JointAI 0.6.1

Bug fixes

JointAI 0.6.0

Bug fixes

Minor changes

New Features / Extensions

JointAI 0.5.2

Bug fixes

JointAI 0.5.1

Bug fixes

Minor changes

JointAI 0.5.0


Bug fixes

Minor changes

New Features / Extensions

JointAI 0.4.0

Bug fixes

Minor changes


JointAI 0.3.4

Bug fixes

JointAI 0.3.3

Bug fixes

# JointAI 0.3.2
## Bug fixes * lme_imp(): fixed error in JAGS model when interaction between random slope variable and longitudinal variable
## Minor changes * unused levels of factors are dropped

JointAI 0.3.1

Bug fixes

Minor changes

# JointAI 0.3.0
## Bug fixes * monitor_params is now checked to avoid problems when only part of the main parameters is selected * categorical imputation models now use min-max trick to prevent probabilities outside [0, 1] * initial value generation for logistic analysis model fixed * bug-fix in re-ordering columns when a function is part of the linear predictor * bug-fix in initial values for categorical covariates * bug-fix in finding imputation method when function of variable is specified as auxiliary variable
## Minor changes * md.pattern() now uses ggplot, which scales better than the previous version * lm_imp(), glm_imp() and lme_imp() now ask about overwriting a model file * analysis_main = T stays selected when other parameters are followed as well * get_MIdat(): argument include added to select if original data are included and id variable .id is added to the dataset * subset argument uses same logit as monitor_params argument * added switch to hide messages; distinction between messages and warnings * lm_imp(), glm_imp() and lme_imp() now take argument trunc in order to truncate the distribution of incomplete variables * summary() now omits auxiliary variables from the output * imp_par_list is now returned from JointAI models * cat_vars is no longer returned from lm_imp(), glm_imp() and lme_imp(), because it is contained in Mlist$refs
## Extensions * plot_all() function added * densplot() and traceplot() optional with ggplot * densplot() option to combine chains before plotting * example datasets NHANES, simLong and simWide added * list_impmodels to print information on the imputation models and hyperparameters * parameters() added to display the parameters to be/that were monitored * set_refcat() added to guide specification of reference categories * extension of possible functions of variables in model formula to (almost all) functions that are available in JAGS * added vignettes Minimal Example, Visualizing Incomplete Data, Parameter Selection and Model Specification

JointAI 0.2.0

Bug fixes

Minor changes
