NACHO Analysis

A NAnostring quality Control dasHbOard

Mickaël Canouil, Ph.D., Gerard A. Bouland and Roderick C. Slieker, Ph.D.

May 26, 2020

1 Installation

# Install NACHO from CRAN:

# Or the the development version from GitHub:
# install.packages("remotes")

2 Overview

NACHO (NAnostring quality Control dasHbOard) is developed for NanoString nCounter data.
NanoString nCounter data is a messenger-RNA/micro-RNA (mRNA/miRNA) expression assay and works with fluorescent barcodes.
Each barcode is assigned a mRNA/miRNA, which can be counted after bonding with its target.
As a result each count of a specific barcode represents the presence of its target mRNA/miRNA.

NACHO is able to load, visualise and normalise the exported NanoString nCounter data and facilitates the user in performing a quality control.
NACHO does this by visualising quality control metrics, expression of control genes, principal components and sample specific size factors in an interactive web application.

With the use of two functions, RCC files are summarised and visualised, namely: load_rcc() and visualise().

NACHO also includes a function normalise(), which (re)calculates sample specific size factors and normalises the data.

In addition (since v0.6.0) NACHO includes two (three) additional functions:

For more vignette("NACHO") and vignette("NACHO-analysis").

Canouil M, Bouland GA, Bonnefond A, Froguel P, Hart L, Slieker R (2019). “NACHO: an R package for quality control of NanoString nCounter data.” Bioinformatics. ISSN 1367-4803, doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btz647.

  title = {{NACHO}: an {R} package for quality control of {NanoString} {nCounter} data},
  author = {Mickaël Canouil and Gerard A. Bouland and Amélie Bonnefond and Philippe Froguel and Leen Hart and Roderick Slieker},
  journal = {Bioinformatics},
  address = {Oxford, England},
  year = {2019},
  month = {aug},
  issn = {1367-4803},
  doi = {10.1093/bioinformatics/btz647},

3 Analyse NanoString data

3.1 Load packages

## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
## ── Conflicts ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── nacho_conflicts() ──
## x NACHO::summarize() masks dplyr::summarize()
## Attaching package: 'NACHO'
## The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
##     summarize
## Loading required package: Biobase
## Loading required package: BiocGenerics
## Loading required package: parallel
## Attaching package: 'BiocGenerics'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:parallel':
##     clusterApply, clusterApplyLB, clusterCall, clusterEvalQ,
##     clusterExport, clusterMap, parApply, parCapply, parLapply,
##     parLapplyLB, parRapply, parSapply, parSapplyLB
## The following object is masked from 'package:NACHO':
##     normalize
## The following objects are masked from 'package:dplyr':
##     combine, intersect, setdiff, union
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     IQR, mad, sd, var, xtabs
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     Filter, Find, Map, Position, Reduce, anyDuplicated, append,
##, basename, cbind, colnames, dirname,,
##     duplicated, eval, evalq, get, grep, grepl, intersect, is.unsorted,
##     lapply, mapply, match, mget, order, paste, pmax,, pmin,
##, rank, rbind, rownames, sapply, setdiff, sort, table,
##     tapply, union, unique, unsplit, which, which.max, which.min
## Welcome to Bioconductor
##     Vignettes contain introductory material; view with
##     'browseVignettes()'. To cite Bioconductor, see
##     'citation("Biobase")', and for packages 'citation("pkgname")'.
## Setting options('download.file.method.GEOquery'='auto')
## Setting options('GEOquery.inmemory.gpl'=FALSE)

3.2 Download GSE70970 from GEO (or use your own data)

data_directory <- file.path(tempdir(), "GSE70970", "Data")

# Download data
gse <- getGEO("GSE70970")
## Found 1 file(s)
## GSE70970_series_matrix.txt.gz
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
##   .default = col_double(),
##   ID_REF = col_character()
## )
## See spec(...) for full column specifications.
## File stored at:
## /tmp/RtmpVNOmbj/GPL20699.soft
# Get phenotypes
targets <- pData(phenoData(gse[[1]]))
getGEOSuppFiles(GEO = "GSE70970", baseDir = tempdir())
##                                                                    size isdir
## /tmp/RtmpVNOmbj/GSE70970/GSE70970_RAW.tar                       1986560 FALSE
## /tmp/RtmpVNOmbj/GSE70970/GSE70970_characteristics_readme.txt.gz     672 FALSE
##                                                                 mode
## /tmp/RtmpVNOmbj/GSE70970/GSE70970_RAW.tar                        644
## /tmp/RtmpVNOmbj/GSE70970/GSE70970_characteristics_readme.txt.gz  644
##                                                                               mtime
## /tmp/RtmpVNOmbj/GSE70970/GSE70970_RAW.tar                       2020-05-26 17:20:54
## /tmp/RtmpVNOmbj/GSE70970/GSE70970_characteristics_readme.txt.gz 2020-05-26 17:20:55
##                                                                               ctime
## /tmp/RtmpVNOmbj/GSE70970/GSE70970_RAW.tar                       2020-05-26 17:20:54
## /tmp/RtmpVNOmbj/GSE70970/GSE70970_characteristics_readme.txt.gz 2020-05-26 17:20:55
##                                                                               atime
## /tmp/RtmpVNOmbj/GSE70970/GSE70970_RAW.tar                       2020-05-26 17:20:53
## /tmp/RtmpVNOmbj/GSE70970/GSE70970_characteristics_readme.txt.gz 2020-05-26 17:20:54
##                                                                  uid gid
## /tmp/RtmpVNOmbj/GSE70970/GSE70970_RAW.tar                       1738  50
## /tmp/RtmpVNOmbj/GSE70970/GSE70970_characteristics_readme.txt.gz 1738  50
##                                                                    uname grname
## /tmp/RtmpVNOmbj/GSE70970/GSE70970_RAW.tar                       mcanouil  staff
## /tmp/RtmpVNOmbj/GSE70970/GSE70970_characteristics_readme.txt.gz mcanouil  staff
# Unzip data
  tarfile = file.path(tempdir(), "GSE70970", "GSE70970_RAW.tar"), 
  exdir = data_directory
# Add IDs
targets$IDFILE <- list.files(data_directory)

