
Matching and Weighting Multiply Imputed Datasets

What’s New

Version 0.9.3

This is an update to kill few bugs.

Version 0.9.2

This is an update to change the definition of the complete() function to evade name clashes with the tidyr package.

Version 0.9.1

This is an update to improve documentation and to fix minor bugs.

Version 0.9.0

This is an update to improve documentation and to implement compatibility for robust estimation of standard errors (compatibility with the svyglm() and svycoxph(), from the survey package, to be used as expressions within the with() function) and for new matching and weighting methods (e.g. the full, genetic, and cem matching methods as well as ebal and optweight weighting methods). Moreover, complete() function is included in the package to replace the and

Version 0.8.2

This is a spit and polish update to improve documentation and to fix minor bugs.

Version 0.8.1

This is the first release of the MatchThem package both on the Github and the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN).


Farhad Pishgar

Noah Greifer

Clémence Leyrat

Elizabeth Stuart