Travis-CI Build Status codecov.io CRAN_Status_Badge


Accurate estimates of the diets of predators are required in many areas of ecology, but for many species current methods are imprecise, limited to the last meal, and often biased. The diversity of fatty acids and their patterns in organisms, coupled with the narrow limitations on their biosynthesis, properties of digestion in monogastric animals, and the prevalence of large storage reservoirs of lipid in many predators, led us to propose the use of quantitative fatty acid signature analysis (QFASA) to study predator diets.


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Load Package


Modeling Inputs

Prior to starting make sure that:

Distance Measure

Choose from one of three distance measures:
1=KL (Kullback-Leibler) || 2=AIT (Aitchison) || 3=CSD (Chi-Squared)


Fatty Acid Set

fa.set = as.vector(unlist(FAset))

Matrix of Predator FA signatures

tombstone.info = predatorFAs[,1:4]
predator.matrix = predatorFAs[,5:(ncol(predatorFAs))]

# number of predator FA signatures this is used to create the matrix of CC values (see section 6 below)
npredators = nrow(predator.matrix)

Matrix of Prey FA signatures

#full file

#extract prey FA only from data frame and subset them for the FA set designated above

#renormalize over 1

#extract the modelling group names from the full file

#add modelling group names to the subsetted and renormalized FAs

#create an average value for the FA signature for each designated modelling group

Prey Lipid Content

#numbers are the column which identifies the modelling group, and the column which contains the lipid contents
FC = preyFAs[,c(2,3)] 
FC = as.vector(tapply(FC$lipid,FC$Species,mean,na.rm=TRUE))

Calibration Coefficients

cal.vec = CC[,2]
cal.mat = replicate(npredators, cal.vec)


Q = p.QFASA(predator.matrix, prey.matrix, cal.mat, dist.meas, gamma=1, FC, start.val=rep(1,nrow(prey.matrix)), fa.set)

p.QFASA Output

The QFASA output is a list with 2 components:

Diet Estimates

This is a matrix of the diet estimate for each predator (by rows, in the same order as the input file) by the modelling groups (by column, in the same order as the prey.matrix file). The estimates are expressed as a proportion (they will sum to 1). In the code below the Diet Estimate matrix is extracted from the QFASA output and the modelling group identities and predator tombstone data (created above) are added to the matrix:

DietEst = Q$'Diet Estimates'

#estimates changed from proportions to percentages
DietEst = round(DietEst*100,digits=2)
colnames(DietEst) = (as.vector(rownames(prey.matrix)))
DietEst = cbind(tombstone.info,DietEst)
SampleCode AnimalCode SampleGroup Biopsy capelin coho eulachon herring mackerel pilchard pollock sandlance squid surfsmelt_lg surfsmelt_s
3-01A P031 T A 35.30 0 0 44.90 9.25 2.36 0 8.19 0 0.00 0
3-01B P031 T1 B 43.06 0 0 44.79 3.72 4.25 0 4.18 0 0.00 0
3-01C P031 T1 C 50.15 0 0 34.34 6.14 3.97 0 5.40 0 0.00 0
3-02A P032 T A 37.80 0 0 47.14 1.42 5.04 0 8.60 0 0.00 0
3-02B P032 T1 B 39.86 0 0 45.50 3.69 5.77 0 5.18 0 0.00 0
3-02C P032 T1 C 47.99 0 0 35.59 4.47 5.39 0 6.55 0 0.00 0
3-04A P034 T A 41.29 0 0 46.33 8.24 2.65 0 1.49 0 0.00 0
3-04B P034 T2 B 31.96 0 0 28.00 2.95 2.40 0 34.70 0 0.00 0
3-04C P034 T2 C 21.07 0 0 14.45 0.27 2.00 0 37.03 0 25.17 0
3-05A P035 T A 28.91 0 0 63.50 0.00 3.93 0 3.66 0 0.00 0

Additional Measures

This is a list of lists where each list (one per predator) is itself a list of four outputs:

