- include warning for incorrectly labelled subjects (in RM designs with more than one whole-plot factor)
- include graphics for example documentation
- update package description
- implement checks for missing values in RM
- implementation of post-hoc comparisons
- formula without interaction term possible (in MANOVA)
- warning message for singular covariance matrices (RM)
- improve runtime for permutation
- improve output
- allow for univariate calculations in MANOVA.wide
- add documentation for S3 methods
- improve documentation in vignette
- fix handling of variables coded as factors in nested designs
- warning message for singular covariance matrices
- implement output of confidence intervals for interactions (RM design, option: in plot(…))
- improved plotting routine for RM models, now allowing for more user-specified parameters
- parametric bootstrap now also implemented for the ATS in RM-Designs
- excluded calculation for ATS in multivariate settings (no sensible test statistic in this context)
- fixed some bugs in ordering of data for multivariate higher-way layouts and setting of random seed in permutation procedure
- CIs can now also be calculated using the resampling quantiles of the WTS
- include factor AgeGroup in EEGwide data
MANOVA 0.1.2
- included EEG data example in wide format
- fixed a bug in the calculation of mean values and covariances in the MANOVA() function (one-way layout)
MANOVA 0.1.1
- included new function MANOVA.wide() for data provided in wide format
- fixed a bug in the calculation of mean values and covariance matrices in two- and higher-way layouts
- re-structured the analysis of nested designs
MANOVA 0.0.5
- included calculation and plotting options for confidence ellipsoids for contrasts in multivariate factorial designs
- fixed some bugs in Wild bootstrap routine and one-way designs
- included modified ATS (MATS) and parametric and wild bootstrap thereof in MANOVA()
MANOVA 0.0.4
- fixed small bug in the parametric bootstrap routine in the RM() function
MANOVA 0.0.3
- fixed some bugs in the MANOVA() function, especially in the parametric bootstrap