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Utilities and kinship information for behavior genetics and developmental research using the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY)


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The release version of NlsyLinks can be installed from CRAN.


The latest development version of NlsyLinks can be installed from GitHub after installing the devtools package.


Locations for Help and Development

This repository contains the code used in the NlsyLinks R package. For additional information about the package and using it in NLSY research, please see

We now use this GitHub repository as our primary way of managing, tracking, and build-checking versions of the source code. We're no longer using our R-Forge site to check builds. The stable releases (intended for most researchers) is available on the package's CRAN site.

The help forums remain on the package's R-Forge.

Thanks to Funders

The current work on the NLSY Kinship links has been supported by NIH Grant R01-HD065865 (Joe Rodgers, PI).