OpenImageR 1.1.7
- I fixed an error in the ‘equal_spaced’ version of the crop_image_secondary() function
- I fixed invalid URL’s (both in R scripts and vignettes)
- I added the superpixel_bbox() function which returns the bounding box boundaries for the superpixels
- I added the superpixel_bbox_subset() function which returns the bounding box boundaries of a subset of superpixels
- I added the padding() function, which allows a user to pad / extend a matrix or array using a specified value
OpenImageR 1.1.6
- I renamed the load_3d_binary to load_binary and now a user can load either a 2- or a 3-dimensional object. I also fixed a bug in the function.
- I modified the superpixels function, so that it can take 2-dimensional objects too (matrices) besides 3-dimensional images (no need to convert to 3-dimensional outside of the function).
- I added the parameter vectorize_magnitude to the gabor_feature_extraction method of the GaborFeatureExtract R6 class. In case that the vectorize_magnitude parameter is set to FALSE the user will receive the magnitude in form of a matrix ( for instance if the scales parameter is set to 2 and the (rows, cols) of the image are (128, 128) then the resulted magnitude will be a list of length 2 where each sublist will be a matrix with dimensions (128, 128) (pixel-wise magnitude values) )
- I modified the meshgrid_x() and meshgrid_y() Rcpp functions and now they return faster as before
- I modified the check-input-data-cases for the RGB_to_Lab and RGB_to_HSV
- I fixed the “failure: the condition has length > 1” CRAN error which appeared mainly due to the misuse of the base class() function in multiple code snippets in the package (for more info on this matter see:
OpenImageR 1.1.5
- I renamed the internal function norm_range_gauss to norm_matrix_range. Now, the norm_matrix_range function is accessible when loading the OpenImageR package. Moreover, I excluded rounding [ round() ], which occured by default in the norm_range_gauss function.
OpenImageR 1.1.4
- I fixed the duplicated vignette title warning
OpenImageR 1.1.3
- I fixed a documentation error as suggested in issue 11 of the OpenImageR Github repository (converted radians to degrees in all scripts of the OpenImageR package).
OpenImageR 1.1.2
- I converted the OpenImageR package to a header-only package, so that Rcpp functions can be called from another R package.
- I added the SLIC and SLICO superpixel algorithms as header files and as a function (superpixels()) which can be called from within R.
- I added the load_3d_binary() function in case that a user intends to load 3d-image data from a binary file (as is the case when a user writes data when using the superpixels() function).
- I added the RGB (Red-Green-Blue) to LAB (Lightness, A-colour-dimension, B-colour-dimension) colour conversion (RGB_to_Lab()).
- I added the RGB (Red-Green-Blue) to HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) colour conversion (RGB_to_HSV()).
- I added the vignette “Image_segmentation_superpixels_clustering.Rmd”
OpenImageR 1.1.1
- I modified the rotate_nearest_bilinear Rcpp function in the utils.cpp file to fix the ASAN-gcc error.
OpenImageR 1.1.0
- I fixed the ASAN-gcc error.
- I commented 3 test cases for the Solaris OS, otherwise it gives an error (see the comments in the test-gabor.R tests file).
- I updated the Vignette Gabor Feature extraction.
OpenImageR 1.0.9
I added the GaborFeatureExtract R6 class, which as the name suggests extracts Gabor features from images (I updated the documentation and Vignettes too)
OpenImageR 1.0.8
I added the DARMA_64BIT_WORD flag in the Makevars file to allow the package processing big datasets
OpenImageR 1.0.7
I removed the threads parameter from the Augmentation function as there is no significant improvement (in execution speed) between a threaded and a non-threaded version. I modified the OpenMP clauses of the .cpp files to address the ASAN errors.
OpenImageR 1.0.6
I fixed a bug in the translation_mat function of the utils.cpp source file ( and Moreover, I added the padded_value parameter in the translation and Augmentation R functions to allow the user to adjust the shifted values ( in case that shift_rows or shift_cols is not 0 ). The padded_value parameter can take either a numeric value or a numeric vector depending on the dimensions of the image. Previously, the shifted values were replaced by default with 0.
OpenImageR 1.0.5
I fixed a bug in the dhash function according to the Changelog of the imagehash python library. Moreover, I added a function to round float numbers in the image_hashing.cpp source file, otherwise by creating hash values using the bilinear interpolation method the returned values are incorrect.
OpenImageR 1.0.4
I modified the R script files to accept extension types similar to .tiff such as .tif, .TIFF or .TIF
OpenImageR 1.0.3
I modified the Augmentation function to correct an issue which occured due to the zca_comps parameter
OpenImageR 1.0.2
I did OpenMP optional for all cpp files due to the fact that the OSX OS does not currently support openMP ( r-devel-osx-x86_64-clang )
I removed the floor() function from the lines 45, 46 of the hog_features.cpp, because otherwise Solaris OS throws the following error:
- error: call of overloaded ‘floor(int)’ is ambiguous
I can not fix the following error in the hog_features.cpp file for the r-oldrel-windows platform as it has either to do with the RcppArmadillo version or is GCC specific,
- error: could not convert ‘{{-0x00000000000000001, 0, 1}, {-0x00000000000000002, 0, 2}, {-0x00000000000000001, 0, 1}}’ from ‘’ to ‘arma::mat {aka arma::Mat}’
Platforms, which support newer versions of GCC (GCC >= 4.9.0) and a recent version of RcppArmadillo (>= 0.7) do not throw such an error.
OpenImageR 1.0.1
I modified the Makevars files, so that OpenImageR can be installed error-free in the following OS’s,
- r-devel-osx-x86_64-clang
- r-patched-solaris-sparc
- r-patched-solaris-x86
- r-oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64
OpenImageR 1.0.0