NEWS | R Documentation |
Small changes to get rid of Warnings.
The draws for the coefficients are returned.
The summary has been improved. The SD and the quantiles are printed.
spatialreg is used instead of depreciated functions of spdep.
Correct a bug, making the hsar(lambda=0) routine to crash.
A new vignette with real estate dataset from Athens.
A new dataset with real estate properties in municipality of Athens for 2017.
Minor bugs noticed.
Acknowledgement of our financial support (in the description file).
Minor but important compatibility changes.
Documentation has been added as vignette that explains, how you can use the hsar() with synthetic data created for that purpose
The dataframe landprice has been updated and the SpatialPointsDataFrame landSPDF and the SpatialPolygonsDataFrame Beijingdistricts have been added.These are used in the function's examples.
Formulae of the form y~x1+x2+x3 and basic data checks have been implemented
The examples in documentation have been improved
New starting parameters available to users
A thin parameter has been inserted
Bug fix regarding the burnin and NSim parameters
The parameter Unum in HSAR model and in the data has been removed
The z definition in documentation is corrected
The output has been improved and the print functions have been added