

MMPCA is a package to perform clustering of count data based on the mixture of multinomial PCA model. It integrates a dimension reduction aspect by factorizing the multinomial parameters in a latent space, like Latent Dirichlet Allocation of Blei et. al. It specially conceived for low sample high-dimensional data. Due to the intensive nature of the greedy algorithm, it is not suited for large sample size.


The package contains attached data in BBCmsg. It consists in 4 text document already preprocessed with the tm package. It is mostly useful for the simulate_BBC() function.


Demonstration for document clustering

Start by generating data from the MMPCA model with a particular \(\theta^\star\) and \(\beta^\star\). For more detail, check experimental section of the paper.

N = 200
L = 250
simu <- simulate_BBC(N, L, epsilon = 0, lambda = 1)
Ytruth <- simu$Ytruth

Then perform clustering

t0 <- system.time(res <- mmpca_clust(simu$dtm.full, Q = 6, K = 4,
                          Yinit = 'random',
                          method = 'BBCVEM',
                          max.epochs = 7,
                          keep = 1,
                          verbose = 2,
                          nruns = 2,
                          mc.cores = 2)
#>    user  system elapsed 
#>   0.032   0.008  73.242

Results analysis

tab <- knitr::kable(table(res@clustering, Ytruth), format = 'markdown')
#> |  1|  2|  3|  4|  5|  6|
#> |--:|--:|--:|--:|--:|--:|
#> |  0|  0|  0|  0| 32|  0|
#> |  0| 33|  0|  0|  0|  3|
#> |  0|  0| 26|  0|  0|  0|
#> | 35|  0|  0|  0|  0|  0|
#> |  0|  0|  0| 36|  0| 34|
#> |  1|  0|  0|  0|  0|  0|
cat('Final ARI is ', aricode::ARI(res@clustering, Ytruth))
#> Final ARI is  0.767059

Other visualization are also accessible from the plot function. Which takes several arguments

ggtopics <- plot(res, type = 'topics')

plot of chunk plot-results-topics

ggbound <- plot(res, type = 'bound')

plot of chunk plot-results-bound

Model selection

The package contains a convenient wrapper around mmpca_clust() which performs model selection over a grid of values for \((K,Q)\). Here is the results for Qs = 5:7 and Ks = 3:5.

t1 <- system.time(res <- mmpca_clust_modelselect(simu$dtm.full, Qs = 5:7, Ks = 3:5,
                          Yinit = 'kmeans_lda',
                          init.beta = 'lda',
                          method = 'BBCVEM',
                          max.epochs = 7,
                          nruns = 3,
                          verbose = 1)
best_model = res$models