Introducing the argument ‘’ in the function ‘tca’ for allowing source-specific covariates ‘C1’ to affect only a user-defined subset of the sources.
Now allowing to provide ‘tau’ as an input to the ‘tca’ function.
Switched the FDR method used in ‘tcareg’ from “BH” to “BY”.
Added a ‘verbose’ argument to all functions.
Bug fixes:
Added glmnet as a required dependency to the description file.
Fixed a formatting error in ‘tcareg’ in some cases where both ‘C1’ and ‘C3’ were used.
Fixed a problem in ‘tca’ in cases where ‘refit_W=TRUE’, ‘C1=NULL’, ‘C2=NULL’.
Fixed logging issue in cases where ‘debug=TRUE’, ‘refit_W=TRUE’.
Fixed a bug in the calculation of the returned value of ‘tensor’ in cases where ‘C2’ were provided.