To cite StereoMorph in a publication use:
Olsen A, Westneat M (2015). “StereoMorph: an R package for the collection of 3D landmarks and curves using a stereo camera set-up.” Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 6, 351-356.
Olsen A, Haber A (2017). StereoMorph: Stereo Camera Calibration and Reconstruction. version 1.6.1.
Corresponding BibTeX entries:
@Article{, title = {StereoMorph: an R package for the collection of 3D landmarks and curves using a stereo camera set-up}, author = {AM Olsen and MW Westneat}, journal = {Methods in Ecology and Evolution}, year = {2015}, volume = {6}, pages = {351-356}, }
@Manual{, title = {{StereoMorph}: Stereo Camera Calibration and Reconstruction}, author = {Aaron Olsen and Annat Haber}, note = {version 1.6.1}, year = {2017}, }