Historical forward curves charting.
Calendars and expiry dates data objects for a wide range of commodity futures contracts.
Function to adjust continuous contracts returns for roll adjustments using expiries above.
Morningstar Marketplace API functions getPrice()
and getPrices()
using your own Morningstar credentials. Current feeds included:
for up to date selection and examples.chart_zscore()
supports seasonality adjusted analysis of residuals, particularly useful when dealing with commodity stocks and/or days demand time series with trends as well as non-constant variance across seasonal periods.
Accessible via data(datsetname)
: Historical and forward futures contract metadata.holidaysOil
: Holiday calendars for ICE and NYMEX.tickers_eia
: Mapping of EIA tickers to crude and refined products markets for building supply demand balances.usSwapIRDef
: Data frame of definitions for instruments to build a curve for use with RQuantlib
. Use getIRswapCurve()
to extract the latest data from FRED
and Morningstar
: Sample data set output of getIRswapCurve
: Sample data set output of RQuantlib::DiscountCurve()
contains historical Canadian crude assays by batch from Crudemonitor. cancrudeassayssum
is a summarised average assays version.crudeassaysXOM
for all publicly available complete assays in Excel format from ExxonMobilcrudeassaysBP
for all publicly available complete assays in Excel format from BPeiaStocks
: Sample data set of EIA.gov stocks for key commodiities.eiaStorageCap
: EIA crude storage capacity by PADD.dflong
and dfwide
contain continuous futures prices sample data sets for Nymex (CL, HO, RB and NG contracts) and ICE Brent.crudepipelines
and refineries
contain GIS information in the North American crude space.twtrump
and twoott
are historical tweets toy data sets from @realDonaldTrump and #OOTT for learning NLP.A python wrapper for some functions is available at https://github.com/bbcho/pyRTL
Latest Package devtools::install_github("risktoollib/RTL")
CRAN Stable install.packages("RTL")
Usernames and password for API services are required.