Get the latest version of ProFit:
First load the libraries we need:
## Loading required package: FITSio
## Loading required package: magicaxis
Next we load a table of data describing GAMA galaxies:
## CATAID sersic.xcen1 sersic.ycen1 sersic.mag1 sersic.mag2 sersic.re1
## 1 265769 122.8069 87.3328 17.08907 17.08907 8.71420
## 2 265911 84.8832 94.5951 16.83217 16.83217 7.05740
## 3 265940 80.3975 52.2173 18.04857 18.04857 5.96290
## 4 265943 53.7013 83.6956 17.70547 17.70547 6.42060
## 5 265981 148.8727 106.4069 16.85617 16.85617 11.00100
## 6 265986 78.1780 79.9999 18.97747 18.97747 6.80575
## 7 265985 51.3467 73.0023 19.03897 19.03897 5.77065
## 8 266033 66.0826 79.0872 17.39137 17.39137 6.25480
## 9 266035 105.1495 78.5289 18.18017 18.18017 11.38780
## 10 266105 264.8947 219.5667 15.45027 15.45027 36.68265
## sersic.re2 sersic.nser1 sersic.ang2 sersic.axrat2
## 1 17.4284 3.4292 105.8498 0.1541
## 2 14.1148 4.3776 140.8191 0.4891
## 3 11.9258 4.6010 112.2746 0.4875
## 4 12.8412 4.5086 168.2385 0.4179
## 5 22.0020 2.9434 59.6690 0.2621
## 6 13.6115 2.0082 103.2134 0.0423
## 7 11.5413 2.7402 0.7028 0.5400
## 8 12.5096 4.9178 39.5336 0.3336
## 9 22.7756 2.9550 56.3237 0.6222
## 10 73.3653 3.9704 94.4409 0.3477
There are 2 data source options: KiDS or SDSS (the galaxies are the same)
Now we can extract out the example files we have available for fitting by checking the contents of the directory containing the example FITS files:
## [1] "G265911" "G265940" "G266033" "G266035" "G266662" "G267199" "G267489"
## [8] "G267525" "G278109" "G279148"
There are 10 example galaxies included. Here we run example 1:
image=readFITS(system.file("extdata", paste(datasource,'/',useID,'fitim.fits',sep=''),package="ProFit"))$imDat
sigma=readFITS(system.file("extdata", paste(datasource,'/',useID,'sigma.fits',sep=''),package="ProFit"))$imDat
segim=readFITS(system.file("extdata", paste(datasource,'/',useID,'segim.fits',sep=''),package="ProFit"))$imDat
psf=readFITS(system.file("extdata", paste(datasource,'/',useID,'psfim.fits',sep=''),package="ProFit"))$imDat
Next we extract parameters for a very rough model (not meant to look too good yet):
For our initial model we treat component 1 as the putative bulge and component 2 as the putative disk. We are going to attempt a fit where the disk is forced to have nser=1 and the bulge has an axial ratio of 1.
xcen= c(dim(image)[1]/2, dim(image)[1]/2),
ycen= c(dim(image)[2]/2, dim(image)[2]/2),
mag= c(ExampleInit$sersic.mag1[useloc], ExampleInit$sersic.mag2[useloc]),
re= c(ExampleInit$sersic.re1[useloc], ExampleInit$sersic.re2[useloc])*
nser= c(ExampleInit$sersic.nser1[useloc], 1), #Disk is initially nser=1
ang= c(ExampleInit$sersic.ang2[useloc], ExampleInit$sersic.ang2[useloc]),
axrat= c(1, ExampleInit$sersic.axrat2[useloc]), #Bulge is initially axrat=1
box=c(0, 0)
## $sersic
## $sersic$xcen
## [1] 84.5 84.5
## $sersic$ycen
## [1] 93.5 93.5
## $sersic$mag
## [1] 16.83217 16.83217
## $sersic$re
## [1] 7.0574 14.1148
## $sersic$nser
## [1] 4.3776 1.0000
## $sersic$ang
## [1] 140.8191 140.8191
## $sersic$axrat
## [1] 1.0000 0.4891
## $sersic$box
## [1] 0 0
The pure model (no PSF):
The original image:
The convolved model (with PSF):
Next we define our list of what we want to fit (where TRUE means we will fit it later):
xcen= c(TRUE,NA), #We fit for xcen and tie the two togther
ycen= c(TRUE,NA), #We fit for ycen and tie the two togther
mag= c(TRUE,TRUE), #Fit for both
re= c(TRUE,TRUE), #Fit for both
nser= c(TRUE,FALSE), #Fit for bulge
ang= c(FALSE,TRUE), #Fit for disk
axrat= c(FALSE,TRUE), #Fit for disk
box= c(FALSE,FALSE) #Fit for neither
Now we define what parameters should be fitted in log space:
xcen= c(FALSE,FALSE),
ycen= c(FALSE,FALSE),
mag= c(FALSE,FALSE),
re= c(TRUE,TRUE), #re is best fit in log space
nser= c(TRUE,TRUE), #nser is best fit in log space
ang= c(FALSE,FALSE),
axrat= c(TRUE,TRUE), #axrat is best fit in log space
Now we specify the priors object. The priors object is really a function that takes modellist as an input and returns an addative log-likelihood sum that increments the total log-likelihood for the current realisation of the model.
