MSEtool is an extension of the DLMtool R package and provides simulation tools for management strategy evaluation informing data-rich fisheries.
Find more information about DLMtool and MSEtool at
The released version of MSEtool
can be downloaded from CRAN:
The GitHub repository contains the development version of MSEtool, which can be installed via:
The development version may be unstable and it is typically not recommended for analyses.
Vignettes describing the features of MSEtool can be obtained via:
devtools::install_github("tcarruth/MSEtool", build_vignettes = TRUE)
The vignettes can also be viewed on the MSEtool page on CRAN.
A User Guide for the DLMtool package also available at
Please report any bugs or issues through GitHub or the DLMtool website.