Rcplex: R Interface to CPLEX

R interface to CPLEX solvers for linear, quadratic, and (linear and quadratic) mixed integer programs. Support for quadratically constrained programming is available. See the file "INSTALL" for details on how to install the Rcplex package in Linux/Unix-like and Windows systems. Support for sparse matrices is provided by an S3-style class "simple_triplet_matrix" from package slam and by objects from the Matrix package class hierarchy.

Version: 0.3-3
Depends: R (≥ 2.6.0), slam
Imports: methods
Enhances: Matrix
Published: 2016-06-12
Author: Hector Corrada Bravo [aut], Kurt Hornik [ctb], Stefan Theussl [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Stefan Theussl <Stefan.Theussl at R-project.org>
License: LGPL-2 | LGPL-2.1 | LGPL-3 [expanded from: LGPL (≥ 2.0)]
URL: http://R-Forge.R-project.org/projects/rcplex
NeedsCompilation: yes
SystemRequirements: IBM ILOG CPLEX libraries and headers
In views: Optimization
CRAN checks: Rcplex results


Reference manual: Rcplex.pdf
Package source: Rcplex_0.3-3.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel: not available, r-release: not available, r-oldrel: not available
macOS binaries: r-release: not available, r-oldrel: not available
Old sources: Rcplex archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse imports: ROI.plugin.cplex
Reverse suggests: CVXR, otinference
Reverse enhances: designmatch, relations, sbw


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