The elements you access within the modellist structure must really exist or ProFit will stop with an error. The modellist used internally will be the linear (un-logged version), so logging must be made within the function if, e.g., log-normal distributions are required. You do not have to apply priors to each parameter- notice below a few are left out.
## [1] -14.61078
Notice that the values for sigmas were defined along with the function definition. In practice, you may want to define them separately as such:
## [1] -3.675754
Unfortunately, R does not store the provided values of sigmas, but simply the name of a variable sigma, so if you happen to redefine sigma later on, the prior function will change (or fail entirely if you delete sigma or save and then load a fit):
## [1] -0.9031654
## function(new,init,sigmas=sigmavec){
## return(sum(2*dnorm(log10(new$sersic$re),log10(init$sersic$re),sigmas[4],log=TRUE)))
## }
## <bytecode: 0x7fe374c2c370>
Because of this issue, we provide a utility function to create a valid prior function, saving the values of the prior distributions:
xcen= numeric(2)+sigmas[1],
ycen= numeric(2)+sigmas[2],
mag= numeric(2)+sigmas[3],
re= numeric(2)+sigmas[4],
nser= numeric(2)+sigmas[5],
ang= numeric(2)+sigmas[6],
axrat= numeric(2)+sigmas[7],
box= numeric(2)+sigmas[8]
priors=profitMakePriors(modellist, sigmas, tolog, allowflat=TRUE)
## [1] -23.25105
## function (new, init, sigmas = c(sersic.xcen1 = 2, sersic.xcen2 = 2,
## sersic.ycen1 = 2, sersic.ycen2 = 2, sersic.mag1 = 5, sersic.mag2 = 5,
## sersic.re1 = 1, sersic.re2 = 1, sersic.nser1 = 1, sersic.nser2 = 1,
## sersic.ang1 = 30, sersic.ang2 = 30, sersic.axrat1 = 0.3, sersic.axrat2 = 0.3,
## sersic.box1 = Inf, sersic.box2 = Inf), tolog = c(sersic.xcen1 = FALSE,
## sersic.xcen2 = FALSE, sersic.ycen1 = FALSE, sersic.ycen2 = FALSE,
## sersic.mag1 = FALSE, sersic.mag2 = FALSE, sersic.re1 = TRUE,
## sersic.re2 = TRUE, sersic.nser1 = TRUE, sersic.nser2 = TRUE,
## sersic.ang1 = FALSE, sersic.ang2 = FALSE, sersic.axrat1 = TRUE,
## sersic.axrat2 = TRUE, sersic.box1 = FALSE, sersic.box2 = FALSE
## ), tofit = NULL, means = unlist(init), allowflat = TRUE)
## {
## LL = 0
## parms = unlist(new)
## if (!is.null(tofit))
## ps = which(tofit)
## else ps = 1:length(parms)
## for (p in ps) {
## if (!(allowflat && (sigmas[p] == Inf))) {
## parm = parms[[p]]
## mean = means[[p]]
## if (tolog[p]) {
## parm = log10(parm)
## mean = log10(mean)
## }
## LL = LL + dnorm(parm, mean, sigmas[p], log = TRUE)
## }
## }
## return = LL
## }
## <bytecode: 0x7fe3654d0a30>
The hard intervals should also be specified in linear space:
It is not a requirement to have a constraints object that do more complex manipulations of the modellist, but it is useful to stop undesirable (perhaps unphysical) exploration.
