The goal of this vignette is to provide a quick overview of using the PanelMatch package, highlight important features and functions, and help users get the most out of their experience with the package. It assumes that you have been able to install the package successfully and are already familiar with the basics of R.

We will be working with the dem data set, which comes included with the package. Before doing any matching, estimation or further analysis, it is helpful to understand the distribution of the treatment variable within your data set. The package hopes to facilitate this with the `DisplayTreatment function.

DisplayTreatment( = "wbcode2",
        = "year", legend.position = "none",
                 xlab = "year", ylab = "Country Code",
                 treatment = "dem", data = dem)

In the plot, the x axis represents time, and the y axis displays the different units in your data set. Red tiles indicate periods where “treatment” is applied to a given unit and blue tiles indicate “control” periods. White spaces indicate missing data. In the above plot, we have a large number of unique units and time periods, so the axes become hard to read. The DisplayTreatment function uses ggplot2 to create this plot, so any custom styling can be applied easily using ggplot2 conventions. However, the function has some built in options to make cleaning up the plot a little easier. When the data set is particularly large, it can also help to use the dense.plot option. There are many ways to customize these plots. We will return to some of these later, but consult the documentation for the full list and descriptions of the arguments.

DisplayTreatment( = "wbcode2",
        = "year", legend.position = "none",
                 xlab = "year", ylab = "Country Code",
                 treatment = "dem", data = dem, 
                 hide.x.axis.label = TRUE, hide.y.axis.label = TRUE) # axis label options

DisplayTreatment( = "wbcode2",
        = "year", legend.position = "none",
                 xlab = "year", ylab = "Country Code",
                 treatment = "dem", data = dem, 
                 hide.x.axis.label = TRUE, hide.y.axis.label = TRUE, 
                 dense.plot = TRUE) # setting dense.plot to TRUE

Next, we will move to the PanelMatch function. The primary purposes of this function are to 1) create sets matching treated units to control units and 2) determine weights for each control unit in a given matched set. These weights are then used in the estimation stage in an intuitive way: units with higher weights factor more heavily into the estimations.

  1. is achieved by matching units that receive treatment after previously being untreated (ie. units that move from control to treatment at a certain time) to control units that have matching treatment histories in a specified lag window, while also remaining untreated during the same period that the treated unit receives treatment. For example, if unit 4 is a control unit until 1992, when it receives treatment, then, for a specified lag = 4, it will be matched with control units that share an identical treatment history with unit 4 from 1988-1991, while also remaining control units in 1992.

  2. is achieved by defining which variables should be used for measuring similarity/distance between units, determining the most comparable control units to be included in the matched set, and assigning weights to control units as appropriate. There are many parameters that can be tuned for this step. Users must choose a refinement method (“mahalanobis”, “ps.match”, “CBPS.match”, “ps.weight”, “CBPS.weight”, “ps.msm.weight”, “CBPS.msm.weight”, or “none”). The “matching” or mahalanobis refinement methods will assign equal weights to the size.match most similar control units in a matched set. The “weighting” methods will generate weights in such a way that control units more similar to treated units will be assigned higher weights.

Users must also define which covariates should be used in this process for defining similarity between units. This is set using the covs.formula argument, which takes the form of a one side formula object. The variables defined on the right hand side of the formula are the variables used in these calculations. Users can included “lagged” versions of variables using I(lag(name.of.var, 0:n)).

The first example sets refinement.method to none, meaning all control units will receive equal weights and no refinement is performed. This will also be helpful to refer back to when we are evaluating the impact of refinement.

The PanelMatch function returns a PanelMatch object, which contains a matched.set object. Please consult the wiki page about matched set objects for more about them.

PM.results.none <- PanelMatch(lag = 4, = "year", = "wbcode2", 
                         treatment = "dem", refinement.method = "none", 
                         data = dem, match.missing = TRUE, 
                         size.match = 5, qoi = "att", outcome.var = "y",
                         lead = 0:4, forbid.treatment.reversal = FALSE, 
                         use.diagonal.variance.matrix = TRUE)

Below, we will use the mahalanobis option for refinement.method and will use only contemporaneous values of the tradewb to define similarity.

PM.results <- PanelMatch(lag = 4, = "year", = "wbcode2", 
                         treatment = "dem", refinement.method = "mahalanobis", # use Mahalanobis distance 
                         data = dem, match.missing = TRUE, 
                         covs.formula = ~ tradewb, 
                         size.match = 5, qoi = "att" , outcome.var = "y",
                         lead = 0:4, forbid.treatment.reversal = FALSE, 
                         use.diagonal.variance.matrix = TRUE)

Next, we will include 4 lags of the tradewb variable and the outcome variable, excluding any contemporaneous values.

While there are no hard rules for how to set the many different PanelMatch parameters, in general, you want to find a balance between having a good number of matched sets and having matched sets that are large enough in size. Having many small matched sets will lead to larger standard errors. You also want to create sets with good covariate balance, which will be discussed later.

PM.results <- PanelMatch(lag = 4, = "year", = "wbcode2", 
                         treatment = "dem", refinement.method = "mahalanobis", 
                         data = dem, match.missing = TRUE, 
                         covs.formula = ~ I(lag(tradewb, 1:4)) + I(lag(y, 1:4)), # lags
                         size.match = 5, qoi = "att", outcome.var = "y",
                         lead = 0:4, forbid.treatment.reversal = FALSE, 
                         use.diagonal.variance.matrix = TRUE)

We can also apply listwise deletion of units for missing data.

PM.results1 <- PanelMatch(lag = 4, = "year", = "wbcode2", 
                         treatment = "dem", refinement.method = "mahalanobis", 
                         data = dem, match.missing = FALSE, listwise.delete = TRUE, # listwise deletion used 
                         covs.formula = ~ I(lag(tradewb, 1:4)) + I(lag(y, 1:4)), 
                         size.match = 5, qoi = "att", outcome.var = "y",
                         lead = 0:4, forbid.treatment.reversal = FALSE, 
                         use.diagonal.variance.matrix = TRUE)

Let’s try out a weighting method using propensity scores and then compare performance.

PM.results2 <- PanelMatch(lag = 4, = "year", = "wbcode2", 
                         treatment = "dem", refinement.method = "ps.weight", 
                         data = dem, match.missing = FALSE, listwise.delete = TRUE, 
                         covs.formula = ~ I(lag(tradewb, 1:4)) + I(lag(y, 1:4)), 
                         size.match = 5, qoi = "att", outcome.var = "y",
                         lead = 0:4, forbid.treatment.reversal = FALSE, 
                         use.diagonal.variance.matrix = TRUE)

Now that we’ve created matched sets, you might be interested in visualizing and evaluating a few aspects of these results. First, let’s make sure the results are sensible, by using DisplayTreatment to see if our treated and control units meet the parameters outlined previously for one of our matched sets.

# extract the first matched set
mset <- PM.results.none$att[1]

DisplayTreatment( = "wbcode2",
        = "year", legend.position = "none",
                 xlab = "year", ylab = "Country Code",
                 treatment = "dem", data = dem,
                 matched.set = mset, # this way we highlight the particular set
                 show.set.only = TRUE)

We can also get an idea of the number and size of our matched sets by using the summary and plot methods for matched.set objects. By default, the plot method excludes empty matched sets (treated units that could not be matched to any control units) by default, showing the number of empty sets in a separate vertical bar at x = 0. This can be turned off by setting include.empty.sets to TRUE.

