GerminaR is the first platform base in open source package to calculate and graphic the germination indices in R. GerminaR include a web application called “GerminQuant for R” for non programming user.
Lozano-Isla, Flavio; Benites-Alfaro, Omar Eduardo; Pompelli, Marcelo Francisco (2019). GerminaR: An R package for germination analysis with the interactive web application “GerminaQuant for R.” Ecological Research, 34(2), 339–346.
To install the developing version of this package you need package devtools:
{r eval=F} install.packages(devtools)
Then type:
{r eval=F} devtools::install_github("Flavjack/GerminaR")
To load the package type in your computer:
{r eval=F} library(GerminaR)
More information in the user manual: