PivotalR: A Fast, Easy-to-Use Tool for Manipulating Tables in Databases and a Wrapper of MADlib

Provides an R interface for the Pivotal Data stack running on 'PostgreSQL', 'Greenplum' or 'Apache HAWQ (incubating)' databases with parallel and distributed computation ability for big data processing. 'PivotalR' provides an R interface to various database operations on tables or views. These operations are almost the same as the corresponding native R operations. Thus users of R do not need to learn 'SQL' when they operate on objects in the database. It also provides a wrapper for 'Apache MADlib (incubating)', which is an open- source library for parallel and scalable in-database analytics.

Depends: R (≥ 2.14.0), methods, Matrix
Suggests: DBI, RPostgreSQL, shiny, testthat, tools, rpart, randomForest, topicmodels
Published: 2019-01-05
Author: Predictive Analytics Team at Pivotal Inc., with contributions from Data Science Team at Pivotal Inc.
Maintainer: Rahul Iyer <riyer at pivotal.io>
Contact: Predictive Analytics Team at Pivotal Inc. <user@madlb.incubator.apache.org>
License: GPL-2 | GPL-3 [expanded from: GPL (≥ 2)]
NeedsCompilation: yes
Materials: README NEWS
CRAN checks: PivotalR results


Reference manual: PivotalR.pdf
Vignettes: An Introduction to PivotalR
Package source: PivotalR_0.
Windows binaries: r-devel: PivotalR_0., r-release: PivotalR_0., r-oldrel: PivotalR_0.
macOS binaries: r-release: PivotalR_0., r-oldrel: PivotalR_0.
Old sources: PivotalR archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse suggests: vinereg


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