# plyr package
Add.meas = ldply(Q$'Additional Measures', data.frame)
ModFAS.c14.0 ModFAS.c16.0 ModFAS.c16.1w7 ModFAS.c16.2w6 ModFAS.c16.2w4 ModFAS.c16.3w6 ModFAS.c17.0 ModFAS.c16.3w4 ModFAS.c16.4w3 ModFAS.c16.4w1 ModFAS.c18.0 ModFAS.c18.1w9 ModFAS.c18.1w7 ModFAS.c18.2w6 ModFAS.c18.2w4 ModFAS.c18.3w6 ModFAS.c18.3w4 ModFAS.c18.3w3 ModFAS.c18.3w1 ModFAS.c18.4w3 ModFAS.c18.4w1 ModFAS.c20.1w11 ModFAS.c20.1w9 ModFAS.c20.1w7 ModFAS.c20.2w6 ModFAS.c20.3w6 ModFAS.c20.4w6 ModFAS.c20.3w3 ModFAS.c20.4w3 ModFAS.c20.5w3 ModFAS.c22.1w11 ModFAS.c22.1w9 ModFAS.c22.1w7 ModFAS.c21.5w3 ModFAS.c22.4w6 ModFAS.c22.5w6 ModFAS.c22.4w3 ModFAS.c22.5w3 ModFAS.c22.6w3 DistCont.c14.0 DistCont.c16.0 DistCont.c16.1w7 DistCont.c16.2w6 DistCont.c16.2w4 DistCont.c16.3w6 DistCont.c17.0 DistCont.c16.3w4 DistCont.c16.4w3 DistCont.c16.4w1 DistCont.c18.0 DistCont.c18.1w9 DistCont.c18.1w7 DistCont.c18.2w6 DistCont.c18.2w4 DistCont.c18.3w6 DistCont.c18.3w4 DistCont.c18.3w3 DistCont.c18.3w1 DistCont.c18.4w3 DistCont.c18.4w1 DistCont.c20.1w11 DistCont.c20.1w9 DistCont.c20.1w7 DistCont.c20.2w6 DistCont.c20.3w6 DistCont.c20.4w6 DistCont.c20.3w3 DistCont.c20.4w3 DistCont.c20.5w3 DistCont.c22.1w11 DistCont.c22.1w9 DistCont.c22.1w7 DistCont.c21.5w3 DistCont.c22.4w6 DistCont.c22.5w6 DistCont.c22.4w3 DistCont.c22.5w3 DistCont.c22.6w3 PropDistCont.c14.0 PropDistCont.c16.0 PropDistCont.c16.1w7 PropDistCont.c16.2w6 PropDistCont.c16.2w4 PropDistCont.c16.3w6 PropDistCont.c17.0 PropDistCont.c16.3w4 PropDistCont.c16.4w3 PropDistCont.c16.4w1 PropDistCont.c18.0 PropDistCont.c18.1w9 PropDistCont.c18.1w7 PropDistCont.c18.2w6 PropDistCont.c18.2w4 PropDistCont.c18.3w6 PropDistCont.c18.3w4 PropDistCont.c18.3w3 PropDistCont.c18.3w1 PropDistCont.c18.4w3 PropDistCont.c18.4w1 PropDistCont.c20.1w11 PropDistCont.c20.1w9 PropDistCont.c20.1w7 PropDistCont.c20.2w6 PropDistCont.c20.3w6 PropDistCont.c20.4w6 PropDistCont.c20.3w3 PropDistCont.c20.4w3 PropDistCont.c20.5w3 PropDistCont.c22.1w11 PropDistCont.c22.1w9 PropDistCont.c22.1w7 PropDistCont.c21.5w3 PropDistCont.c22.4w6 PropDistCont.c22.5w6 PropDistCont.c22.4w3 PropDistCont.c22.5w3 PropDistCont.c22.6w3 MinDist
0.0547664 0.1853966 0.0701887 0.0009476 0.0017854 0.0069045 0.0056682 0.0052232 0.0013693 0.0093276 0.0232666 0.1480562 0.0370854 0.0096465 0.0015922 0.0012739 0.0008316 0.0047609 0.0007809 0.0141435 0.0014503 0.0178365 0.0650470 0.0040928 0.0017300 0.0007539 0.0061731 0.0004931 0.0038550 0.1147319 0.0820286 0.0074502 0.0022416 0.0040179 0.0003608 0.0011030 0.0004209 0.0110993 0.0920990 0.0088791 0.0150925 0.0001173 6.05e-05 0.0002396 0.0000650 0.0003814 0.0002666 0.0000305 0.0005486 0.0001031 0.0183438 0.0000862 0.0000401 2.07e-05 2.0e-07 0.0001591 0.0000213 0.0000010 0.0013139 7.90e-06 0.0031149 0.0155393 0.0003308 0.0001363 4.91e-05 