3.3 Import RCC files

3.4 Perform the analyses using limma

3.4.1 Get the phenotypes

##                        IDFILE     age:ch1 gender:ch1 chemo:ch1
## 1   GSM1824143_NPC-T-1.RCC.gz 45.97260274       Male         0
## 2  GSM1824144_NPC-T-10.RCC.gz        46.4       Male         1
## 3 GSM1824145_NPC-T-100.RCC.gz 50.36438356       Male         0
## 4 GSM1824146_NPC-T-101.RCC.gz 64.09041096     Female         1
## 5 GSM1824147_NPC-T-102.RCC.gz 27.57808219       Male         1
## 6 GSM1824148_NPC-T-103.RCC.gz 67.01369863       Male         1
##   disease.event:ch1
## 1                 1
## 2                 1
## 3                 0
## 4                 0
## 5                 1
## 6                 0

3.4.2 Get the normalised counts

##              GSM1824143_NPC-T-1.RCC.gz GSM1824144_NPC-T-10.RCC.gz
## hsa-miR-758                          5                          3
## hsa-miR-1296                         0                          0
## hsa-miR-548e                         1                          0
## hsa-miR-874                          5                         20
## hsa-miR-106b                       864                        725
##              GSM1824145_NPC-T-100.RCC.gz GSM1824146_NPC-T-101.RCC.gz
## hsa-miR-758                           13                           1
## hsa-miR-1296                           0                           0
## hsa-miR-548e                           0                           1
## hsa-miR-874                           31                           3
## hsa-miR-106b                         889                         875
##              GSM1824147_NPC-T-102.RCC.gz
## hsa-miR-758                            0
## hsa-miR-1296                           0
## hsa-miR-548e                           0
## hsa-miR-874                           98
## hsa-miR-106b                        5815

Alternatively, "Accession" number is also available.

3.4.3 Select phenotypes and counts

  1. Make sure count matrix and phenotypes have the same samples
  1. Build the numeric design matrix
  1. limma
eBayes(lmFit(expr_counts, design))
## An object of class "MArrayLM"
## $coefficients
##              (Intercept) `disease.event:ch1`1
## hsa-miR-758    49.886792            27.779874
## hsa-miR-1296    6.245283             4.559315
## hsa-miR-548e   16.553459             5.998265
## hsa-miR-874    62.176101            53.030796
## hsa-miR-106b 1687.037736           670.341574
## 767 more rows ...
## $stdev.unscaled
##              (Intercept) `disease.event:ch1`1
## hsa-miR-758   0.07930516             0.133355
## hsa-miR-1296  0.07930516             0.133355
## hsa-miR-548e  0.07930516             0.133355
## hsa-miR-874   0.07930516             0.133355
## hsa-miR-106b  0.07930516             0.133355
## 767 more rows ...
## $sigma
## [1]  110.26465   22.88524   40.41439  142.35578 2725.78256
## 767 more elements ...
## $df.residual
## [1] 244 244 244 244 244
## 767 more elements ...
## $cov.coefficients
##                       (Intercept) `disease.event:ch1`1
## (Intercept)           0.006289308         -0.006289308
## `disease.event:ch1`1 -0.006289308          0.017783561
## $pivot
## [1] 1 2
## $rank
## [1] 2
## $Amean
##  hsa-miR-758 hsa-miR-1296 hsa-miR-548e  hsa-miR-874 hsa-miR-106b 
##    59.711382     7.857724    18.674797    80.930894  1924.109756 
## 767 more elements ...
## $method
## [1] "ls"
## $design
##   (Intercept) `disease.event:ch1`1
## 1           1                    1
## 2           1                    1
## 3           1                    0
## 4           1                    0
## 5           1                    1
## 241 more rows ...
## $df.prior
## [1] 0.4830213
## $s2.prior
## [1] 1259.044
## $var.prior
## [1] 0.01270806 0.01270806
## $proportion
## [1] 0.01
## $
## [1]   12136.7587     525.1868    1632.5835   20227.6193 7415213.9426
## 767 more elements ...
## $t
##              (Intercept) `disease.event:ch1`1
## hsa-miR-758     5.709956             1.890904
## hsa-miR-1296    3.436321             1.491878
## hsa-miR-548e    5.165943             1.113214
## hsa-miR-874     5.512513             2.796059
## hsa-miR-106b    7.811987             1.845971
## 767 more rows ...
## $
## [1] 244.483 244.483 244.483 244.483 244.483
## 767 more elements ...
## $p.value
##               (Intercept) `disease.event:ch1`1
## hsa-miR-758  3.264532e-08          0.059819484
## hsa-miR-1296 6.927738e-04          0.137020345
## hsa-miR-548e 4.965572e-07          0.266709928
## hsa-miR-874  8.969456e-08          0.005584017
## hsa-miR-106b 1.660223e-13          0.066105273
## 767 more rows ...
## $lods
##              (Intercept) `disease.event:ch1`1
## hsa-miR-758     4.914698            -4.125133
## hsa-miR-1296   -1.305369            -4.402338
## hsa-miR-548e    3.210854            -4.606447
## hsa-miR-874     4.282436            -3.269257
## hsa-miR-106b   12.457684            -4.159485
## 767 more rows ...
## $F
## [1] 37.92181 15.57340 26.89455 43.73702 63.11409
## 767 more elements ...
## $F.p.value
## [1] 4.525315e-15 4.304949e-07 2.771664e-11 5.784522e-17 7.949203e-23
## 767 more elements ...

