1.3.1 called cran2-fix
options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
R CMD check
I set options(stringsAsFactor=FALSE)
near beginning of each plotting function (3 functions) using data.frame()
and levels()
to convert strings to factor levelsstringsAsFactor=TRUE
in each call to data.frame()
where necessary.R CMD check
and tests
from cran2
and checked on all platformsdevelopment
branch while using GitHub
; decided to do Git
not working?DfReadDataFile()
is usedDfReadDataFile()
to allow for split plot datasets completed.newExcelFileFormat = TRUE
as otherwise the code defaults to the old Excel format.TruthTableStr
is created in checkTruthTable()
which is used in subsequent read NL and LL worksheets.dataset03
which had -Inf
s for 1-ratings; need to check other ROC data files.DfReadDataFile()
line 88 msTC <- msTC * J/((I - 1) * (Ktemp - 1))
has been correctedtest-StSignificance-testing.R
at line 128PlotEmpiricalOperatingCharacteristics()
now accepts ROC, FROC and LROC datasets.legend.position
argument to allow better positioning of legend.Ch19Vig1FrocSampleSize.Rmd
: Compares FROC power to ROC power.Ch19Vig2FrocSampleSize.Rmd
: FROC power calculation for a number of situations.SsFrocNhRsmModel()
: constructs an RSM-based model, which allows one to relate an ROC effect size to a wAFROC effect size, and returns parameters of model to allow FOM estimation for ROC and wAFROC. Following functions are used to calculate the lesion distribution and lesion weights arrays:UtilLesionDistribution
: renamed to UtilLesionDistr
: corrects errors affecting method = "ORH"
and covEstMethod = "Jackknife"
. I messed up while trying to simplify XZ code. It calls:JAFROC
on virtual Windows 8 machine and saved results (inst/VarCompDiscrepancy/includedFrocData_Inferred_ROC.txt) to validate current significance testing functions. Included unit tests in tests/testthat
) to compare against current significance testing code. Included unit tests in tests/testthat
: interpolation error in LROC PCL and ALROC FOMs. Hand calculations showed that the approx
function did not work for small datasets. Wrote my own simple interpolation code. See LrocFoms()
in gpfMyFOM.R
. See ChkLrocFoms.xlsx in inst/StSigTesting
for details on hand calculation of LROC FOMs.FPFValue
, 0.2 or less.FPFValue
to accommodate LROC datasets.StSignificanceTestingCadVsRadiologists()
: CAD results updated (only values for FPFValue
0.2 or less were affected); see CadFunctionTests.R
in inst/CadTesting
. See CadTestingNicoData.xlsx in inst/CadTesting
. Included unit tests in tests/testthat
: cleaned up and now runs all FOMs.SimulateLrocDataset()
: FROC to LROC simulator based on RSM. Could be used for NH testing. RSM can now predict all paradigm data.DfFroc2Lroc
(): Simulates an “AUC-equivalent” LROC dataset from an FROC dataset. This is neat!DfLroc2Froc
(): Simulates an “AUC-equivalent” FROC dataset from an LROC dataset.DfLroc2Roc
(): convert LROC dataset to ROC dataset.dataset2ratings()
has been corrected.SignificanceTesting
functions now accept variance components, without having to specify a dataset.UtilVarComponentsDBM()
argument immediately follows FOM
, where applicable.StSignificanceTestingSingleFixedFactor
routine in StSignificanceTestingCadVsRadiologists
has been renamed to CadVsRadPlots()
. It should be deprecated in future as PlotRsmOperatingCharacteristics()
has more consistent visual output (and capabilities like handling lists of treatments and readers).isValidFom
predict both flattening out of LROC plot and wAFROC going to (1,1)?RJafroc
(note capitalization)Solaris
failure (Peter Philips)UtilPseudoValues.R
that was caught by testthat
that was caught by testthat
(Peter Philips)R CMD check
generates testthat
failure when run under RStudio
, see following output, but not when run as devtools::test()
:* checking tests ...
Running ‘testthat.R’ [158s/160s]
Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed.
Last 13 lines of output:
Component "Source": Attributes: < Component "levels": 3 string mismatches >
List member = 2, Dataset = dataset02, FOM = Wilcoxon, method = DBMH
── 2. Failure: SignificanceTestingAllCombinations (@test-significance-te
CurrentValues[[listMem]] not equal to GoodValues[[listMem]].
Component "Source": Attributes: < Component "levels": 3 string mismatches >
List member = 2, Dataset = dataset05, FOM = HrAuc, method = DBMH
testing after each push; and build passing badges, etc.caTools
package, which was not being supported; extracted function trapz()
from it and inserted directly into gpfMyFOM.R
- see comments in that file of what led to thisxlsx
package, which requires rJava
and JAVA
, replaced with dependence on openxlsx
package. Was having difficulty installing rJava
correctly after each OSX
or R
that was preventing overwriting of existing output file, even when the user keys “y” in response to promptCORCBM
, fitting and related functions to make package current with 2017 CORCBM publication.PlotEmpiricalCharacteristics.R
that was giving incorrect plots for other than ROC
and wAFROC
function, replacing 3 functionsgenericPlotROC.R
instead of 3 functionsExampleCompare3ProperRocFits()
to Compare3ProperRocFits()
and QuickStartDBMHExcelOutput
yields character(0)
: FROC power is implemented in Online Appendix Chapter 19 (see email exchange with Kota Aoyagi)A “shiny” based GUI has been added, accessed by the function RJafrocGui()
. This allows a user only interested in analyzing a data file to access the underlying code in a “user friendly” way. The GUI is similar in functionality to that of Windows JAFROC 4.2.1 software.
For the curve plotting functions, legend position and direction are automatically decided if they are not explicityly specified.
The the output number of significant digits for statistical power in power table has been set to 3.
Variance and covariance calculation error for ROI data has been fixed.
A bug in the JAFROC data reading function that caused an error when encountering non-numeric values has been fixed.
Floating point ratings are rounded to 6 significant digits when saving a dataset in JAFROC format.
A bug in the plotting routine that affected plots for a single rating FROC dataset has been fixed.
A bug in the plotting of AFROC curves for a dataset containing only non-diseased cases has been fixed.