The constraint object is really a function that takes modellist as an input and returns a modifed (but identical in skeleton structure) modellist output. For this reason it is generally best to make manipulations on the modellist directly rather than attempting to unlist (collapse) it and rebuild it etc (this can be done, but it is prone to coding error).
The elements you access within the modellist structure must really exist or ProFit will stop with an error. All constraints manipulations happen internally to the model in linear (un-logged) form.
Setup the data structure we need for optimisation, taking a few seconds to find the optimal convolution method:
Data=profitSetupData(image=image, sigma=sigma, segim=segim, psf=psf,
modellist=modellist, tofit=tofit, tolog=tolog, priors=priors,
intervals=intervals,magzero=0, algo.func='optim', like.func="t",
This produces a fairly complex R object, but with all the bits we need for fitting, e.g. (notice the tolog parameteres are now logged):
## sersic.xcen1 sersic.ycen1 sersic.mag1 sersic.mag2 sersic.re1
## 84.5000000 93.5000000 16.8321750 16.8321750 0.8486447
## sersic.re2 sersic.nser1 sersic.ang2 sersic.axrat2
## 1.1496747 0.6412361 140.8191000 -0.3106023
These are the parameters we wish to fit for, and we take the initial guesses from the model list we provided before.
We can test how things currently look (we get an output because we set verbose=TRUE earlier):
## [1] "Summary of used sample:"
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## -76.6588 -0.4123 0.4049 0.2498 1.2617 23.7657
## [1] "sd / 1-sig / 2-sig range:"
## [1] 3.558640 1.280227 4.606598
## [1] "Using 16777 out of 16777"
## sersic.xcen1 sersic.ycen1 sersic.mag1 sersic.mag2 sersic.re1
## 8.4500e+01 9.3500e+01 1.6832e+01 1.6832e+01 8.4864e-01
## sersic.re2 sersic.nser1 sersic.ang2 sersic.axrat2
## 1.1497e+00 6.4124e-01 1.4082e+02 -3.1060e-01 -3.3484e+04
First we will try optim
print(system.time({optimfit = optim(Data$init, profitLikeModel, method='BFGS', Data=Data,
The best optim
BFGS fit is given by:
Check it out:
modeloptim=profitRemakeModellist(parm=optimfit$par, Data=Data)$modellist
Using constraints it is possible to force relative sizes between components etc. Here we do not want the bulge Re to become larger than the disk Re. We make the function and then put it in the Data list manually. You cannot properly use constraints using R’s optim function, but you can use LaplaceApproximation and LaplacesDemon because they receive modifications to the input parameters.
Another useful library for non-linear optimization is nloptr
. nloptr is an interface to a C library with numerous optimizers. The required C library nlopt-devel
should be available to install from your favourite package manager. For optimal performance, we’ll set up a vector of upper and lower bounds for the parameters. These can also be used in optim with the L-BFGS-B
if(isTRUE("nloptr" %in% rownames(installed.packages())))
intervals = unlist(Data$intervals)
tofit = unlist(Data$tofit)
npar = length(tofit)
whichfit = which(tofit)
whichfitlog = which(unlist(Data$tolog)[whichfit])
lower = intervals[2*(1:npar)-1][whichfit]
upper = intervals[2*(1:npar)][whichfit]
system.time({nloptfit = nloptr(
x0 = Data$init, eval_f=function(x,Data) { return(-profitLikeModel(x,Data=Data))}, lb = lower, ub = upper,
opts=list(algorithm=paste0("NLOPT_LN_NELDERMEAD"),xtol_rel=0,ftol_abs=1e-3,maxeval=2e3), Data=Data)})
One important consideration is how to determine convergence. Most optimizers test for convergence based on absolute and/or relative changes in the likelihood and/or parameters, but can also stop after a given elapsed time or number of iterations. It is important to check why the optimization stopped, especially before running MCMC, which can be slower to converge to the global minimum.
