[!] administrative areas based on RÚIAN generalised boundaries instead of former ARC ČR500; this results in a negligible loss of accuracy, and a significant reduction of size (and dowload time)
special cases of rivers object implemented for easier visualization of Prague and Brno maps
unit tests reflect recent changes in PROJ
tidyverse style guide applied
examples updated to resolve warnings
bug in union_sf() corrected
vyskopis() function added to facilitate rasters of Czech relief; dependency on {raster} introduced
dependency on {sf} changed from Imports to Depends (loading of RCzechia triggers a load of sf)
dependency on {tmap} decommissioned, vignette refactored to {ggplot2} & {leaflet} only
KFME grid cells (faunistické čtverce) object added
minor optimization of geocode() and tests
downgraded error on unavailable internet to message in line with updates to CRAN policy
internal optimization
introduced geocode and revgeo functions (via ČÚZK API)
optimization of documentation and vignette
new objects / functions added: silnice, zeleznice, chr_uzemi and lesy
updated vignette to reflect changes in tmap package (v.1.x -> v.2.0)
added function union_sf to aggregate sf data frames
corrected typos in documentation (NUTS2 vs. NUTS3 in obce)
unit tests optimized
low resolution shapefiles added for republika, kraje and okresy
internet connection not required for using lo-res shapefiles
dependency on tidyverse replaced by dplyr
[!] this is the the first CRAN version
[!] to make the package pass CRAN size requirements data files were changed from internal to external (internet connection required to load)
a development version is available on https://github.com/jlacko/RCzechia
if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact me (jindra dot lacko at gmail dot com)