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Fix bug in parallel computing function concerning case when there are migrants in the model (this bug resulted from fix to version 1.0.14).
Fix bug in parallel computing function concerning case when there are no migrants in the model.
Update of chron package caused an error due to new date format. This problem has been fixed.
Fix bug concerning the transition age of immigrants.
Up to version 1.0.10 deterministic events could only be defined to occur after whole numbered years. Now, they can also be defined to happen after whole numbered days.
Fix bug concerning the uniqueness of IDs of newborns when simulating natives and migrants on several cores, i.e., when using the function ‘micSimParallel’.
Slight changes in the description of the (life-course) model used in MicSim.
Add error message arising if negative rate values appear.
Besides not defining impossible transitions in the transition matrix, they can now also be specified by giving only zero rate values for the respective rate function/s.
Missing package dependency has been added. MicSim requires ‘rlecuyer’.
Add a new reference.
Modify function ‘micSim’ that it can also deal with a single life course.
Fix bug in function ‘convertToLongFormat’ leading to wrong ordering of the event sequences of individuals born during simulation.
Fix minor conversion problem in function ‘convertToWideFormat’, related to request for NA values.
Now function ‘buildTransitionMatrix’ can handle covariate dependent mortality rates of every kind, e.g., mortality rates depending on health status and gender.
Add function ‘convertToWideFormat’ to convert simulation output into wide format.
Slight changes in the examples to make them more feasible. Concretely, in several rates definitions I adjusted the year in which dynamics are assumed to change.
Fix a bug in the optional features of the ‘micSim’ function: Children who are part of the base population had been enrolled one year to late. Now, enrollment dates are OK.
Refine funtionality of ‘micSim’ function to handle deterministc events (marked by Inf rates).
Fix bug in function ‘buildTransitionMatrix’.
Add News file.
Extend function ‘buildTransitionMatrix’ to facilitate using transition rates which depend on covariates such as gender and marital status.
Correct typing error in Details section of help page of function ‘buildTransitionMatrix’.
Fix a problem in function ‘micSim’ occuring if the simulation is asked not to produce newborns (concerns argument ‘fertTr=c()’).