NEWS | R Documentation |
The package that was written by Robert E. Wheeler
has been orphaned since 2013. It was scheduled for
archival by the CRAN team, as the package lacked of an
active maintenance and SuppDists v1.1-9.4 had
three issues acording to CRAN CHECK,
namely no calls to: ‘R_registerRoutines’,
‘R_useDynamicSymbols’, an explicit
self-assignment of the value of variable of type
‘double’ to itself and memory leaks due to
uninitialised variables that were detected by valgrind
Initial writing of init.cpp
with calls to
Change the .C(...)
calls in R from
to symbols.
Fix of self-assignment.
The two RNG functions rziggurat
were defunct.
Explicit exporting of R functions in NAMESPACE.
Update of DESCRIPTION file.
Orphant email
in author
sections of
Rd files were removed.