This vignette summarizes the functions in the PPQplan
package, and provides some examples to illustrates how to use the package.
First of all, you need to install the R package.
then attach it
## Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'ggplot2':
## method from
## [.quosures rlang
## c.quosures rlang
## print.quosures rlang
## Registered S3 method overwritten by 'dplyr':
## method from
## tibble
Note: in order to better perform the dynamic plots, it is recommended to run the following code in RStudio.
This package provides several S3 functions listed as follows:
: calculates probability of pass the specification test.Example: Consider some sterile concentration assay as a CQA, the lower and upper specification limits are 95% and 105%, if the hypothetical mean and standard devaiton are 98% and 1%, then the probability of passing the specification test will be caluclated as follow.
## [1] 0.9986501
For the above example, assume the PPQ study reports a sample of 10 assay results per batch, test only one batch. Then a general multiplier for constructing 95% two-sided prediction interval can be calculated as \(k=2.373\).
: calcualtes the probability of passing some critical quality attributes (CQA) PPQ test using a general constant multiplier k
.## [1] 0.8604419
Comparing different senarios for hypothetical mean and standard deviation:
sigma <- seq(0.1, 4, 0.1)
pp1 <- sapply(X=sigma, FUN = PPQ.pp, mu=97, n=10, Llim=95, Ulim=105, k=2.373)
pp2 <- sapply(X=sigma, FUN = PPQ.pp, mu=98, n=10, Llim=95, Ulim=105, k=2.373)
pp3 <- sapply(X=sigma, FUN = PPQ.pp, mu=99, n=10, Llim=95, Ulim=105, k=2.373)
pp4 <- sapply(X=sigma, FUN = PPQ.pp, mu=100, n=10, Llim=95, Ulim=105, k=2.373)
plot(sigma, pp1, xlab="Standard Deviation", main="LSL=95, USL=105, k=2.373, n=10",
ylab="Probability of Passing", type="o", pch=1, col=1, lwd=1, ylim=c(0,1))
lines(sigma, pp2, type="o", pch=2, col=2)
lines(sigma, pp3, type="o", pch=3, col=3)
lines(sigma, pp4, type="o", pch=4, col=4)
legend("topright", legend=paste0(rep("mu=",4),c(97,98,99,100)), bg="white",
col=c(1,2,3,4), pch=c(1,2,3,4), lty=1, cex=0.8)
mu <- seq(95, 105, 0.1)
pp5 <- sapply(X=mu, FUN = PPQ.pp, sigma=0.5, n=10, Llim=95, Ulim=105, k=2.373)
pp6 <- sapply(X=mu, FUN = PPQ.pp, sigma=1, n=10, Llim=95, Ulim=105, k=2.373)
pp7 <- sapply(X=mu, FUN = PPQ.pp, sigma=1.5, n=10, Llim=95, Ulim=105, k=2.373)
pp8 <- sapply(X=mu, FUN = PPQ.pp, sigma=2, n=10, Llim=95, Ulim=105, k=2.373)
pp9 <- sapply(X=mu, FUN = PPQ.pp, sigma=2.5, n=10, Llim=95, Ulim=105, k=2.373)
plot(mu, pp5, xlab="Mean Value", main="LSL=95, USL=105, k=2.373, n=10",
ylab="Probability of Passing", type="o", pch=1, col=1, lwd=1, ylim=c(0,1))
lines(mu, pp6, type="o", pch=2, col=2)
lines(mu, pp7, type="o", pch=3, col=3)
lines(mu, pp8, type="o", pch=4, col=4)
lines(mu, pp9, type="o", pch=5, col=5)
legend("topright", legend=paste0(rep("sigma=",5),seq(0.5,2.5,0.5)), bg="white",
col=c(1,2,3,4,5), pch=c(1,2,3,4,5), lty=1, cex=0.8)
: plots OC curves for specification test and PPQ plan, with the options of customizing CQA name, unit, number of batch, optimizing the plans, etc.The function can also optimize the baseline and high performance sampling plan1 by using add.reference
We can also optimize and show the Baseline and High performance reference lines only:
Since \(k=2.373\) is between 1.798 (baseline) and 2.945 (high performance), the 95% confidence interval is suitable for this PPQ plan.