#> $overview
#>     wbcode2 year matched.set.size
#> 1         4 1992               74
#> 2         4 1997                2
#> 3         6 1973               63
#> 4         6 1983               73
#> 5         7 1991               81
#> 6         7 1998                1
#> 7        12 1992               74
#> 8        13 2003               58
#> 9        15 1991               81
#> 10       16 1977               63
#> 11       17 1991               81
#> 12       18 1991               81
#> 13       22 1991               81
#> 14       25 1982               72
#> 15       26 1985               76
#> 16       31 1993               65
#> 17       34 1990               79
#> 18       36 2000               57
#> 19       38 1992               74
#> 20       40 1990               79
#> 21       40 1996                1
#> 22       40 2002                1
#> 23       41 1991               81
#> 24       45 1993               65
#> 25       47 1999               59
#> 26       50 1978               63
#> 27       52 1979               60
#> 28       55 1978               63
#> 29       56 1992               74
#> 30       57 1995               57
#> 31       59 1990                1
#> 32       64 1995               57
#> 33       65 1970               58
#> 34       65 1979               60
#> 35       65 1996               57
#> 36       70 1994               58
#> 37       70 2005                1
#> 38       72 1975               61
#> 39       73 1984               74
#> 40       75 1966               46
#> 41       75 1986               77
#> 42       78 1992               74
#> 43       80 1982               72
#> 44       81 2000               57
#> 45       82 2006               49
#> 46       83 1990               79
#> 47       84 1999               59
#> 48       96 2002               58
#> 49       97 2005               54
#> 50      101 1988               80
#> 51      104 2005               54
#> 52      105 2004               57
#> 53      109 1993               65
#> 54      110 1993               65
#> 55      112 1993               65
#> 56      115 1994               58
#> 57      116 1993               65
#> 58      118 1997               58
#> 59      119 1991               81
#> 60      120 1992               74
#> 61      123 1993               65
#> 62      124 1994               58
#> 63      128 1994               58
#> 64      133 1991               81
#> 65      134 1979               60
#> 66      134 1999               59
#> 67      135 1990               79
#> 68      138 1991               81
#> 69      138 2006               49
#> 70      141 1972               63
#> 71      141 1988               80
#> 72      142 1994               58
#> 73      143 1980               61
#> 74      144 1987               78
#> 75      149 1976               63
#> 76      150 1993               65
#> 77      154 1990               79
#> 78      155 1993               65
#> 79      158 1965               40
#> 80      158 1986               77
#> 81      159 2000               57
#> 82      162 2004               57
#> 83      163 1996               57
#> 84      163 2001               59
#> 85      164 1982               72
#> 86      167 1988               80
#> 87      168 1993               65
#> 88      169 1992               74
#> 89      177 1974               62
#> 90      177 1978                1
#> 91      183 1983                2
#> 92      187 1994               58
#> 93      188 1985               76
#> 94      199 1994               58
#> 95      201 1991               81
#> 96      202 1978               63
#> 97       17 2009                0
#> 98       70 1999                0
#> 99       82 1994                0
#> 100     109 1999                0
#> 101     133 1999                0
#> 102     143 1993                0
#> 103     167 1991                0
#> 104     177 1992                0
#> 105     183 1973                0
#> $set.size.summary
#>    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
#>    0.00   57.00   62.00   55.75   74.00   81.00 
#> $number.of.treated.units
#> [1] 105
#> $num.units.empty.set
#> [1] 9
#> $lag
#> [1] 4


plot(PM.results.none$att, include.empty.sets = TRUE) # The red tiny bar that would otherwise indicate empty sets is now part of the grey bar

Now, let’s see the impact of performing refinement by comparing the balance of covariates before and after. See the documentation for the get_covariate_balance for more about how the package calculates covariate balance. We hope to see low values (.2 is a helpful threshold value as a rule of thumb) in the results of our covariate balance calculations. We also hope to see an improvement in covariate balance after applying some method of refinement to our results.

We can use the get_covariate_balance function to assess our results. To view the raw results, set plot = FALSE.

