Peptides v.2.4.2
C++ code of Charge function was optimized by Luis Pedro Coelho
aaList function was added by Richel Bilderbeek
Peptides v.2.1
Peptides v.2.4
Peptides v.2.3
Peptides v.2.2
Peptides v.2.1
The charge and pI functions were rewritten in C++ and an optimization approach was used thanks to Scott McCain (@jspmccain) and Timothée Poisot (@tpoisot) suggestion.
An error in zScales function data was solved. Q and E values were wrongly interchanged in v 2.0.
Peptides v.2.0.0
All datasets were unified into AAdata
All test were migrated to testthat
readXVG and plotXVG functions were improved by J. Sebastian Paez
kideraFactors output vector was renamed as KF#
Now all sequences are checked before to property calculation
aaDescriptos, fasgaiVectors, blosumIndices, mswhimScores, zScales, vhseScales, protFP, tScales and stScales functions were added
Peptides v.1.2.2
Peptides v.1.2.1
Four new functions were added: autoCorrelation, autoCovariance, crossCovariance and crucianiProperties
Functions related with XVG files were updated.
Documentation was changed to roxygen2
Peptides v.1.1.2
All functions were re-vectorized to support set of peptides as input
Kidera function now returns all factors in a unique output
Peptides v.1.1.1
The mw function now computes the molecular weight using monoisotopic values
A problem with blank spaces was solved
Peptides v.1.1.0
Peptides v.1.0.4
A instaindex function bug has been fixed.
A problem with line breaks in sequences was solved.
Peptides v.1.0.3 * A membpos function bug has been fixed.
Peptides v.1.0.2
Hydrophobicity function now can compute the GRAVY index with one of the 38 scales includes in Peptides (*new):
The mw function has been fixed to give the same result as ExPASy pI/mw tool.
The hmoment function is now vectorized and allow adjust the windows size. (thanks to an anonymous reviewer of RJournal).
The pepdata dataset and the variable name are now unified to lowercases.
The seqinr package dependency was removed.