
Author: Reinhold Kainhofer,

R package implementing actuarial mortality tables (period and cohort life tables)

About the package

The MortalityTables package provides the mortalityTable base class and some derived classes to handle different types of mortality tables (also called life tables), mainly used for life insurance. Additionally it provides a plot function to compare multiple life tables either directly using the absolute mortalities in log-linear plots or using relative mortalities as percentages of a given reference table.

Types of Life Tables

Provided types of mortality tables are:

Loading the MortalityTables package


Provided Data Sets

The package provides several real-life life tables published by census bureaus and actuarial associations around the world. You can use the function mortalityTables.list to list all available datasets (if no argument is given) or all datasets that match the given pattern (wildcard character is *). You can then use mortalityTables.load to load either one single data set or all datasets that match the pattern.

# list all available data sets

# list all datasets for Austria

# Load the German annuity table DAV 2004-R

# Load all Austrian data sets

Further information

For further information on how to use the package, see the “Using the MortalityTables Package” vignette.