3.5 Perform the analyses using lm (or any other model) in a tidy-way

res <- GSE70970[["nacho"]] %>% 
  # filter( QC PARAMETER) %>% # possible additional QC filters
  filter(grepl("Endogenous", CodeClass)) %>% 
  select(IDFILE, Name, Accession, Count, Count_Norm, `age:ch1`, `gender:ch1`, `chemo:ch1`, `disease.event:ch1`) %>% 
  mutate_all(~ na_if(.x, "NA")) %>% 
  drop_na() %>% 
  group_by(Name, Accession) %>% 
  nest() %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  slice(1:10) %>% # the ten first genes
    lm = map(.x = data, .f = function(idata) {# lm or whatever model you want = Count_Norm ~ `disease.event:ch1`, idata))$coef)
  ) %>% 

unnest(res, lm)
## # A tibble: 20 x 6
##    Name         Accession    Estimate `Std. Error` `t value` `Pr(>|t|)`
##    <chr>        <chr>           <dbl>        <dbl>     <dbl>      <dbl>
##  1 hsa-miR-758  MIMAT0003879    6.29         1.30      4.86    3.56e- 6
##  2 hsa-miR-758  MIMAT0003879   -0.573        2.32     -0.247   8.05e- 1
##  3 hsa-miR-1296 MIMAT0005794    1.01         0.311     3.26    1.46e- 3
##  4 hsa-miR-1296 MIMAT0005794    0.194        0.556     0.348   7.29e- 1
##  5 hsa-miR-548e MIMAT0005874    3.84         1.14      3.36    1.04e- 3
##  6 hsa-miR-548e MIMAT0005874   -0.965        2.04     -0.472   6.38e- 1
##  7 hsa-miR-874  MIMAT0004911   19.4          2.85      6.82    3.67e-10
##  8 hsa-miR-874  MIMAT0004911   10.1          5.10      1.97    5.09e- 2
##  9 hsa-miR-106b MIMAT0000680 1313.         125.       10.5     6.87e-19
## 10 hsa-miR-106b MIMAT0000680  305.         223.        1.37    1.74e- 1
## 11 hsa-miR-1825 MIMAT0006765   14.           2.46      5.68    9.10e- 8
## 12 hsa-miR-1825 MIMAT0006765    1.44         4.41      0.326   7.45e- 1
## 13 hsa-miR-133a MIMAT0000427   17.2          6.29      2.74    7.09e- 3
## 14 hsa-miR-133a MIMAT0000427    8.32        11.3       0.739   4.61e- 1
## 15 hsa-miR-203  MIMAT0000264  281.         117.        2.40    1.77e- 2
## 16 hsa-miR-203  MIMAT0000264  362.         210.        1.73    8.63e- 2
## 17 hsa-miR-222  MIMAT0000279 1650.         184.        8.98    3.96e-15
## 18 hsa-miR-222  MIMAT0000279 -159.         329.       -0.483   6.30e- 1
## 19 hsa-miR-1973 MIMAT0009448  132.          22.2       5.93    2.88e- 8
## 20 hsa-miR-1973 MIMAT0009448  103.          39.8       2.58    1.11e- 2