never worked; fixed.title
which allows to pass further names of a sample to the plot output.plot_AbanicoPlot()
log.z = FALSE
combined with negative values (#88, reported by Sébastien Huot)read_BIN2R()
which is preset to TRUE
. If set, all columns containing zero values only are removed. The new argument enables a better fine tuning of the latex output.analyse_SAR_CWOSL()
plot.single = TRUE
does not any longer interferes with the global par settings for the rejection criteria plot.fit_OSLLifeTimes()
to produce plots without residuals that can be combined using standard R layout plot functionality, e.g., par(mfrow = c(2,1))
.log = "x"
, log = "y"
and log = "xy"
options better.RLum.Analysis-class
object), all ...
objects are supported as list
and get recycled if the list does not equal the number of objectsplot_GrowthCurve()
gained a new argument tabular_only
which gives a little bit more flexibility at hand of the output the DRAC is combined with LaTeX.plot_KDE()
wrong error bars As it turned out, unfortunately, the error bars produced by plot_KDE()
had been wrong since 2014. The input error values (2nd column in the data.frame) had been, for reasons we cannot recall anymore, divided by two leading to an ‘improved’ visualisation of uncertainties. A big thank goes to Andrea Junge (#93) who made us aware of this bug.
The way the x-axis channels from BIN/BINX-files are generated changed So far, during the file import, minimum and maximum values were taken, and channels were distributed equally according to the number of available data points. Thanks to Sébastien Huot for a constructive discussion.
Example old behaviour: For an OSL curve recorded over 40 s with 100 channels, the first channel was set at 0 s, the last channel to at 40 s. Thus, the width of each channel was 0.404 s.
Example new behaviour: For an OSL curve recorded over 40 s with 100 channels, the first channel is set to 0.4 s, the last channel to at 40 s. Thus, the width of each channel is 0.4 s.
In other words, the first channel does not start anymore at 0 s, as it is the case, e.g., in the Analyst.
Please note that these changes will impact your analysis results!
Non-used dependency to ‘interp’ removed.
values are provided (#82 reported by Sébastien Huot).na.rm
which is set to FALSE
by default.plot_DetPlot()
now understands the arguments fit.method
and fit.force_through_origin
bootstrap = TRUE
(#91, reported by Andrea Junge).plot_GrowthCurve()
file listing the example data shipped with the package was not correct (#85, CRAN comment); now corrected.model_LuminescenceSignals()
: This wrapper function for the R package ‘RLumModel’ was removed due to changes on CRAN inflicting a warning ‘object is masked from ’package:Luminescence’ each time ‘RLumModel was loaded. In ’Luminescence’ the function had no real scope, but provided a place holder to point the users on the existence of the package ‘RLumModel’.apply_EfficiencyCorrection()
objects as inputlist
(self-call support)analyse_baSAR()
are supported, but actually this is not true, it supports a list of RLum.Analysis
objects only.analyse_SAR.CWOLS()
data,before the function crashed (reported by Alice Versendaal). POSL
curves had been not listed as supported curve types though.OSL
should have the columns ‘dose’, ‘De’ and ‘De error’, indeed ‘dose’, ‘LxTx’ and ‘LxTx error’ are expected (spotted by Jeong-Heon Choi)calc_TLLxTxRatio()
is no longer negative, even if the subtration lead to negative count values (#78, reported by Sébastian Huot)calc_SourceDoseRate()
count values crashed the function for obvious reasons (a / 0 = Inf
), this can happen in particular for artificial datasets. Now, if 0
is detected, count values are increased by 0.1
(reported by Dirk Mittelstrass)plot_AbanicoPlot()
summary = "se.abs"
was chosen, the abanico plot showed se.rel
instead; corrected (reported by Maryam Heydari)plot_DRTResults()
argument pipes all arguments,las
values the function crashed unexpectetly.RLum.Analysis-class
and from and to data.frame
never worked as intended.The ‘DESCRIPTION’ file contained the string “[upcoming]”. This was a left-over from the development version and is now removed.
Version numbering is now again more R canonical consisting only of three numbers (‘stable.major.minor’). Development versions are only indicated by .9000
in the version number. Numbers after 9000
(e.g., 9000-1
) indicate build numbers. Both is used for GitHub build versions only.
The file name RisoeBINfileData-class.R
was changed to Risoe.BINfileData-class.R
for consistency reasons, however, this has no furhter visible effect (#76, spotted by Sébastien Huot)
‘Luminescence’ 0.9.X releases will be the last versions supporting R < 3.5.0.
The behaviour of the base R function sample()
was changed / corrected (see news on for details). This function is used heavily within functions by ‘Luminescence’ (e.g., plot_GrowthCurve()
). That being said, it means that old data re-analysed by ‘Luminescence’ using R versions >= 3.6.0 will not give the same results. Differences are small, however, they may significant. If you want to reproduce your data, we recommend to use one of our Docker images which include the R version from the package release date.
Smooth and quick emission spectra conversion from wavelength to energy scalesfit_OSLLifeTimes()
Fit and deconvolution of OSL lifetimes using off-time measurements, i.e. after the stimulation was switched off.plot_DRCSummary()
Summarise all dose-response curves from your SAR OSL analysis in one single plot.scale_GammaDose()
Scale the gamma dose rate considering layer-to-layer variations in soil radioactivity. Contributed by S. Riedesel and M. Autzen.fit_ThermalQuenching()
Provide an easy option to fit thermal quenching data and determine the activation energy.apply_CosmicRayRemoval()
objects and and RLum.Analysis
objects (also nested in a list)apply_EfficiencyCorrection()
), the arguments contrary to what is written in the manual, the arguments such as signal.integral.min
had not been expanded properly; no one complained, however, corrected.main
no also supports the input list
in the self-call mode.analyse_SAR.TL()
objects as inputanalyse_FadingMeasurements()
; fixedcalc_Huntley2006()
) is a sensible non-zero positive value and, if otherwise, stops with a more meaningful error message. (Issue #74)read_BIN2R()
. For BINX-files >= version 6 such timestamps now get corrected during the importread_XSYG2R()
approx(..., ties = -2)
); fixed.plot_GrowthCurve()
Error in data.MC[, i] : incorrect number of dimensions
under very particular circumstances (reported by Alice Versendaal). This was due to unwanted internal object conversion; fixed.plot_RLum.Data.Spectrum()
(the corresponding code and documentation have been updated or removed).norm
for normalising the data to the highest or the lowest count
allow to pass a background spectrum that can be used for the subtractionplot.type
was already set to single
crashed the function. Now it auto-corrects the wrong values.Luminescence:::.matrix_binning()
, which is more efficient cleaner than the code used beforeplot.type = 'persp'
if ’ = TRUE`.verify_SingeGrainData()
objects did not worked; fixedwrite_RLum2CSV()
which is set TRUE
be default, and keeps the element output as simple as possible, which is in particular helpful for RLum.Results
objects, before the output was hard to understand.write_RLum2BIN()
); now NA
values are consistently replaced by 000000
(other values are not possible, otherwise the re-import of such file would fail) (reported by Alice Versendaal via email, 2019-03-06)get_RLum
elements got a new argument class
to remove unwanted RLum
objects in from list of RLum
provides a single fast-pulsing OSL curve that can be used to test the function fit_OSLLifeTimes()
to get the matrix (and curve) binning consistent; so far used only by the the bin_RLum.Data()
method for RLum.Data.Spectrum-class
returned an error if x
was not a vector of length 1)src/Makevars
file removed to prevent unconditional stripping in response to a recent CRAN request; in return the installation size of the package increased in size on some platforms.