RXMCDA: Functions to Parse and Create XMCDA Files

Functions which allow to read many XMCDA tags and transform them into R variables which are then usable in MCDA algorithms written in R. It also allows to write certain R variables into XML files respecting the XMCDA standard.

Version: 1.5.5
Depends: XML
Imports: kappalab
Published: 2015-12-11
Author: Patrick Meyer and Sebastien Bigaret, with contributions from Krzysztof Ciomek.
Maintainer: Patrick Meyer <patrick.meyer at telecom-bretagne.eu>
License: CeCILL-2
URL: https://github.com/paterijk/RXMCDA
NeedsCompilation: no
Materials: README
CRAN checks: RXMCDA results


Reference manual: RXMCDA.pdf
Package source: RXMCDA_1.5.5.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel: RXMCDA_1.5.5.zip, r-release: RXMCDA_1.5.5.zip, r-oldrel: RXMCDA_1.5.5.zip
macOS binaries: r-release: RXMCDA_1.5.5.tgz, r-oldrel: RXMCDA_1.5.5.tgz
Old sources: RXMCDA archive


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