RAthena 1.10.0

New Feature

# Stop AWS Athena when R has been interrupted:

con <- dbConnect(RAthena::athena())

# Let AWS Athena keep running when R has been interrupted:

con <- dbConnect(RAthena::athena(),
                 keyboard_interrupt = F)

RAthena 1.9.1

Minor Change


RAthena 1.9.0

New Feature

con <- dbConnect(RAthena::athena())
res <- dbExecute(con, "select * from some_big_table limit 10000")
dbFetch(res, 5000)
stop("Boto3 is not detected please install boto3 using either: `pip install boto3 numpy` in terminal or `install_boto()`.",
     "\nIf this doesn't work please set the python you are using with `reticulate::use_python()` or `reticulate::use_condaenv()`",
     call. = FALSE)

Bug Fix


RAthena 1.8.0

New Feature


con = dbConnect(RAthena::athena())

# upload iris dataframe for removal test
dbWriteTable(con, "iris2", iris)

# Athena method
system.time(dbRemoveTable(con, "iris2", confirm = T))
# user  system elapsed 
# 0.131   0.037   2.404 

# upload iris dataframe for removal test
dbWriteTable(con, "iris2", iris)

# Glue method
system.time(dbRemoveTable(con, "iris2", confirm = T))
# user  system elapsed 
# 0.065   0.009   1.303 

con = dbConnect(RAthena::athena())

dbWriteTable(con, "iris2", iris, file.type = "json")

dbGetQuery(con, "select * from iris2")

Bug Fix


Unit tests:

RAthena 1.7.1

Bug Fix

# Before
dbplyr::translate_sql("2019-01-01", con = con)
# '2019-01-01'

# Now
dbplyr::translate_sql("2019-01-01", con = con)
# DATE '2019-01-01'
# R code:
paste("hi", "bye", sep = "-")

# SQL translation:

con <- dbConnect(RAthena::athena())

tbl(con, "iris") %>%
  compute(name = "temp.iris")

New Feature


con <- dbConnect(RAthena::athena())

# ident method:
t1 <- system.time(tbl(con, "iris"))

# sub query method:
t2 <- system.time(tbl(con, sql("select * from iris")))

# ident method
# user  system elapsed 
# 0.082   0.012   0.288 

# sub query method
# user  system elapsed 
# 0.993   0.138   3.660 

Unit test

RAthena 1.7.0

New Feature



Unit tests


Updated R documentation to roxygen2 7.0.2

RAthena 1.6.0

Major Change

warning('Appended `file.type` is not compatible with the existing Athena DDL file type and has been converted to "', File.Type,'".', call. = FALSE)

Minor Change

New Feature

Bug fix

Unit Tests

RAthena 1.5.0

Major Change

Performance results


X <- 1e8

df <- data.frame(w =runif(X),
                 x = 1:X,
                 y = sample(letters, X, replace = T), 
                 z = sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), X, replace = T))

con <- dbConnect(RAthena::athena())

# upload dataframe with different splits
dbWriteTable(con, "test_split1", df, compress = T, max.batch = nrow(df), overwrite = T) # no splits
dbWriteTable(con, "test_split2", df, compress = T, max.batch = 0.05 * nrow(df), overwrite = T) # 20 splits
dbWriteTable(con, "test_split3", df, compress = T, max.batch = 0.1 * nrow(df), overwrite = T) # 10 splits

AWS Athena performance results from AWS console (query executed: select count(*) from .... ):


X <- 1e8

df <- data.frame(w =runif(X),
                 x = 1:X,
                 y = sample(letters, X, replace = T), 
                 z = sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), X, replace = T))

con <- dbConnect(RAthena::athena())

dbWriteTable(con, "test_split1", df, compress = T, overwrite = T) # default will now split compressed file into 20 equal size files.

Added information message to inform user about what files have been added to S3 location if user is overwriting an Athena table.

Minor Change

Bug Fix

Unit tests

RAthena 1.4.1

New Features:

Bug Fix

RAthena 1.4.0

Minor Change

Backend Change


con <- dbConnect(RAthena::athena())

dbWrite(con, "iris", iris)

New Feature

Bug Fix

Unit Tests

RAthena 1.3.0

Major Changes

Minor Change

New Features:

Unit tests

RAthena 1.2.0

Minor Changes

New Features

Bug Fix

Unit tests

RAthena 1.1.0

New Features

Unit tests

RAthena 1.0.3

New Feature

Bug Fix

Unit tests

RAthena 1.0.2

CRAN Requirement Changes

Bug Fixes

Unit tests

RAthena 1.0.1

CRAN Requirement Changes

Minor Change

RAthena 1.0.0