You should use this package for producing tide tables from past data.
Import your data set first and transform it to a readable form. See attached data ‘observation’ for an example data frame.
observation[1:10, ]
#> observation_date observation_time high_or_low_water height
#> 1 1991/01/01 00:45:40 1 6.727
#> 2 1991/01/01 07:44:40 0 4.337
#> 3 1991/01/01 13:15:29 1 7.265
#> 4 1991/01/01 20:16:40 0 3.667
#> 5 1991/01/02 01:17:48 1 6.528
#> 6 1991/01/02 08:23:44 0 3.037
#> 7 1991/01/02 14:24:03 1 6.481
#> 8 1991/01/02 20:42:28 0 4.015
#> 9 1991/01/03 02:38:25 1 7.964
#> 10 1991/01/03 09:45:11 0 4.302
#> observation_date observation_time high_or_low_water height
#> "character" "character" "integer" "double"
You can now use your data as input for the function ‘TideTable’. Setting the periods for analyzing and synthesizing and wait for the table to be produced.
mytidetable<-TideTable(dataInput = observation, asdate = observation$observation_date[1], astime ="00:00:00", aedate= "1991/05/01", aetime = "00:00:00", ssdate = "2010/01/01", sstime = "00:00:00", sedate = "2011/01/01", setime = "00:00:00")