
####New version Date release: 16/12/2019

###Statistical functions

  1. Improved (by speed, correctness or options)
Function What’s new!

  1. New

| Function | What’s new! | | gammareg | Gamma regression | | gammaregs | Many gamma regressions | | cor_test | Hypothesis testing for the correlation coefficient | | cor_test | Hypothesis testing for the correlation coefficient | | hcf.circaov | ANOVA for circular data | | het.circaov | ANOVA for circular data | | lr.circaov | ANOVA for circular data | | multivm.mle | Fitting many von Mises distributions | | multispml.mle | Fitting many von SPML distributions | | depth.mahala | Mahalanobis depth | | perm.ttest2 | Permutation based 2 sample t-test | | lm.parboot | Parametric bootstrap for linear models | | weibull.nb | Weibull Naive Bayes (NB) classifier | | weibullnb.pred | Prediction using Weibull NB classifier | | normlog.nb | Gaussian(log-link) NB classifier | | normlognb.pred | Prediction using Gaussian(log-link) NB classifier | | laplace.nb | Laplace NB classifier | | laplacenb.pred | Prediction using Laplace NB classifier | | vm.nb | von Mises NB classifier | | vmnb.pred | Prediction using von Mises NB classifier | | spml.nb | SPML NB classifier | | spml.pred | Prediction using SPML NB classifier |

###Utility functions

  1. Improved (by speed, correctness or options)
Function What’s new!

  1. New
Function What’s new!

####Version Date release: 28/07/2019

###Statistical functions

  1. Improved (by speed, correctness or options)
Function What’s new!
bic.regs Addition SPML and Weibull regression
pc.sel Time improvement
welch.tests Time improevement

  1. New
Function What’s new!
cls Constrained least squares regression
cluster.lm Linear regression with clustered data
colborel.mle Column-wise MLE of the Borel distribution
collogitnorm.mle Column-wise MLE of the logistic normal distribution
collognorm.mle Column-wise MLE of the log-normal distribution
cospml.mle Column-wise MLE of the SPML distribution
empirical.entropy Empirical entropy estimation with continuous data
fbed.reg FBED variable selection algorithm
gumbel.reg Gumbel regression
moranI Moran’s I measure of spatial autocorrelation
multinom.reg Multinomial regression
negbin.reg Negative binomial regression
pca Principal component analysis
refmeta Random effects meta-analysis estimation
simplex.mle MLE of the simplex distribution
weib.regs Many simple weibull regressions
ztp.reg zero truncated Poisson regression
mmpc2 MMPC variable selection algorithm

###Utility functions

  1. Improved (by speed, correctness or options)
Function What’s new!

  1. New
Function What’s new!
is.skew.symmetric Checking if the given matrix is skew-symmetric.

####Version 0.03 Date release: 08/05/2019

###Statistical functions

  1. Improved (by speed, correctness or options)
Function What’s new!

  1. New
Function What’s new!

###Utility functions

  1. Improved (by speed, correctness or options)
Function What’s new!
benchmark fix a bug in printing names.

  1. New
Function What’s new!

####Version 0.0.2 Date release: 08/05/2019

###Statistical functions

  1. Improved (by speed, correctness or options)
Function What’s new!

  1. New
Function What’s new!
gee.reg Gereneralised estimating equations Gaussian regression
halfcauchy.mle MLE of the half Cauchy distribution
kumar.mle MLE of the Kumaraswamy distribution
powerlaw.mle MLE of the power law distribution
reg.mle.lda Regularised maximum likleihood linear discriminant analysis
walter.ci Confidence interval for the relative risk using Walter’s method
welch.tests Many Welch t-tests

###Utility functions

  1. Improved (by speed, correctness or options)
Function What’s new!

  1. New
Function What’s new!

####Version 0.0.1 Date release: 19/03/2019

###Statistical functions

  1. Improved (by speed, correctness or options)
Function What’s new!

  1. New
Function What’s new!
add.term Add many single terms to a model.
bic.regs BIC of many univariate regressions.
censpois.mle MLE of the left censored Poisson distribution.
cesweibull.mle MLE of the censored Weibull distribution.
circ.cor1 Circurlar correlations between two circular variables.
circ.cors1 Circurlar correlations between a circular and many circular variables.
colmeansvars Column-wise means and variances of a matrix.
covar Covariance betweeen a vector and a matrix.
diffic Difficulty of items (psychometric theory).
discrim Discrimination of items (psychometric theory).
gammapois.mle MLE of the gamma-Poisson distribution.
km Kaplan-Meier estimate of a survival function.
logiquant.regs Many simple quantile regressions using logistic regressions.
mle.lda Maximum likelihood linear discriminant analysis.
pc.sel Variable selection using the PC-simple algorithm.
pooled.colVars Column-wise pooled variances across groups.
purka.mle MLE of the Purkayastha distribution.
sp.logiregs Many approximate simple logistic regressionss.
trunccauchy.mle MLE of the truncated Cauchy distribution.
truncexpmle MLE of the truncated exponential distribution.
wald.poisrat Wald confidence interval for the ratio of two Poisson variables.
col.waldpoisrat Column-wise Wald confidence interval for the ratio of two Poisson variables.
welch.tests Many Welch tests.
zigamma.mle MLE of the zero inflated Gamma distribution.
ziweibull.mle MLE of the zero inflated Weibull distribution.
zil.mle MLE of the zero inflated logistic normal distribution.

###Utility functions

  1. Improved (by speed, correctness or options)
Function What’s new!

  1. New
Function What’s new!
Intersect Intersect as R’s.
is.lower.tri Check if a matrix is lower triangular.
is.upper.tri Check if a matrix is upper triangular.
lud Split a matrix to a lower,upper matrix and diagonal vector.
Merge Merge 2 sorted vectors to a sorted vector.
benchmark Measure code’s execution time.
colGroup Apply Rfast’s gorup function to each column with some restrictions.
Quantile Quantile(s) of a vector.
colQuantile Column-wise quantile(s) of a matrix.
rowQuantile Row-wise quantile(s) of a matrix.
trim.mean Trimmed mean of a vector.
colTrimMean Column-wise trimmed mean of a matrix.
rowTrimMean Row-wise trimmed mean of a matrix.