Now we can try a LaplaceApproximation
LM fit. This should take a few minutes:
if(isTRUE("LaplacesDemon" %in% rownames(installed.packages())))
system.time({LAfit = LaplaceApproximation(profitLikeModel, parm=Data$init, Data=Data, Iterations=1e3,
Method='LM', CovEst='Identity', sir=FALSE)})
system.time({LAfitnm = LaplaceApproximation(profitLikeModel, parm=Data$init, Data=Data, Iterations=1e3,
Method='NM', CovEst='Identity', sir=FALSE)})
Note that LaplaceApproximation is typically slower than nlopt/optim, but it can be used to estimate uncertainties more quickly than by doing MCMC. The best LA LM fit is given by:
Check it out:
Other optimizers can be used. One particularly effective algorithm is CMA-ES
(Covariance Matrix Adaptation - Evolutionary Strategy
samples multiple points (members of a population) from the supplied priors, and then adapts the priors each iteration, shrinking the parameter space that points are sampled from to converge on the best fit. It is a popular optimizer as it is fairly robust (but not immune) to becoming trapped in local minima while still fairly quick to converge.
First make sure that the cmaeshpc
package is installed:
It is recommended to use narrower priors than the very broad ones specified above to speed up convergence:
if(isTRUE("cmaeshpc" %in% rownames(installed.packages())))
cmasigma=sigmas[which(unlist(tofit) == TRUE)]/3
cmafit=cmaeshpc(Data$init, profitLikeModel, Data=Data, control=list(maxit=1e3,
fnscale=-1.0, sigma=cmasigma, diag.sigma=TRUE, diag.eigen=TRUE, diag.pop=TRUE,
diag.value=TRUE, maxwalltime=Inf, trace=TRUE, stopfitness=0, stop.tolx=1e-3*cmasigma))
sometimes takes longer than LaplaceApproximation
- depending on the convergence criterion specified by stop.tolx
- but it usually finds a better fit, and can be run many times to avoid becoming trapped in local minima. Alternately, you may wish to use the faster LaplaceApproximation
first, redefine your priors, and then run CMA-ES
to search around the LaplaceApproximation
best fit.
Now we can try a LaplacesDemon
fit (this will take about an hour):
LDfit=LaplacesDemon(profitLikeModel, Initial.Values=LAfit$Summary1[,1], Data=Data,
Iterations=1e4, Algorithm='CHARM', Thinning=1, Specs=list(
If it has converged well you will have a Summary2 structure using the ESS:
If not you can still check Summary1:
The global fit should be close to the initial LA fit (shown in blue in the following figures).
With any luck you have enough stationary samples to run:
Otherwise try:
We can now check our final fit:
In the previous examples, the resolution of the convolved model was limited by the size of the pixels, since convolution can only spread flux from pixel-to-pixel. We can do better by sampling the model and PSF on a finer grid than the pixel scale (“fine-sampling”), through interpolation for empirical PSFs.
To test this, set up the data again. This time we will fine-sample the model and PSF by a factor of 3, taking a minute to benchmark convolution methods:
Dataf=profitSetupData(image=image, sigma=sigma, segim=segim, psf=psf,
modellist=modellist, tofit=tofit, tolog=tolog, priors=priors, intervals=intervals,
magzero=0, algo.func='LD', verbose=TRUE, nbenchmark=3L, finesample=3L)
Note that profitSetupData automagically fine-sampled the PSF by interpolation. Usually, brute-force convolution is faster than an FFT (which requires 2x padding to avoid artifacts), but it scales as finesample^4, so FFT is often faster with large images and/or PSFs.
Let’s check to see how the fine-sampled model looks:
That doesn’t look so different, but let’s run LaplaceApproximation
again to see how the best-fit parameters changed:
LAfitf=LaplaceApproximation(profitLikeModel, parm=LAfit$Summary1[,1], Data=Dataf, Iterations=1e3,
Method='BFGS', CovEst='Identity', sir=FALSE)
Does the new best fit look slightly better? It should:
Now run LaplacesDemon
again, with fewer iterations to begin with (as it’s slower to convolve):
LDfitf=LaplacesDemon(profitLikeModel, Initial.Values=LAfitf$Summary1[,1], Data=Dataf,
Iterations=1e3, Algorithm='CHARM', Thinning=1, Specs=list(
If you run the above for 1e4 iterations (will take several hours), try comparing posteriors: