
NoiseFiltersR contains an extensive implementation of state-of-the-art and classical label noise preprocessing algorithms for classification problems. Such a collection was missing for R statistical software.

Namely, NoiseFiltersR includes 30 label noise filters. All of them are appropriately documented, with a general explanation of the method and the exact reference where it was first published. Moreover, they can be called in a R-user-friendly manner, and their results are unified by means of the filter class, which also benefits from adapted print and summary methods.


Use install.packages to install NoiseFiltersR and its dependencies from CRAN:


Once installed, use the command library to attach the package:


Example of use

Once the package is installed and attached, the user can apply any of the implemented algorithms.

Next instruction shows how to use the well-known Iterative Partitioning Filter (IPF) (Khoshgoftaar & Rebours, 2007) to filter out class noise from the dataset iris. The formula allows us to indicate the classification variable. Default parameters for the algorithm are considered:

out <- IPF(Species~., data = iris)

Then, the variable out is an object of class filter. This is a list with seven elements:

To appropriately display the information contained in a filter object, general functions print and summary can be used (more details about their output can be found in the package vignette):


Finally, all the implemented algorithms can also be used without a formula argument, just indicating the dataset to be preprocessed and the column that contains the classification variable (last column is assumed by default):

out <- IPF(iris, classColumn = 5)

For more specific information on how to use each filter, please refer to the functions documentation page and the examples contained therein. For a general overview of the NoiseFiltersR package, please look up the associated vignette.