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Rebuild the vignettes prior to CRAN submission.
Add envir
argument to getFormulae.asreml and printFormulae.asreml to make them more robust to where the objects in the asreml.obj
have been defined.
Fix bug in getFormulae.asreml and printFormulae.asreml that occurs when formula(e) have been supplied to asreml in an object.
Change the Maintainer email address.
Add ellipsis to as.asrtests call within an rmboundary.asrtests call so that arguments in the calling routine are passed through.
Add a trap in recalcWaldTab.asrtests for a NULL
before dealing with denDF
so that recalcWaldTab.asrtests throws a warning rather than an error.
Modify recalcWaldTab.asrtests to deal with a Wald table that has Chi-square instead of F statistics (this happens when denDF = "none"
Increment version number for resubmission to CRAN.
Fix bug in changeTerms when both addFixed
and dropFixed
are NULL
Revisions to the manual.
Fix bug in forming test.summary.
Added the IClikelihood
argument to chooseModel.asrtests, reparamSigDevn.asrtests, rmboundary.asrtests, testranfix.asrtests, testresidual.asrtests, and testswapran.asrtests.
Fix bug in printFormulae when the formula is long.
Various bug fixes associated with asreml-R version 3.
Fix bug in processing a formula that includes an at
Removed the material.diff
argument and the both
option from the which.IC
argument of changeModelOnIC.
Change likelihood
in infoCriteria to IClikelihood
to make it consistent with other functions.
Replace tol.diff
with material.diff
and set the default to 0.5 in changeModelOnIC.
Revise all vignettes.
Add a new vignette for the use of information criteria with the wheat experiment.
Fixed bugs in changeModelOnIC associated with addFixed
and dropFixed
and with dealing with unconverged models.
This version represents a major revision in that the facilities for employing information criteria (AIC and BIC) have been considerabley expanded. The infoCriteria method has been modified to add the possibility of calculating not only the the information criteria based on the REML likelihood, but those based on the full likelihood instead. There are now two infoCriteria methods, one for asreml
objects and the other for list
s of asreml
objects. An alternative is to use changeTerms.asrtests wiith IClikelihood
set to REML
or full
and the information criteria will be included in the The test.summary
of the asrtest
object. A new function changeModelOnIC has been included to allow model selection to be based on the information criteria, rather than on hypothesis tests. However, the two methods of selecting models can be interweaved.
Add argument omit.columns
to print.test.summary that allows the specification of columns to be omitted from the printout.
Various modifications to the internal code for the handling of the test.summary
component of an asrtest.object
to allow more flexibility in the make up of test.summary
Add function iterate.asrtests to execute additional iterations of the fit stored in an asreml.obj
within an asrtests
object; the model itself cannot be changed.
Add functions getFormulae.asreml and printFormulae.asreml to extract and print the formula
e stored in the call
of an asreml
Add trace
argument to newfit.asreml and activated it for asreml-R version 4.
Made R >= 3.5.0 a requirement for asremlPlus.
Add function.
Modify linTransform.alldiffs so that submodels involving covariates are possible.
Add print.test.summary function
Split Ladybird vignette into two, one based on asreml and the other on lm, lmerTest and emmeans.
Modified newfit to circumvent problems in the test functions in dealing with terms that include the at
function and modified testranfix to improve its detection of multiple terms.
Correct date in DESCRIPTION for CRAN rsubmission.
Rebuild for CRAN submission.
Change default for subset
argument in subset.alldiffs so that the complete set of predictions is returned. Also, change check on the resulting classify so that it checks whether the variables in the classify uniquely index the predictions.
Include in renewClassify.alldiffs a check that the newclassify
uniquely indexes the predictions.
Add printPlot = FALSE
to both and plotPvalues.alldiffs. Change return for from nothing to the plot produced using ggplot.
Fix bug in check for predict.asreml returning sed and/or vcov when requested.
Add new functions facRecode.alldiffs and facRename.alldiffs.
Implement a check that predict.asreml has returned sed and/or vcov when requested.
Allow for calculation of notional LSDs when LSDs for a single observation are specified.
Removed restriction that overall LSD is always used when the range of the SEDs divided by the average of the SEDs is less than the avsed.tolerance
A bug in detecting valid objects was fixed.
Modify testranfix.asrtests, as.asrtests, recalcWaldTab.asrtests and chooseModel.asrtests to allow for p-values based on a conditional Wald F-statistic if one is present in the
Allow for 6-column
such as is obtained for ssType
set to "conditional"
Revise Wheat vignette to use qqplotr for Normal Probability Plots.