# get covariate balance for sets that are unrefined

                      data = dem,
                      covariates = c("tradewb", "y"),
                      plot = FALSE)
#>         tradewb            y
#> t_4 -0.07245466  0.291871990
#> t_3 -0.20263216  0.211112946
#> t_2 -0.24038804  0.109744256
#> t_1 -0.12564222 -0.004944938
#> t_0 -0.11943058 -0.015136766

# compare with sets that have had various refinements applied

                      data = dem,
                      covariates = c("tradewb", "y"),
                      plot = FALSE)
#>          tradewb          y
#> t_4  0.062473658 0.10714884
#> t_3 -0.009804017 0.09712049
#> t_2  0.027631301 0.07957258
#> t_1  0.166663572 0.05650336
#> t_0  0.220957018 0.04910509

                      data = dem,
                      covariates = c("tradewb", "y"), 
                      plot = FALSE)
#>         tradewb           y
#> t_4  0.02181957 0.034828426
#> t_3 -0.03882313 0.034841740
#> t_2 -0.02740226 0.012962544
#> t_1  0.04176720 0.003361670
#> t_0  0.03928411 0.002391157

                      data = dem,
                      covariates = c("tradewb", "y"), 
                      plot = FALSE)
#>         tradewb          y
#> t_4 0.014362590 0.04035905
#> t_3 0.005320866 0.04199342
#> t_2 0.009085826 0.04225722
#> t_1 0.030401128 0.03994840
#> t_0 0.049106248 0.04209055

You can also check the balance of unrefined matched sets by setting the use.equal.weights argument to TRUE. From these examples we can see that different refinement methods have various levels of success in improving covariate balance. Refinement using mahalanobis distance and the use.diagonal.variance.matrix argument set to TRUE performed well. Refinement using propensity score weighting also helped improve covariate balance, relative to that of the unrefined matched sets.

The parameters and refinement methods that work best will depend on your data and application/context.

We can also create plots showing covariate balance throughout the lag window period by setting the plot argument to TRUE, as shown below.

                      data = dem,
                      covariates = c("tradewb", "y"), 
                      plot = TRUE, # visualize by setting plot to TRUE
                      ylim = c(-.2, .2))

We can also evaluate our results using the balance_scatter function:

balance_scatter(non_refined_set = PM.results.none$att,
               refined_list = list(PM.results$att, PM.results2$att),
               data = dem,
               covariates = c("y", "tradewb"))

We now move to the next major part of the package: obtaining point estimates and standard errors using PanelEstimate. The package uses bootstrapping to obtain standard errors. By default, 1000 bootstrap iterations are used, and .95 is the default confidence level.

The function returns a PanelEstimate object, which behaves like a list. As such, you can access the various elements just as you would in a list.

PE.results <- PanelEstimate(sets = PM.results1, data = dem)

#>  [1] "estimates"              "bootstrapped.estimates" "bootstrap.iterations"  
#>  [4] "standard.error"         "method"                 "lag"                   
#>  [7] "lead"                   "confidence.level"       "qoi"                   
#> [10] "matched.sets"

# View the point estimates 

#>        t+0        t+1        t+2        t+3        t+4 
#> -0.1182277  0.7773662  1.2014708  2.1068868  1.6472643

PanelEsimate objects have custom summary and plot methods defined. The plot method can be customized with all of the same arguments/operations as the regular plot function in base R. This method shows the point estimates for the specified periods, along with the standard errors.

#> Weighted Difference-in-Differences with Mahalanobis Distance
#> Matches created with 4 lags
#> Standard errors computed with 1000 Weighted bootstrap samples
#> Estimate of Average Treatment Effect on the Treated (ATT) by Period:
#> $summary
#>       estimate std.error      2.5%     97.5%
#> t+0 -0.1182277 0.5138888 -1.208424 0.7728617
#> t+1  0.7773662 0.8794504 -1.159555 2.3421549
#> t+2  1.2014708 1.2376579 -1.385415 3.4444499
#> t+3  2.1068868 1.5600946 -1.161002 4.9924774
#> t+4  1.6472643 1.8950433 -2.230917 5.1789592
#> $lag
#> [1] 4
#> $iterations
#> [1] 1000
#> $qoi
#> [1] "att"


This last plot makes it clear that the effect of treatment on treated units (att) in this configuration is statistically insignificant.