE when the input is FALSE (!x & !

is_na returns a logical vector that is TRUE when the input is NA (a wrapper to

...and their negations:

is_not_true returns a logical vector that is TRUE when the input is FALSE or NA (x |

is_not_false returns a logical vector that is TRUE when the input is TRUE or NA (!x |

is_not_na returns a logical vector that is TRUE when the input is TRUE or FALSE (!

There are four functions that return single logical values:

is_identical_to_true returns TRUE is effectively identical(x, TRUE) (like isTRUE), but it lets you choose whether or not attributes are allowed on x.

is_identical_to_false and is_identical_to_na works similarly with FALSE and NA.

are_identical wraps base::identical, checking if two expressions return the same thing.


Predicates that return a vector have two corresponding assertions. For example, is_true has assert_all_are_true and assert_any_are_true.

Predicates returning a single logical value have one corresponding assertion. For example, is_identical_to_true has assert_is_identical_to_true.


use_first takes the first value of a vector, warning you if it one longer than length one.

coerce_to is a wrapper to as, changing an object's type with a warning.

get_name_in_parent gets the name of a variable in the parent environment (stopping you have to remember deparse(substitute()) arcana).

strip_attributes strips the attributes from an object.

merge_dots_with_list merges the contents of ... with a list argument, to allow users to pass arguments to your function in either form.

dont_stop runs code without stopping at errors, which is useful for demonstrating errors in examples.

parenthesise wraps a string in parentheses.

bapply is a wraps vapply, always returning a logical vector.