: Heatmap (or Contour Plot) for PPQ assessment with parameter <- seq(95,105,0.05)
sigma <- seq(0.1,1.75,0.05)
PPQ.ctplot( = "Sterile Concentration Assay", attr.unit = "%LC", Llim=95, Ulim=105, mu = mu, sigma = sigma, k=2.373)
test <- data.frame(mu=c(97,98.3,102.5), sd=c(0.55, 1.5, 1.2))
PPQ.ctplot( = "Sterile Concentration Assay", attr.unit = "%LC", Llim=95, Ulim=105, mu = mu, sigma = sigma, k=2.373, test.point=test)
: Dynamic Heatmap (or Contour Plot) for PPQ assessment with parameter space. mu <- seq(95, 105, 0.05)
sigma <- seq(0.1,1.75,0.05)
PPQ.ggplot( = "Sterile Concentration Assay", attr.unit = "%LC", Llim=95, Ulim=105, mu = mu, sigma = sigma, k=2.373, dynamic = FALSE)
Plot a dynamic heat map. User can hover on the plot to interactively evaluate the plan with dynamic = TRUE
: calcualtes the probability of passing the PPQ test using prediction interval with confidence level \(100 \times 1-\alpha\).Use the same example with alpha=0.05
## [1] 0.8606111
: plots OC curves for specification test and PPQ plan, with the options of customizing CQA name, unit, number of batch, optimizing the plans, etc. pi.occurve( = "Sterile Concentration Assay", attr.unit="%LC",
mu=97, sigma=seq(0.1, 10, 0.1), Llim=95, Ulim=105, n=10, add.reference=TRUE)
pi.occurve( = "Sterile Concentration Assay", attr.unit="%LC",
mu=100, sigma=seq(0.1, 10, 0.1), Llim=95, Ulim=105, n=10, add.reference=TRUE)
pi.occurve( = "Sterile Concentration Assay", attr.unit="%LC",
mu=seq(95,105,0.1), sigma=1, Llim=95, Ulim=105, n=10, add.reference=TRUE)
: Heatmap (or Contour Plot) for PPQ assessment with parameter <- seq(95, 105, 0.05)
sigma <- seq(0.1,1.75,0.05)
pi.ctplot( = "Sterile Concentration Assay", attr.unit = "%LC", Llim=95, Ulim=105, mu = mu, sigma = sigma)
: calcualtes the probability of passing the PPQ test using one-sided or two-sided tolerance interval with confidence level \(100 \times 1-\alpha\).Use the same example with alpha=0.05
## [1] 0.9942658
## [1] 0.6185582
: plots OC curves for specification test and PPQ plan, with the options of customizing CQA name, unit, number of batch, optimizing the plans, etc. ti.occurve( = "Sterile Concentration Assay", attr.unit="%",
mu=97, sigma=seq(0.1, 10, 0.1), Llim=95, Ulim=105, n=10, add.reference=TRUE)
ti.occurve( = "Sterile Concentration Assay", attr.unit="%",
mu=100, sigma=seq(0.1, 10, 0.1), Llim=95, Ulim=105, n=10, add.reference=TRUE)
ti.occurve( = "Sterile Concentration Assay", attr.unit="%",
mu=seq(95,105,0.1), sigma=1, Llim=95, Ulim=105, n=10, add.reference=TRUE)
Another example is test Extractable Volume using one-sided lower tolerance interval2.
: Heatmap (or Contour Plot) for PPQ assessment with parameter <- seq(95, 105, 0.05)
sigma <- seq(0.1,2.5,0.05)
ti.ctplot( = "Sterile Concentration Assay", attr.unit = "%LC", Llim=95, Ulim=105, mu = mu, sigma = sigma)
Also test the Extractable Volume using one-sided tolerance interval, for example, NV = 1mL with 95% / 67.5% one-sided lower tolerance interval.
: calculate the probability of passing general upper and/or lower specification limit.## [1] 0.02568295
: plot a plain or dynamic heatmap (or contour plot) for a general sampling plan with specification limit.Burdick, R. K., LeBlond, D. J., Pfahler, L. B., Quiroz, J., Sidor, L., Vukovinsky, K., & Zhang, L. (2017). Statistical Applications for Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls (CMC) in the Pharmaceutical Industry.↩
USP <1>↩