NEWS | R Documentation |
Updated data
Fixed fetch_by
a query metadata handling
Fixed fetch_by
when sampled data occured
Fixed fetch_by
when empty pages occured
Added tabl_df
class for the data frames output
Updated the API documentation
Updated data
Fixed samplingLevel
param name in the get_ga()
and get_mcf()
Fixed fetch_by
when sampled data occured
Changed the minimal R version to 3.2.0
Fixed the documentation returns items names
Fixed links in the authorize()
related docs
Fixed issues related with the httr 1.1.0 update
Updated required minimal httr version to 1.1.0
rmarkdown package added as suggested dependencies
All the names of the parameters are converted to camelCase to match the documentation
Added new token
param to the authorize
function to set an existing valid access token
Fixed a nested data frames produced by the Management API list methods
Updated documentation
Some inner code improvements
Updated data
Fixed row.names
attribute when used
param renamed to reauth
in the authorize()
option to set
param in the Reporting API functions
Added startup message with a warning about using predefined credentials
Updated instructions for obtaining an OAuth credentials
To handle dates used lubridate package
To merge paginated data used plyr package
Improved pagination requests. Now allowed any positive integer in the max.results
renamed to list_custom_data_sources()
param renamed to
in the get_custom_dimension()
param renamed to
in the get_custom_metric()
Imprvoed handling an error messages
not defined, First found profile used on this account
Added rga.retry.attempts
(default value is 5L
) option to control number of the request retry attempts
Added rga.pagination
(default values is TRUE
) option to switch the batch processing mode
Some inner code improvements
Updated data
Removed ‘Common Queries’ vegnette. See references in the get_ga()
help page
Added (returned) shiny_dimsmets()
to explore dimensions and metrics for the Core Reporting API
Removed unused the rga.token
package option
Removed deprecated get_rt()
function. Use get_realtime()
The sampling.level
argument value now must be in the upper case
Added text progress bar when batch processing mode enabled
option for the get_ga()
and get_mcf()
functions to split the queries by date ranges (day, week, month, quarter, year)
Added the shiny an example application authorization
Added the shiny an example fetching realtime reporting data
If User Rate Limit Exceeded or Quota Exceeded error occurs, the request is retried using exponential backoff
Some inner code improvements
Updated data
Added query and profile info to the reporting api data functions: get_ga()
, get_mcf()
, get_rt()
(use attributes()
to see it)
Added username
param to the authorize()
function to define an user account for the authorization
renamed to get_realtime()
renamed to list_dimsmets()
Removed dimsmets()
function and shiny dependency (use View(list_dimsmets())
Updated minimal httr version to 1.0.0
Updated data
Removed deprecated function get_firstadate()
. Use firstdate()
Added new.auth
argument in the authorise()
function for the reauthorization
When receiving the authorization error from the server (error 401), request authorization for the current session (without cacheing)
Fixed list_unsampled_reports()
field typo
Some fixes in the vignettes
Added “Common Queries” vignette
Updated data
Added accept_json()
to the API requests
Added CRAN version badge to the README
Some fixes in the vignettes
Fixed dates in the NEWS
RCurl dependency replaced by curl (related with httr 1.0.0 update)
Added functions for the Management API: get_custom_dimension()
, list_custom_dimensions()
, get_custom_metric()
, list_custom_metrics()
Fixed column names in the “Metadata API” vignette
now try to get data with list_metadata()
. If list_metadata()
causes a error used data from the package
Fixed Title in the DESCRIPTION file
Updated data
Fixed package descrition in the DESCRIPTION file
Added more functions for the Management API: get_experiment()
, get_filter()
, get_unsampled_report()
, list_custom_sources()
, list_experiments()
, list_filters()
, list_unsampled_reports()
Removed deprecated functions: get_accounts()
, get_webproperties()
, get_profiles()
, get_goals()
, get_segments()
Names of the returned objects now converted to a period-separated style
Improved errors handling
Added information about a percent of sessions when sampled data returned
Added rga.cache
package option to specify default cache path
Added rga.token
package option to specify the variable name which assign in the RGA:::TokenEnv
environment when use authorise()
Removed rga.verbose
option and verbose
arg. Use httr::with_verbose()
Added list_metadata()
function to obtain actual information from the Metadata API
renamed to dimsmets()
. dims_mets()
now is deprecated
renamed to firstdate()
. get_firstdate()
now is deprecated
Dates in the returned objects now converted to the POSIXct
Fixed incorrect handling “ga:dateHour” dimension
Use timezone specified in the Profile settings for handling dates
Added predefined
and client.secret
for the authorise()
Fixed code related with shiny update (version 0.11)
README splitted to the separate vignettes
Updated minimal versions of the required dependencies: R >= 3.0.0, httr >= 0.6, shiny >= 0.11
Updated data
All query values now converted to UTF-8 (to solve issues with Windows encoding)
Returned URL encode for the queries and RCurl as explicit dependency
Fixed get_mcf
Added notes about multiple tokens usage
Removed set_query
and related S3-methods from exported namespace
Parsed environment variables RGA_CONSUMER_ID and RGA_CONSUMER_SECRET renamed to RGA_CLIENT_ID and RGA_CLIENT_SECRET
renamed to list_accounts()
renamed to list_webproperties()
renamed to list_rpofiles()
renamed to list_goals()
renamed to list_segments()
, get_webproperties()
, get_profiles()
, get_goals()
, get_segments()
marked as deprecated
Added get_webproperty()
, get_profile()
and get_goal()
functions to get more detailed informtion about specific Profile ID
Added default package options when loading
Added sampling.level
option to the gat_ga()
and get_mcf()
functions to control sampling level
Updated data
Added CSV version of the data to track changes
Fixed error when used query and path simultaneously
Added pagination for the Management API requests
Fixed limits per request for the Reporting and Management APIs
Fixed pagination issues
renamed to dims_mets()
Added more messages when verbose = TRUE
Removed URL encode for the queries and RCurl package dependency (related with Windows encoding)
Some internal code improvements and optimisations
Added more extend Descrition in the DESCRIPTION file
Initial release