0.0001160 0.0001174 0.0000440 0.0006008 0.0212495 0.0000001 0.0035884 0.0002199 1.26e-05 0.0001506 0.0001160 0.0057975 0.0147840 0.0794585 0.1350617 0.0010495 0.0005416 0.0021443 0.0005815 0.0034132 0.0023854 0.0002733 0.0049093 0.0009225 0.1641565 0.0007714 0.0003593 0.0001856 1.60e-06 0.0014239 0.0001909 0.0000086 0.0117581 0.0000703 0.0278749 0.1390601 0.0029605 0.0012198 0.0004395 0.0010377 0.0010502 0.0003934 0.0053766 0.1901595 0.0000006 0.0321122 0.0019676 0.0001128 0.0013478 0.0010383 0.0518812 0.1323003 0.1117455
0.0550460 0.1841167 0.0720054 0.0009930 0.0016304 0.0070830 0.0053360 0.0056322 0.0012572 0.0104616 0.0233679 0.1478895 0.0367106 0.0093263 0.0016973 0.0013089 0.0008664 0.0043575 0.0007758 0.0138342 0.0015588 0.0142726 0.0682818 0.0042321 0.0016245 0.0007779 0.0061654 0.0004480 0.0038504 0.1163810 0.0814998 0.0076830 0.0022185 0.0041182 0.0003539 0.0010787 0.0004058 0.0119736 0.0893801 0.0063032 0.0171896 0.0036939 2.20e-06 0.0003432 0.0002371 0.0004968 0.0003633 0.0000041 0.0010276 0.0000137 0.0178350 0.0001426 0.0005043 1.04e-05 2.2e-06 0.0002163 0.0001160 0.0000737 0.0011233 9.90e-06 0.0023613 0.0139278 0.0003984 0.0000013 7.77e-05 0.0003517 0.0000505 0.0002181 0.0000005 0.0244185 0.0000336 0.0032871 0.0001371 5.53e-05 0.0001587 0.0001128 0.0064767 0.0121005 0.0553518 0.1509500 0.0324377 0.0000191 0.0030137 0.0020822 0.0043629 0.0031900 0.0000363 0.0090237 0.0001206 0.1566182 0.0012518 0.0044287 0.0000910 1.94e-05 0.0018996 0.0010187 0.0006473 0.0098644 0.0000866 0.0207353 0.1223068 0.0034983 0.0000115 0.0006822 0.0030885 0.0004436 0.0019155 0.0000041 0.2144305 0.0002949 0.0288652 0.0012042 0.0004860 0.0013933 0.0009902 0.0568754 0.1062608 0.1138759
0.0560279 0.1789890 0.0723739 0.0009591 0.0017444 0.0067273 0.0049163 0.0053720 0.0012702 0.0101304 0.0228679 0.1378388 0.0355206 0.0096423 0.0016793 0.0012881 0.0008372 0.0043167 0.0008086 0.0137151 0.0015843 0.0152122 0.0732648 0.0046766 0.0016630 0.0007612 0.0059978 0.0004516 0.0039308 0.1163864 0.0861903 0.0086955 0.0022833 0.0040713 0.0003448 0.0010633 0.0004023 0.0123792 0.0936161 0.0017016 0.0107110 0.0061674 6.90e-06 0.0004523 0.0002586 0.0004484 0.0004357 0.0000136 0.0008326 0.0000424 0.0126327 0.0000073 0.0009051 1.39e-05 1.7e-06 0.0000459 0.0001008 0.0000944 0.0012928 3.40e-06 0.0029103 0.0144433 0.0007050 0.0000070 1.93e-05 0.0000384 0.0000488 0.0002088 0.0004433 0.0285698 0.0000262 0.0046912 0.0000356 1.12e-05 0.0000781 0.0000473 0.0052183 0.0080927 0.0167216 0.1052544 0.0606055 0.0000674 0.0044448 0.0025410 0.0044065 0.0042818 0.0001335 0.0081813 0.0004165 0.1241387 0.0000720 0.0088944 0.0001370 1.68e-05 0.0004512 0.0009907 0.0009272 0.0127039 0.0000333 0.0285992 0.1419305 0.0069274 0.0000687 0.0001898 0.0003778 0.0004791 0.0020517 0.0043557 0.2807480 0.0002577 0.0460989 0.0003498 0.0001098 0.0007675 0.0004645 0.0512792 0.0795249 0.1017630
