For showing regression SSLR
models, we will use Airquality dataset with 10% labeled data:
data <- airquality
#Train and test data
train.index <- sample(nrow(data), round(0.7 * nrow(data)))
train <- data[ train.index,]
test <- data[-train.index,]
cls <- which(colnames(wine) == "Ozone")
labeled.index <- sample(nrow(train), round(0.1 * nrow(train)))
train[-labeled.index,cls] <- NA
For example, we can train with Decision Tree:
m <- SSLRDecisionTree(min_samples_split = round(length(labeled.index) * 0.25),
w = 0.3) %>% fit(Ozone ~ ., data = train)
Now we can use metrics from yardstick
bind_cols(test) %>%
metrics(truth = "Ozone", estimate = .pred)
#> # A tibble: 3 x 3
#> .metric .estimator .estimate
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 rmse standard 26.9
#> 2 rsq standard 0.562
#> 3 mae standard 16.8
For example, we can train with coBC: