Examples of joint grid discretization

Jiandong Wang, Sajal Kumar, and Joe Song

Updated: 2020-03-26; Created: 2020-03-17

We show examples of jointly discretizing continuous data based on grids that preserve clusters in the original data.

A helper visualization function plot.patterns()

Below is a helper function plot.patterns to visualize a three-dimensional grid on a three-variable data set. It shows scatter plots of each dimension with the clusters identified on the continuous data and the corresponding contingency table after grid discretization. We will use it to show the grid obtained on three examples next.

# Package `FunChisq' must have been installed.

plot.patterns <- function(x, y, z, res)
  k = length(unique(res$clabels))
  mar = c(2.5,3,4,1)
  par(mar=mar, mgp=c(3,1,0)-c(1.5,0.5,0), lwd=2)
  col <- "limegreen"
  labelcol <- colorRampPalette(c("black", col))
  plot(x, y, main="Original data", col=labelcol(k)[res$clabels], 
       pch=19, cex.axis=0.8, cex=0.7)
  abline(v=res$grid[[1]], h=res$grid[[2]], col="black", lty="dotted")
  tab <- as.matrix(table(-res$D[, 2], res$D[, 1]))
  legend("top", legend = c(min(res$clabels):max(res$clabels)), pch=19,
         col = labelcol(k), bty = "n", horiz = TRUE, inset = c(0,-0.2))
    tab, xlab="x discretized", ylab="y discretized",
    col=col, main="Discretized data", highlight="none", mar = mar)
  col <- "brown3"
  labelcol <- colorRampPalette(c("black", col))
  plot(y, z, main="Original data", col=labelcol(k)[res$clabels], 
       pch=19, cex.axis=0.8, cex=0.7)
  abline(v=res$grid[[2]], h=res$grid[[3]], col="black", lty="dotted")
  tab <- as.matrix(table(-res$D[, 3], res$D[, 2]))
  legend("top", legend = c(min(res$clabels):max(res$clabels)), pch=19, 
         col = labelcol(k), bty = "n", horiz = TRUE, inset = c(0,-0.2))
    tab, xlab="y discretized", ylab="z discretized",
    col=col, main="Discretized data", highlight="none", mar = mar) 
  col <- "dodgerblue"
  labelcol <- colorRampPalette(c("black", col))
  plot(x, z, main="Original data", col=labelcol(k)[res$clabels],
       pch=19, cex.axis=0.8, cex=0.7)
  abline(v=res$grid[[1]], h=res$grid[[3]], col="black", lty="dotted")
  tab <- as.matrix(table(-res$D[, 3], res$D[, 1]))
  legend("top", legend = c(min(res$clabels):max(res$clabels)), pch=19,
         col = labelcol(k), bty = "n", horiz = TRUE, inset = c(0,-0.2))
    tab, xlab="x discretized", ylab="z discretized",
    col=col, main="Discretized data", highlight="none", mar = mar) 

Example 1. Nonlinear curves using k-means clustering with a fixed number of clusters

#> Loading required package: GridOnClusters
x = rnorm(50)
y = sin(x)
z = cos(x)
data = cbind(x, y, z)
res = discretize.jointly(data, k=3) # using a specified k
plot.patterns(x, y, z, res)
Example 1. Nonlinear curves using k-means clustering with a fixed number of clusters.Example 1. Nonlinear curves using k-means clustering with a fixed number of clusters.Example 1. Nonlinear curves using k-means clustering with a fixed number of clusters.Example 1. Nonlinear curves using k-means clustering with a fixed number of clusters.Example 1. Nonlinear curves using k-means clustering with a fixed number of clusters.Example 1. Nonlinear curves using k-means clustering with a fixed number of clusters.

Example 1. Nonlinear curves using k-means clustering with a fixed number of clusters.

Example 2. Nonlinear curves and patterns using k-means clustering with a range for the number of clusters

 x = rnorm(100)
 y = log1p(abs(x))
 z = ifelse(x >= -0.5 & x <= 0.5, 0, 1) + rnorm(100, 0, 0.1)
 data = cbind(x, y, z)
 res = discretize.jointly(data, k=c(2:3)) # using a range of k
 plot.patterns(x, y, z, res)
Example 2. Using a range for the number of k-means clustersExample 2. Using a range for the number of k-means clustersExample 2. Using a range for the number of k-means clustersExample 2. Using a range for the number of k-means clustersExample 2. Using a range for the number of k-means clustersExample 2. Using a range for the number of k-means clusters

Example 2. Using a range for the number of k-means clusters

Example 3. Using the partition around medoids clustering method

 # using a clustering method other than k-means
 x = rnorm(100)
 y = log1p(abs(x))
 z = sin(x)
 data = cbind(x, y, z)

 # pre-cluster the data using partition around medoids (PAM)
 cluster_label = cluster::pam(x=data, diss = FALSE, metric = "euclidean", k = 4)$clustering
 res = discretize.jointly(data, cluster_label = cluster_label)
 plot.patterns(x, y, z, res)
Example 3. Using the partition around medoids clustering method.Example 3. Using the partition around medoids clustering method.Example 3. Using the partition around medoids clustering method.Example 3. Using the partition around medoids clustering method.Example 3. Using the partition around medoids clustering method.Example 3. Using the partition around medoids clustering method.

Example 3. Using the partition around medoids clustering method.