0.0549324 0.1886819 0.0713946 0.0010226 0.0017054 0.0071749 0.0053501 0.0058160 0.0012653 0.0109474 0.0243862 0.1504301 0.0368751 0.0092908 0.0017885 0.0013530 0.0008909 0.0046221 0.0008388 0.0148194 0.0016100 0.0128313 0.0632252 0.0039940 0.0016646 0.0007920 0.0063065 0.0004683 0.0040066 0.1192530 0.0750986 0.0069816 0.0021633 0.0042342 0.0003746 0.0011081 0.0004206 0.0121530 0.0897284 0.0130936 0.0188271 0.0015858 4.30e-05 0.0002297 0.0000408 0.0005260 0.0001712 0.0000203 0.0002750 0.0005548 0.0239421 0.0000178 0.0000801 1.40e-06 9.1e-06 0.0001440 0.0002830 0.0000192 0.0001850 1.30e-05 0.0016961 0.0158307 0.0005330 0.0001075 0.00e+00 0.0000122 0.0000066 0.0001355 0.0012861 0.0139420 0.0000800 0.0025324 0.0002661 1.00e-07 0.0001324 0.0001049 0.0080911 0.0131539 0.1109885 0.1595887 0.0134418 0.0003643 0.0019472 0.0003454 0.0044584 0.0014508 0.0001722 0.0023313 0.0047031 0.2029459 0.0001513 0.0006794 0.0000121 7.71e-05 0.0012205 0.0023990 0.0001630 0.0015682 0.0001103 0.0143772 0.1341896 0.0045183 0.0009115 0.0000000 0.0001030 0.0000559 0.0011484 0.0109018 0.1181795 0.0006784 0.0214662 0.0022555 0.0000010 0.0011227 0.0008889 0.0685845 0.1114991 0.1179728
0.0551564 0.1860906 0.0718531 0.0010309 0.0016327 0.0072122 0.0052826 0.0059086 0.0012421 0.0113276 0.0241941 0.1489066 0.0369172 0.0092367 0.0018067 0.0013635 0.0009050 0.0044098 0.0008202 0.0144234 0.0016661 0.0139787 0.0644588 0.0040255 0.0016226 0.0008094 0.0063120 0.0004537 0.0040279 0.1191223 0.0771774 0.0072574 0.0021436 0.0042723 0.0003667 0.0010828 0.0004133 0.0126588 0.0884308 0.0075153 0.0150745 0.0012235 2.24e-05 0.0003131 0.0002711 0.0006123 0.0003867 0.0000006 0.0008265 0.0002306 0.0167278 0.0000755 0.0004254 3.30e-06 1.1e-06 0.0002367 0.0001534 0.0000901 0.0008256 2.25e-05 0.0018837 0.0120798 0.0005337 0.0000055 3.60e-06 0.0002554 0.0000568 0.0001010 0.0000000 0.0186703 0.0000472 0.0022597 0.0002001 1.65e-05 0.0001432 0.0000487 0.0077364 0.0103954 0.0755503 0.1515409 0.0122994 0.0002253 0.0031475 0.0027254 0.0061557 0.0038871 0.0000064 0.0083088 0.0023185 0.1681610 0.0007593 0.0042765 0.0000331 1.09e-05 0.0023794 0.0015418 0.0009061 0.0082998 0.0002260 0.0189360 0.1214356 0.0053647 0.0000554 0.0000359 0.0025671 0.0005709 0.0010153 0.0000000 0.1876884 0.0004741 0.0227160 0.0020120 0.0001655 0.0014394 0.0004898 0.0777722 0.1045025 0.0994748
