Getting Started with NNS: Partial Moments

Fred Viole

Partial Moments

Why is it necessary to parse the variance with partial moments? The additional information generated from partial moments permits a level of analysis simply not possible with traditional summary statistics.

Below are some basic equivalences demonstrating partial moments role as the elements of variance.


## [1] 0.09040591
## [1] 0.09040591


## [1] 0.8332328
## [1] 0.8249005
## [1] 0.8332328
## [1] 0.8332328

Standard Deviation

## [1] 0.9128159
## [1] 0.9128159


## [1] -0.04372107
## [1] -0.04372107

Covariance Elements and Covariance Matrix

## $cupm
##           x         y
## x 0.4299250 0.1033601
## y 0.1033601 0.5411626
## $dupm
##           x         y
## x 0.0000000 0.1560924
## y 0.1469182 0.0000000
## $dlpm
##           x         y
## x 0.0000000 0.1469182
## y 0.1560924 0.0000000
## $clpm
##           x         y
## x 0.4033078 0.1559295
## y 0.1559295 0.3939005
## $cov.matrix
##             x           y
## x  0.83323283 -0.04372107
## y -0.04372107  0.93506310

Pearson Correlation

## [1] -0.04953215
## [1] -0.04953215

CDFs (Discrete and Continuous)


Numerical Integration

Partial moments are asymptotic area approximations of \(f(x)\) akin to the familiar Trapezoidal and Simpson’s rules. More observations, more accuracy…

\[[UPM(1,0,f(x))-LPM(1,0,f(x))]\asymp\frac{[F(b)-F(a)]}{[b-a]}\] \[[UPM(1,0,f(x))-LPM(1,0,f(x))] *[b-a] \asymp[F(b)-F(a)]\]

## [1] 0.3335

\[0.3333 * [1-0] = \int_{0}^{1} x^2 dx\] For the total area, not just the definite integral, simply sum the partial moments and multiply by \([b - a]\): \[[UPM(1,0,f(x))+LPM(1,0,f(x))] *[b-a]\asymp\left\lvert{\int_{a}^{b} f(x)dx}\right\rvert\]

Bayes’ Theorem

For example, when ascertaining the probability of an increase in \(A\) given an increase in \(B\), the Co.UPM(degree.x, degree.y, x, y, target.x, target.y) target parameters are set to target.x = 0 and target.y = 0 and the UPM(degree, target, variable) target parameter is also set to target = 0.



If the user is so motivated, detailed arguments and proofs are provided within the following: