MARSS Development site

New work on MARSS before posting to CRAN is at the GitHub repo. Notes on known issues are also posted there.

CHANGES IN MARSS 3.10.12 (current state of master 1-29-2020)

Version 3.10.12 update mainly has to do with the tidy(), fitted() and augment() enhancements which clarify ytT, xtT and residual intervals for MARSS models. This was a major update though probably users won’t notice much as it only affects residuals output. A few minor bugs were fixed which caused errors to be thrown in some rare time-varying cases. One bug that affected bootstrap confidence intervals was fixed. The documentation got a major clean-up. The Residuals report has been heavily edited to improve precision and clarity (with added verbosity). The help files and automated manual from the help files were cleaned-up and some of the internal functions moved out of the manual.




CHANGES IN MARSS 3.10.11 (GitHub 8-3-2019)

Minor update. Version 3.10.11 has some edits to speed up the code by minimizing calls to expensive checking functions and fixes a bug in MARSSharveyobsFI() that appeared if a parameter was fixed and time-varying and MARSSparamCIs() was called.



CHANGES IN MARSS 3.10.10 (CRAN 11-2-2018)

Minor update to declare S3 objects if user has broom package installed. A few minor changes also made.



CHANGES IN MARSS 3.10.8 (CRAN 4-14-2018)

Major update over 3.9. The main changes have to do with residuals and confidence intervals calculations.


residuals.marssMLE() * Erroneous standardized residuals when Z was non-diagonal (and thus also > 1 row). Also changed residuals.MARSSMLE so it returns residuals (which would be equal to 0) when there are 0s on the diagonal of Q or R * If t=1 and x0 was fixed, residuals were not returned. * The wrong residuals were returned if there were any missing values. Fix involved implementing the missing values modifications for the Kalman filter described in Shumway and Stoffer.

inits functions

kalman filter functions

Confidence intervals and std error for R and Q

Fix: I completely abandoned working with the chol transformed variance-covariance matrices for the Hessian calculation. The chol transformation was not necessary for computing the Hessian since the Hessian is computed at the MLEs and localized.

  1. Created a new function MARSSharveyobsFI() which uses the Harvey (1989) recursion to analyticallycompute the observed Fisher Information matrix. This is the Hessian for the untransformed var-cov parameters. So CIs on variances can be negative since the variance of the MLE is being approximated by a MVN (which can lead to negative lower CIs).

  2. Harvey1989 is now the default function when method=‘hessian’. In later vrs of MARSS, this is changed to Holmes2014.

  3. The user can also select method=‘hessian’ and‘fdHess’ or‘optim’. This will compute the Hessian (of the log-LL function at the MLEs) numerically using these functions. The variance-covariance matrices are NOT chol transformed. These are numerically estimated Hessians of the untransformed variance-covariance matrices.

  4. Added MARSSinfo(26) which discusses the reason for NAs in the Hessian.

Misc minor bugs



CHANGES IN MARSS 3.9 (CRAN 3-21-2014)

none. resubmission due to missing file

CHANGES IN MARSS 3.8 (CRAN 3-18-2014)



CHANGES IN MARSS 3.7 (CRAN 12-14-2013)

3.7 update required due to new version of KFAS that changed its API.



CHANGES IN MARSS 3.6 (CRAN 11-26-2013)

3.6 update is mainly concerned with speeding up MARSS() for problems with large number of time series (n > 100) and where many R elements are being estimated (e.g. R=“diagonal and unequal”). This comes up in dynamic factor analyses often. The changes also improve speed for small R problems by about 25%, but speed increase is 10 fold for problems with R matrices that are 100x100 with 100 estimated R elements.




3.5 is mainly concerned with formalizing the internal structure of model objects. marssMODEL objects have been formalized with attributes. A form definition along with associated form functions have been defined. This won’t be noticeable to users but makes writing functions that use marssMODEL objects easier and more versatile.



CHANGES IN MARSS 3.3 and 3.4 (CRAN 1-16-2013)

This version update is mainly concerned with adding generic functions (coef, residuals, predict), hooking back up KFAS package filters into MARSS functions, and customizing print functions for different model forms.



CHANGES IN MARSS 3.2 (CRAN 08-28-2012)

CHANGES IN MARSS 3.0 (CRAN 07-10-2012)

Note, the changes are extensive but are internal and should be largely invisible to users of MARSS 2.X. The MARSS() 3.0 call is backwards compatible to 2.9 except that kf.x0 changed to tinitx and moved from control list to model list. Use of KFAS remains disabled until I can update to the new version of KFAS. This slows down method=“BFGS”, but does not affect method=“kem”.



CHANGES IN MARSS 2.9 (2012-03-20)

CHANGES IN MARSS 2.8 (2012-01-23)

CHANGES IN MARSS 2.7 and 2.6 (2011-10-21)

CHANGES between MARSS 2.2 and 2.5

CHANGES between MARSS 2.0 and 2.2

CHANGES between MARSS 1.1 and 2.0

CHANGES between MARSS 1.0 and 1.1