, get horizon designations from a SPChzdesgnname()
and hztexclname()
get/set column containing horizon designations and texture classesglom()
enhancement for large SoilProfileCollection
objects (https://github.com/ncss-tech/aqp/issues/112)profileApply()
argument for data.frame
output (https://github.com/ncss-tech/aqp/issues/111)checkHzDepthLogic()
replaces test_hz_logic()
and colorQuantiles()
now uses the CIE2000 distance metric for color comparisoncolorQuantiles
until farver
2.0.2 is available on CRANSoilProfileCollection
object gains new slot: @restrictions
, fix old objects with rebuildSPC()
gets new argument for relative vs. absolute evalulation of missing datahorizonColorIndices()
, harden.rubification()
, harden.melanization()
, thompson.bell.darkness()
and associated functions in soilColorIndices.Rrowley2019
(hdquantile), loading aqp
is now much faster
now uses stats::quantile()
as the default slab functionslab()
can be activated via argument: slab.fun = aqp:::.slab.fun.numeric.HD
gets a argument for passing additional arguments to grep()
, e.g. perl=TRUE
can now accept a vector of colors, as many as number of horizonsjacobs2000
, pending documentationaggregateColor()
faster and more accuracte, using delta-E00 for quantized colors c/o {farver} (see https://github.com/ncss-tech/aqp/issues/98)contrastChart()
and soilPalette()
gains a new argument for relative positioning: relative.posfixOverlap()
, see manual page for examplesexplainPlotSPC()
, addDiagnosticBracket()
, and addVolumeFraction()
updated accordinglyplotSPC()
will now attempt to create multi-row legends when using a factor > n.legend levelsplotSPC()
will now generate > 10 colors for legends associated with a factor (https://github.com/ncss-tech/aqp/issues/9)munsell2rgb()
will now return CIE LAB coordinates if requested (https://github.com/ncss-tech/aqp/issues/69)aggregateColor()
gets a new feature, similar colors can be grouped via cluster::pam()previewColors()
, colorQuantiles()
, plotColorQuantiles()
, edit top/bottom names after SPC initprofile_id()<-
, edit profile IDs after init; be careful!hzID()
and hzID()<-
, get/set unique horizon IDshzidname()
and hzidname()<-
, get/set column containing unique horizon IDsrbind.SoilProfileCollection()
has been deprecated in favor of union()
, gains new functionality: https://github.com/ncss-tech/aqp/issues/71horizonNames()<-
from SPC tutorial to aqp::explainPlotSPC()
is a little better at estimating “extra” vetical / horizontal space, still needs work (https://github.com/ncss-tech/aqp/issues/62)plotSPC()
gets a new argument, n.legend
: approximate number of classesaggregateColor()
for cases when horizon depths are missing or top/bottom logic flippedaddVolumeFraction()
when fragment volume > 100%addDiagnosticBracket()
allowing for specification of column containing diagnostic feature kindaddBracket()
now requires a data.frame with plotting details, see manual pageshannonEntropy()
, confusionIndex()
, and brierScore()
for horizon names that start with number or punctuationget.ml.hz()
now uses internal aqp functions for Shannon entropy and Brier scoresmissingDataGrid()
relaxing slice()
with strict=FALSE
look-up tableplotSPC()
now able to deal with missing horizon data (thanks Stephen R.)rgb2munsell()
now uses CIELAB colorspace for lookup, results are more accurate as compared to using sRGB colorspacetexture.triangle.low.rv.high()
renamed to textureTriangleSummary()
. The old name still works, but a message is issuedrbind
with some common soil mineral colors source: http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/detail/soils/edu/?cid=nrcs142p2_054286getClosestMunsellChip()
) based on http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0016706111001972munsell2rgb()
can now accommodate neutral hues (N), and values of “2.5”, see manual page for detailssoilColorSignature()
, see manual pageparseMunsell()
for converting strings of ‘10YR 2/2’ into R colors or RGB triplets
on parsed strings of full Munsell notationprofile_compare()
, getting ready for a complete overhaul to this functionevalMissingData()
, see manual pagegenhzTableToAdjMat
, hzTransitionProbabilities
related to object re-ordering
and site(x)[[idname(x)]])
would not matchgroupedProfilePlot()
gains some new arguments and better documentation (see manual page)plot.SoilProfileCollection
gains argument: default.color
(see manual page)munsell2rgb()
and associated helper function sharpshootR::aggregateColorPlot()
R CMD check --as-cran
manual pagedigest::digest
is now imported by defaultSoilProfileCollection
: allows for plotting of multiple SPC objects within the same figure, see examplesplot.depth.axis
: enable / disable depth axis, useful for multi-collection plotsprofileGroupLabels
: simple annotation for groups of profiles within a profile sketch, see manual page for examplesplotMultipleSPC
: plot several SPC objects on the same axis, see manual page for examplesaddBrackets()
, panel.depth_function()
, and plotSPC()
allow for annotation of bracketslabel
, used to set site-level attribute containing profile labelssite(SCP) <- d
now tries to merge data from SPC@site with ‘d’ via left join
argument to many functions, to gracefully account for bad horizon data
new functions for getting data out of PedonPC (MS Access) databases [windows only for now]
implemented in mix_and_clean_colors()
test_hz_logic() : basic function for testing horizon logic, returns TRUE/FALSE by ID
parallel operations now NON-functional, while we wait for plyr to support doSMP…
new ID plotting style for profile_plot() : handy when plotting large collections and/or long IDs
: get map unit geometry by bounding boxMUKEYS_by_ll_bbox()
: get map unit keys by bounding boxSDA_query()
: retrieve soil tabular data via query written in SQLplotSPC
now calculates slice-wise dissimilarity matrices in 1/3 the time (thanks llply!)