Revise test for tilde (~) in formula supplied to changeTerms so that only a leading tilde causes an error.
Rebuild for R 3.6.0.
Fix a bug in changeTerms.asrtests that reset the residual
model to the default when changing fixed or random terms.
Check for NULL
when setting its class
prior to storing it in an asrtests.object
Add function addBacktransforms.alldiffs.
Allow numerics, in addition to factors, in LSDby
argument of predictPlus.
Rename reorderClassify to renewClassify.
Fix a bug in retention of attributes of the alldiffs.object
in renewClassify.
Add transform.power
, offset
and scale
as attributes of the backtransforms
component of an alldiffs.object
Rework the storage of the backtransforms
component of an alldiffs.object
to ensure that it is retained when manipulating alldiffs.object
Build in R version 3.5.3.
Update the Author field of the DESCRIPTION to include an ORCID.
Allow backtransformed halfLSD intervals in the backtransforms
component of an alldiffs.object
Build in R version 3.5.2.
Update the license to remove blank line and resubmit to CRAN.
Build in R version 3.5.2.
Update the license to include 2019.
Add print.predictions.frame and as S3 methods to give more control over the printing of objects of class
and predictions.frame
Made sure that class
is associated with a
and classes asreml.predict and predictions.frame are associated with a predictions.frame
when these are produced by asreml.
Add colourise
argument to print.alldiffs so that the default is FALSE and it overrides the asreml.options
Use R.rsp to install vignettes so that hyperlinks are active.
Add colourise
argument to print.asrtests so that the default is FALSE and it overrides the asreml.options
Fix bug in infoCriteria.asreml when DF supplied. For both infoCriteria.asreml and REMLRT.asreml, calculate the bound terms and if appropriate give arning messages.
More vignettes changes, including adding manual to vignettes.
Fix accidental reordering of alldiffs
object when meanLSD.type
is factor combinatons
Make vignettes visible.
Modify estimateV in response to correction of corb naming in latest build.
Revise Wheat vignette and entry in asremlPlus-package documentation.
Add Ladybird predictions vignette.
Modify printing of
by print.asrtests to remove colouring because it causes problems with knitr.
Add a check to to warn when linear.transformation
is supplied.
Also remove zero LSDs when calculating overall LSD and sed.range.
Add a check to linTransform.alldiffs that factors in LSDby are in the submodel.
Add the Wheat example as a vignette.
Remove LSDs for which sed is effectively zero from the calculation of LSD statistics, provided not all are zero.
Fix bug in test of the range of SEDs against avsed.tolerance
when caclulating LSDs.
Add attributes meanLSD.type
and LSDby
to alldiffs
objects so that redoErrorIntervals.alldiffs can determine these attributes when its meanLSD.type
argument is not set.
Add function getTestPvalue.asrtests.
Minor documentation changes.
Add entries for predictions.frame
, alldiffs.object
and asrtests.object
and made changes to the documentation to provide links to these pages.
Defined classes alldiffs, asrtests and predictions.frame.
Added the functions is.alldiffs, validAlldiffs, is.asrtests, validAsrtests, is.predictions.frame and validPredictionsFrame for validating the objects.
Added tests for the validity of objects to methods functions.
Provided as.asrtests function, while retaining asrtests function as a pseudonym for as.asrtests. Added as.prediction.frame function.
Add examples for alldiffs
and data.frame
methods functions that use lme4 to show how to use asremlPlus with packages othere than asreml.
Correct predictPlus, plotPredictions and allDifferences.dat.frame to deal with a classify
equal to "(Intercept)"
Implement fix of R.param
and G.param
in supplied object for corb
in estimateV function.
Make documentation changes for asreml-R4.1.
Add Ladybird.dat data set.
Fix minor bugs in redoErrorIntervals.alldiffs.
Allow no Vmatrix
in linTransform.alldiffs when error.intervals
is none
and allow transformation of predicted.value
only when vcov component
of alldiffs
object is not available.
Allow no sed
in when not pairwise
Modify legend size and position in plotPvalues.alldiffs.
Add new function reorderClassify.alldiffs.
Add rmClassifyVars
to subset.alldiffs.
Rebuild under latest version of R 3.5.0 with requirement for R >= 3.1.0.
Fix bug in bootREMLRT.
Changes to make asremlPlus with the release version of asreml version 4.1.