0.0560505 0.1817995 0.0723815 0.0010029 0.0017353 0.0068926 0.0048537 0.0056954 0.0012426 0.0110586 0.0237688 0.1398926 0.0357112 0.0094975 0.0017979 0.0013444 0.0008776 0.0043657 0.0008541 0.0143584 0.0016866 0.0138687 0.0694806 0.0044664 0.0016535 0.0007911 0.0061452 0.0004535 0.0040879 0.1193432 0.0810038 0.0081787 0.0022098 0.0042271 0.0003589 0.0010720 0.0004093 0.0130023 0.0923806 0.0023871 0.0087871 0.0021140 5.80e-06 0.0003958 0.0003019 0.0005416 0.0003837 0.0000211 0.0005778 0.0004160 0.0114337 0.0000748 0.0007350 6.00e-06 3.7e-06 0.0000521 0.0001235 0.0002417 0.0008650 2.36e-05 0.0018387 0.0112123 0.0005756 0.0000040 2.06e-05 0.0000082 0.0000061 0.0000562 0.0005961 0.0189813 0.0000657 0.0036601 0.0000206 5.07e-05 0.0000651 0.0000114 0.0064457 0.0064989 0.0299852 0.1103792 0.0265544 0.0000726 0.0049721 0.0037927 0.0068028 0.0048198 0.0002655 0.0072581 0.0052258 0.1436248 0.0009394 0.0092332 0.0000759 4.70e-05 0.0006548 0.0015511 0.0030362 0.0108653 0.0002962 0.0230963 0.1408430 0.0072303 0.0000503 0.0002586 0.0001032 0.0000768 0.0007066 0.0074877 0.2384340 0.0008247 0.0459761 0.0002588 0.0006369 0.0008178 0.0001431 0.0809679 0.0816362 0.0796084
0.0547001 0.1817555 0.0715331 0.0009510 0.0015960 0.0070167 0.0056379 0.0053222 0.0013040 0.0095083 0.0224540 0.1486681 0.0371563 0.0094265 0.0015574 0.0012542 0.0008343 0.0043098 0.0007035 0.0130305 0.0014459 0.0174640 0.0699567 0.0042452 0.0016257 0.0007582 0.0060870 0.0004500 0.0036742 0.1126239 0.0867604 0.0079380 0.0022620 0.0039682 0.0003395 0.0010656 0.0003999 0.0112330 0.0889833 0.0047755 0.0174695 0.0036603 6.00e-06 0.0001590 0.0001289 0.0007356 0.0004164 0.0000281 0.0012425 0.0003970 0.0201024 0.0002863 0.0000133 3.82e-05 6.6e-06 0.0001921 0.0000508 0.0000030 0.0010064 5.00e-07 0.0032654 0.0156070 0.0005452 0.0000089 2.14e-05 0.0001790 0.0000451 0.0000147 0.0000077 0.0291126 0.0000320 0.0045975 0.0001798 4.68e-05 0.0001565 0.0001103 0.0093666 0.0164309 0.0366090 0.1339216 0.0280598 0.0000456 0.0012191 0.0009878 0.0056393 0.0031924 0.0002151 0.0095252 0.0030435 0.1541055 0.0021948 0.0001017 0.0002928 5.09e-05 0.0014730 0.0003898 0.0000228 0.0077150 0.0000035 0.0250325 0.1196438 0.0041797 0.0000683 0.0001644 0.0013720 0.0003457 0.0001125 0.0000588 0.2231776 0.0002455 0.0352442 0.0013786 0.0003587 0.0012000 0.0008454 0.0718042 0.1259598 0.1304458
0.0563824 0.1968077 0.0671719 0.0009391 0.0026376 0.0061370 0.0047962 0.0048937 0.0015236 0.0090623 0.0264545 0.1343605 0.0343480 0.0105995 0.0018357 0.0013559 0.0008015 0.0063743 0.0011786 0.0189172 0.0015480 0.0120723 0.0547957 0.0042769 0.0021356 0.0007097 0.0062515 0.0006337 0.0046436 0.1262907 0.0638349 0.0066688 0.0022629 0.0042235 0.0004413 0.0012529 0.0004936 0.0113655 0.1095215 0.0036647 0.0099124 0.0014762 3.04e-05 0.0003230 0.0000780 0.0000663 0.0001142 0.0000072 0.0000934 0.0000010 0.0132954 0.0001011 0.0004996 3.46e-05 5.0e-07 0.0001643 0.0010005 0.0000480 0.0002908 1.76e-05 0.0015343 0.0150237 0.0002299 0.0000085 2.14e-05 0.0000647 0.0000328 0.0003402 0.0000457 0.0094349 0.0005935 0.0038285 0.0002098 4.90e-06 0.0000490 