title: “Release” author: “Paul Deveau” date: “08/11/2017” output: html_vignette: self_contained: TRUE vignette: > % % %
Release of 3/10/2017, v1.0.0.6
Corrected formula for transition of cellular prevalence to VAF;
Corrected syntax for clustering function call in example vignette.
Release of 8/03/2017
Added normalization by contamination if “keep.all.model”;
Added clause to check if normalized.center exist in evolution plot;
Release of 25/10/2016
Added normalization by contamination if “keep.all.model”
Added clause to check if normalized.center exist in evolution plot
Release of 2/10/2016
Added corrective term for weight of each cluster;
Switched back default model selection to “BIC”.
Release of 29/9/2016
Second important update
Changed optimization procedures (see
Added grzero: returns value that zeros the gradient (used in diploid cases);
Added tests.
Release of 27/9/2016
Massive update
Fixed gradient computation;
Removed alpha (to force possibility)
Switched from computation of dbinom to log(dbinom) by default;
Added testthat : plots, QuantumCat,Flash for BIC and overdiploid;
Fixed QuantumCat with single sample
Release of 23/9/2016
Added computation of gradient for “optim” and “optimx”;
Corrected priors creation from FLASH for QuantumClone;
Added jitter if number of initializations is >1 and preclustering with FLASH.
Release of 22/9/2016
Fixed errors from FlashQC;
Updated validation tools.
Release of 20/9/2016
Added integration of binomial density over 2xEpsilon interval;
Added computation of Precision, Recall, F1, Rand Index in
to Initializations
Release of 12/9/2016
Changed parameters for DEoptim controls;
Solved tree generation issue if the progeny can only come from one node.
Release of 12/9/2016
Solved fik*log(fik) when fik = 0 issue in FlashQC;
Added controls to DEoptim;
Prepared for integration of RcppDE.
Release of 12/9/2016
Changes in weight computation: normalization by sum of weights;
Added DEoptim solver for EM;
Flash QuantumClone handles polyploid regions;
Flash QuantumClone handles BIC, AIC or numeric correction of BIC for cluster selection.
Release of 9/9/2016
Added FlashQC : using hierarchical clustering and distance on the p-value of 2 variants being from the same distribution;
Updated parallel: initialization and number of clusters are run in parallel, not independently;
For rearranged genomes, after the first clustering, a second one is done after removing unlikely states;
Preclustering can now be done with FlashQC
Release of 31/08/2016
Rewrote this vignette in html
Added reproducible testing for PyClone, sciClone and k-medoid
Updated figure dpi for vignettes
Release of 19/08/2016:
Corrected NMI computation if a number of cluster is missing (for example cluster values can be 1:3, 5:7, cluster value 6 would be considered missing);
Changed the proof of concept pipeline to be easier to read and edit;
Changes in
: now returns filtered and unfiltered probabilities (clustering is on filtered probabilities).
Release of 16/08/2016:
Corrected hard clustering parameters;
Gain from parallelization script.
Release of 12/08/2016:
Computed PoC for clustering quality;
Changes in
for an expected 5-10% gain in computational speed.
Release of 9/08/2016:
Removed 3D plots to prepare CRAN release
Release of 8/08/2016:
Removed rgl dependency (3D plots), causing QuantumClone to be unavailable on Ubuntu;
Updated pipeline tests;
Computational time test compiled;
Issue in the distance error (position of the cluster for drivers vs real position);
Compile Rmd for computational clustering quality results.
Release of 4/08/2016:
Added function to easily compute Normalized Mutual Information from QuantumClone output - for simulated data;
Added pipelines to compare to paper pipeline.
Release of 29/07/2016:
Option to force single copy status - i.e. integrate QuantumCloneSingle in QuantumClone
tidy plot code in cluster_plot;
Reproducible test in R (QC only);
Reproducible testing in R+bash (QC+sciclone+pyClone)
Release of 28/07/2016:
Added AIC (Akaike Information Criterion);
Added modified BIC (user input);
Added possibility to use
instead of optim
for the maximization step;
package to improve computing time;
Improved code readability;
Improved parallel computation handling;
Solved conflicting name in simulation: cellularity of clone is now refered to as cellularit;
Added option to keep all iteration models;
Release of 10/12/2015:
Changed graph output to pdf;
Fixed non-clustered graph name file
Release of 12/11/2015:
Added release tag on github;
Checked for ggplot2 scheduled release
Release of 2/11/2015:
Correction of evolution plot;
Adding content to vignettes;
Added phylogenetic tree reconstruction and representation, along with examples;
Added ImportFrom according to notes from R-devel: http://win-builder.r-project.org/;
Release of 30/10/2015:
Major fix
Post processing affected order of mutations but not of clustering. The clustering thus appeared erroneous in version 0.9.15 and 0.10.15;
Minor changes
Adding vignette release;
Changed dependency of doSNOW to doParallel;
Added data to decrease loading and check time;
Added function to plot results from output (by 2 elements);
Added function to plot cellularity of clone in each sample (for time series, with proportion of mutation in each clone);