Ma, W. & de la Torre, J. (2020). GDINA: An R Package for Cognitive Diagnosis Modeling. Journal of Statistical Software, 93(14), 1-26.
Ma, W. & de la Torre, J. (2020). GDINA: The generalized DINA model framework. R package version 2.8.0. Retrived from
Visit the package website for examples, tutorials and more information.
Watch Ma and de la Torre’s (2019) NCME digital module 5 on a gentle introduction to the G-DINA model framework and the use of graphical user interface for CDM analyses
Check the book chapter by Ma (2019) on an introduction to the GDINA package
Check de la Torre and Akbay’s (2019) article on how to conduct various CDM analyses using the graphical user interface
The stable version of GDINA should be installed from R CRAN at here
To install this package from source:
Windows users may need to install the Rtools and include the checkbox option of installing Rtools to their path for easier command line usage. Mac users will have to download the necessary tools from the Xcode and its related command line tools (found within Xcode’s Preference Pane under Downloads/Components); most Linux distributions should already have up to date compilers (or if not they can be updated easily).
Install the devtools
package (if necessary), and install the package from the Github source code.