0.0001888 0.0051552 0.0066288 0.0491150 0.1328495 0.0197849 0.0004070 0.0043294 0.0010451 0.0008882 0.0015309 0.0000971 0.0012514 0.0000134 0.1781888 0.0013554 0.0066959 0.0004638 7.10e-06 0.0022024 0.0134090 0.0006430 0.0038974 0.0002360 0.0205638 0.2013518 0.0030816 0.0001140 0.0002874 0.0008667 0.0004402 0.0045593 0.0006120 0.1264499 0.0079545 0.0513105 0.0028117 0.0000660 0.0006569 0.0025302 0.0690916 0.0888414 0.0746140
0.0560089 0.1993966 0.0621763 0.0009045 0.0036597 0.0054941 0.0043480 0.0044963 0.0017555 0.0084072 0.0311406 0.1224158 0.0334652 0.0108072 0.0020314 0.0015495 0.0007844 0.0073389 0.0016374 0.0207108 0.0015147 0.0085509 0.0418152 0.0056803 0.0024959 0.0007186 0.0086272 0.0007766 0.0050396 0.1375296 0.0454824 0.0066172 0.0024761 0.0043525 0.0006707 0.0021301 0.0005243 0.0122009 0.1342687 0.0019381 0.0035051 0.0027773 1.35e-05 0.0004209 0.0000144 0.0008635 0.0000194 0.0001671 0.0000288 0.0003219 0.0082416 0.0010711 0.0015401 3.05e-05 1.5e-06 0.0000059 0.0015270 0.0001205 0.0012847 4.43e-05 0.0010478 0.0105549 0.0004779 0.0000206 1.00e-07 0.0001562 0.0000012 0.0005087 0.0002161 0.0046874 0.0002321 0.0035418 0.0000906 9.70e-06 0.0001440 0.0001202 0.0026136 0.0019608 0.0385154 0.0696546 0.0551910 0.0002689 0.0083636 0.0002852 0.0171597 0.0003853 0.0033203 0.0005718 0.0063978 0.1637800 0.0212859 0.0306061 0.0006069 2.94e-05 0.0001174 0.0303453 0.0023954 0.0255310 0.0008809 0.0208233 0.2097509 0.0094974 0.0004101 0.0000025 0.0031035 0.0000240 0.0101087 0.0042948 0.0931494 0.0046122 0.0703841 0.0018012 0.0001924 0.0028619 0.0023879 0.0519379 0.0389659 0.0503210
0.0536044 0.1916365 0.0711010 0.0010240 0.0015210 0.0075065 0.0059829 0.0058547 0.0012665 0.0105092 0.0239668 0.1617185 0.0383445 0.0089801 0.0016851 0.0013215 0.0008915 0.0045276 0.0007313 0.0140701 0.0014783 0.0133808 0.0611832 0.0036268 0.0016014 0.0007879 0.0063729 0.0004538 0.0037150 0.1157722 0.0753060 0.0062637 0.0021495 0.0041354 0.0003677 0.0011093 0.0004140 0.0110648 0.0845737 0.0112392 0.0103927 0.0061986 7.60e-05 0.0002106 0.0000047 0.0007563 0.0000227 0.0000918 0.0001002 0.0001074 0.0177674 0.0001146 0.0000145 4.05e-05 1.6e-06 0.0001552 0.0001715 0.0002282 0.0002335 4.50e-06 0.0014146 0.0124359 0.0001925 0.0014653 3.50e-06 0.0001069 0.0000219 0.0000435 0.0022707 0.0075854 0.0000000 0.0030467 0.0001723 1.50e-06 0.0000405 0.0000800 0.0059879 0.0092741 0.1220660 0.1128721 0.0673211 0.0008259 0.0022876 0.0000508 0.0082139 0.0002463 0.0009975 0.0010880 0.0011666 0.1929665 0.0012449 0.0001579 0.0004397 1.74e-05 0.0016857 0.0018630 0.0024789 0.0025355 0.0000494 0.0153636 0.1350625 0.0020904 0.0159142 0.0000380 0.0011607 0.0002380 0.0004725 0.0246620 0.0823833 0.0000000 0.0330888 0.0018716 0.0000159 0.0004396 0.0008686 0.0650327 0.1007230 0.0920750