SuperpixelImageSegmentation 1.0.2
- I’ve added the return_labels_2_dimensionsional parameter to the spixel_segmentation R6 Method, so that if TRUE then the 2-dimensional (matrix) superpixel labels will be returned
- I’ve added the spixel_clusters_show method to visualize the superpixel clusters in case the return_labels_2_dimensionsional parameter is set to TRUE
SuperpixelImageSegmentation 1.0.1
- I’ve added an error case if the kmeans_initializer parameter is not one of ‘kmeans++’, ‘random’, ‘optimal_init’ or ‘quantile_init’
SuperpixelImageSegmentation 1.0.0
- The spixel_segmentation method allows also the user to return the kmeans clusters too (in case that the kmeans_method is set to “kmeans” or “mini_batch_kmeans”)