SDraw 2.1.13 (Published: 2020-07-03)
Changes: * Added ‘xz’ compression of .RDA data frames
SDraw 2.1.12 (Published: 2020-06-30)
Changes: * Bug fix in test_that code. Version 2.1.11 failed on Linux systems after change in GEOS package. New version resolves: 1. Failure: bas.point() operates appropriately (@test-bas.point.R#19) testSamp <- bas.point(spdf, 20) produced warnings.
SDraw 2.1.11 (Published: 2020-03-31)
- Resolved ‘stringsAsFactors’ issue
SDraw 2.1.10 (Unpublished: 2020-03-27)
- Fixed time-out of grts.line and grts.polygon examples.
- Updated .yml file
- Bug fix in voronoi.polygons
- Updated link in WY documentation
SDraw 2.1.9 (Unpublished: 2019-02-20; commit 31c270)
- Stefan Emmons added many unit tests
- Added Stefan Emmons to author string
- Bug fixes
- Added bounding box arg to voronoi.polygons
SDraw 2.1.8 (Released: 2019-03-07)
- Fixed DOI references in DESCRIPTION
SDraw 2.1.7 (Unpublished: 2019-03-05; commit 870e7e08fa)
- Added references to DESCRIPTION
- Fixed author field in DESCRIPTION
SDraw 2.1.6 (Unpublished: 2019-03-05)
- Fixed uncompressed data issue.
SDraw 2.1.5 (Unpublished: 2019-03-04)
- Added Halton Iterative Partitioning (HIP) sampling capability