Add new functions getASRemlVersionLoaded and loadASRemlVersion to facilitate handling of different versions of asreml.
Fixed bug in predictPlus that meant the denominator degrees of freedom could not be obtained from
when error.intervals
was set to "none"
or "StandardError"
Fixed bug in LSDby
option that meant the correct subsets were not being identified when the levels of one factor in the predictions are subset of another factor.
Add new function facCombine.alldiffs.
Fix minor bug in plotPvalues.alldiffs associated with factors.per.grid
when there ais more than one factor indexing the different grids.
Add new function facCombine.alldiffs.
Add factors.per.grid
plotPvalues.alldiffs to allow automatic calculation of grid spacing.
Add argument linear.transformation
to predictPresent.
Minor bug fix in print.alldiffs.
Add argument vcov
to and as.alldiffs and modify print.alldiffs, recalcLSD.alldiffs, sort.alldiffs and subset.alldiffs to process the vcov
component of an alldiffs
Add argument linear.transformation
to predictPlus to enable a linear transformation of the predictiions as specified by a matrix
or a model formula
Add function linTransform.alldiffs that effects a linear transformation of the predictions stored in an alldiffs
Fixed bug in backtransforming predictions in predictPlus when offset is nonzero and scale is not one.
Fix bug in gridline in plotPvalues whentriangles
is set to upper
or lower
Fix bug in reordering components of an alldiffs object.
Change license to MIT.
Modifications to checking of options for function arguments.
Add tip for installing asremlPlus from github.
Modifications to internals.
Fix bug in redoErrorIntervals.alldiffs to make sure status
or est.status
is the last column in the predictions
component of the alldiffs
Modifications to internals.
Add colours
argument to and to plotPvalues.alldiffs and add triangles
argument to plotPvalues.alldiffs. In, move legend.position
to bottom of plot and increase legend.width
to 2 cm. Also, remove panel.grid
from plot and enforce an aspect.ratio
of one.
Fix bug in subset.asreml that did not reduce the levels of the in the prediction component of an alldiffs
object to those remaining after subsetting.
Rebuild the package under the latest version of R.
Add code to that ensures that the order of the predictions, and associated compoenents are in standard order for the classify on which the predictions are based.
Add subset.alldiffs function.
Fix bug in REMLRT.asreml related to bound.exclusions with asreml3.
Build under the latest version of R.
Have modified testresidual.asrtests, testranfix.asrtests and testswapran.asrtests to fit the new random/residual model when the old random/residual model has not converged and allow.unconverged
is set to FALSE
. In such cases the value of p will be NA
. For these functions, when airthe the new or the old model has failed to converge, an indication of failure to converge will be added to the action
reported in test.summary
Modified meanLSD.type
argument in, predictPlus.asreml and predictPresent.asreml to include a factor.combinations
option that obtains the mean LSD for each combinaton of the levels
of one or more factors
Added functions recalcLSD.alldiffs and redoErrorIntervals.alldiffs to enable recalculations on alldiffs
(Added call to asreml.options with keep.order = TRUE
in newfit.asreml when asreml4 is loaded, because asreml4 requires it.)
Modified recalcWaldTab.asrtests to pass empty
when wald.asreml has failed.
Made minor changes to testresidual.asrtests to make clear the still use rcov
in asreml3.
Fixed bug in REMLRT.asreml and rmboundary.asrtests.
Fixed bugs in and plotPvalues.alldiffs.
Compiled with the latest version of R
Some internal recoding to replace calls to summary.asreml.
Added gridspacing
option to plotPvalues.alldiffs and so that a grid could be formed over groups of rows and columns“.
Added function sort.alldiffs to sort the components of an alldiffs
object according to the predicted values. Add arguments and a call to it to predictPlus.asreml, predictPresent.asreml and plotPvalues.alldiffs.
Added attributes sortFactor
and sortOrder
to an alldiffs
object so that this is accessible to users for use in other calls.
Added the oats split-plot design from Yates (1937).
Minor change to as.alldiffs to make sure that using standard.error
and est.status
rather than std.error
and status
in the predictions data.frame.
Added which.matrix
argument to estimateV so that could estimate the varaince, random or residual matrix.
Incorporate newresidual.asrtests into changeTerms.asrtests and added check for boundary and singular terms.
Added checkboundaryonly
argument to rmboundary.asrtest and all functions that call it so that could control removal of boundary and singular terms.
Incorporate newresidual.asrtests into changeTerms.asrtests and added check for boundary and singular terms.
Change full.asreml.obj and reduced.asreml.obj to h1.asreml.obj and h0.asreml.obj in REMLRT.asreml and reordered them.
Add function bootREMLRT.asreml and replace addrm.terms.asrtests with changeTerms.asrtests.
Make the default in variofaces.asreml for V
, in which case V is obtained using estimateV.asreml.
Fix bug in plotPvalues arising from asreml not always returning factors
in the predicted values.
Modify varofaces.asreml and simulate.asreml to perform the simulations and analysis of data sets using parallel processng.
Add recalcWaldTab to asrtests so that options for denominator degrees of freedom are taken into account whenever is recalculated.
Add arguments DF
and bound.exclusions
to REMLRT.asreml and infoCriteria.asreml to allow more control over how the DF are determined. The number of bound parameters was added to the data.frame produced by these methods. Also, the arguments bound.exclusions
were added to the methods testranfix.asrtests, testresidual.asrtests and testswapran.asrtests.
Added meanLSD.type
to, predictPlus.asreml and predictPresent.asreml to provide for an overall or per-prediction meanLSD. Allow avsed.tolerance
in predictPlus to be set to NA
which forces the calculation of LSDs for the overall mean LSD and set calculations of per-prediction LSDs whatever the value of codeavsed.tolerance. Changed to calculate the mean SED to be used for an LSD as the square root of the mean(s) of the variances of pairwise differences.
Added functions and plotPvalues.alldiffs to plot heat maps of p-values for pairwise differences between predictions.
Added function estimateV.asreml to form the estimated variance matrix for the observations. However, this function is not available in ASReml-R version 3.
The asremlPlus version 4.x package represents a major revamp of asremlPlus to make it compatible with ASReml-R version 4 and, at the same time, to make the functions that operate on asreml
, asrtests
and alldiffs
objects into S3 methods for these S3 objects. This means that
The function names have been modified so that the only period (‘.’) in the name is that before the object type for which the function is a method;
The object part of the function name is no longer needed when calling the function;
The arguments had to be reordered for some functions so that the argument for the object for which it is a method is the first argument; this may cause problems if matching of arguments by position has been used in calling functions;
The names of some arguments have been changed because of changes in ASReml-R version 4; for example, rcov
has been changed to residual
The full set of changes to function names is detailed in the asremlPlus manual and can be accessed using ?`asremlPlus-deprecated`
In spite of th changes, the new version still works with ASReml-R version 3, although with changes. A particularly problematic change for version 3 is that testrcov.asrtests becomes testresidual.asrtests even though rcov
is still used in calls to asreml
Version 3 of asremlPlus was skipped in order to line up the version numbers of asreml and asremlPlus.
Add argument allow.unconverged
in addrm.terms.asrtests, choose.model.asrtests, newfit.asreml, newrcov.asrtests, sig.devn.reparam.asrtests, testranfix.asreml, testrcov.asrtests, testswapran.asrtests. It allows control over whether an unconverged analysis is to be abandoned.
Rebuild under R 3.4.0.
Added check that
is a four-column data.frame to predictionplot.asreml and pred.present.asreml.
Added ggplotFuncs
argument to predictionplot.asreml and pred.present.asreml.
Added bound.test.parameters
to reml.lrt.asreml, choose.model.asartests, testranfix.asrtests, testrcov.asrtests. testwapran.asrtests.
Revised some documentation.
Fixed a minor bug in rmboundary.asrtests.
Fixed some minor bugs in testswapran.asrtests.
Fixed some minor bugs.
Added WaterRunoff.dat data set and modified examples based on this data set so that the examples would run.
Fixed some minor bugs.
Added means argument to variofaces.asreml.
Modifications to predictionplot.asreml and pred.present.asreml as a result of changes made to ggplot2 version 1.0.1.
Added label argument to addrm.terms.asrtests.
Added new function newrcov.asrtests.
Added graphics.device argument to variofaces.asreml and changed default for this argument
in pred.present.asreml and predictionplot.asreml.
The following functions were deprecated and replaced with functions that have the suffix asrtests instead of asreml, to signify that they operate on asrtests objects: addrm.terms.asreml, choose.model.asreml,, rmboundary.asreml, sig.devn.reparam.asreml, testranfix.asreml, testrcov.asreml and testswapran.asreml.
The following functions were deprecated info.crit and reml.lrt; they are replaced by info.crit.asreml and reml.lrt.asreml, repsectively.
NEWS and documentation of deprecated functions added.
First version placed on CRAN.