Compatibility with paleotree

Objects produced by FossilSim contain all the information required by the paleotree format and vice-versa, thus these two packages are fully compatible.

Converting from paleotree is done using the function, which returns a list of the corresponding phylo, taxonomy and fossils objects.

record = paleotree::simFossilRecord(p = 0.1, q = 0.1, r = 0.1, nruns = 1, nTotalTaxa = c(30,40),
                                    nExtant = 0, nSamp = c(5,25))

converted_record = = record)
## $tree
## Phylogenetic tree with 31 tips and 30 internal nodes.
## Tip labels:
##  t1, t3, t7, t11, t9, t13, ...
## Node labels:
##  32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, ...
## Rooted; includes branch lengths.
## $fossils
##    sp edge     hmin     hmax
## 1  t1    1 984.2885 984.2885
## 2  t1    1 984.9917 984.9917
## 3  t1    1 995.7947 995.7947
## 4  t1   33 997.9842 997.9842
## 5  t3    2 977.9537 977.9537
## 6  t4   28 961.6694 961.6694
## 7  t4   60 974.8741 974.8741
## 8  t4   60 983.0542 983.0542
## 9  t5   27 983.2904 983.2904
## 10 t5   27 983.9442 983.9442
## ...
## Fossil record with 29 occurrences representing 15 species
## Fossils record simulated from or assigned to an existing taxonomy 
## $taxonomy
##     sp edge parent     start      end mode cryptic
## 1   t1    1     t0  996.0242 984.1087    r   FALSE         t1
## 2   t1   33     t0  999.0348 996.0242    r   FALSE         t1
## 3   t1   32     t0 1000.0000 999.0348    r   FALSE         t1
## 4   t2   31     t1  999.0348 987.1555    b   FALSE         t2
## 5   t3    2     t1  982.6862 977.5751    b   FALSE         t3
## 6   t3   37     t1  984.3494 982.6862    b   FALSE         t3
## 7   t3   36     t1  985.9100 984.3494    b   FALSE         t3
## 8   t3   35     t1  986.3314 985.9100    b   FALSE         t3
## 9   t3   34     t1  996.0242 986.3314    b   FALSE         t3
## 10  t4   28     t3  968.2221 953.9786    b   FALSE         t4
## 11  t4   61     t3  972.2772 968.2221    b   FALSE         t4
## 12  t4   60     t3  986.3314 972.2772    b   FALSE         t4
## 13  t5   27     t3  985.9100 972.7037    b   FALSE         t5
## 14  t6   26     t3  984.3494 980.0552    b   FALSE         t6
## 15  t7    3     t3  973.4339 963.9684    b   FALSE         t7
## 16  t7   40     t3  978.9826 973.4339    b   FALSE         t7
## 17  t7   39     t3  981.0656 978.9826    b   FALSE         t7
## 18  t7   38     t3  982.6862 981.0656    b   FALSE         t7
## 19  t8   17     t7  953.5104 952.1067    b   FALSE         t8
## 20  t8   53     t7  974.7463 953.5104    b   FALSE         t8
## 21  t8   52     t7  981.0656 974.7463    b   FALSE         t8
## 22  t9    5     t7  971.4490 971.0861    b   FALSE         t9
## 23  t9   41     t7  978.9826 971.4490    b   FALSE         t9
## 24 t10   19     t8  966.1319 964.9105    b   FALSE        t10
## 25 t10   56     t8  968.8033 966.1319    b   FALSE        t10
## 26 t10   55     t8  970.6759 968.8033    b   FALSE        t10
## 27 t10   54     t8  974.7463 970.6759    b   FALSE        t10
## 28 t11    4     t7  973.4339 966.9530    b   FALSE        t11
## 29 t12   30     t4  972.2772 969.0177    b   FALSE        t12
## 30 t13    6     t9  970.6163 966.6611    b   FALSE        t13
## 31 t13   42     t9  971.4490 970.6163    b   FALSE        t13
## 32 t14   25    t10  970.6759 970.0985    b   FALSE        t14
## 33 t15    7    t13  966.0056 963.3092    b   FALSE        t15
## 34 t15   46    t13  966.0234 966.0056    b   FALSE        t15
## 35 t15   45    t13  969.4651 966.0234    b   FALSE        t15
## 36 t15   44    t13  969.9011 969.4651    b   FALSE        t15
## 37 t15   43    t13  970.6163 969.9011    b   FALSE        t15
## 38 t16   16    t15  969.9011 961.6804    b   FALSE        t16
## 39 t17   15    t15  969.4651 962.7418    b   FALSE        t17
## 40 t18   21    t10  963.6001 959.3928    b   FALSE        t18
## 41 t18   57    t10  968.8033 963.6001    b   FALSE        t18
## 42 t19   29     t4  968.2221 967.2668    b   FALSE        t19
## 43 t20   20    t10  966.1319 953.5160    b   FALSE        t20
## 44 t21    9    t15  962.9985 954.9255    b   FALSE        t21
## 45 t21   47    t15  966.0234 962.9985    b   FALSE        t21
## 46 t22    8    t15  966.0056 959.0296    b   FALSE        t22
## 47 t23   22    t18  960.7569 954.4628    b   FALSE        t23
## 48 t23   58    t18  963.6001 960.7569    b   FALSE        t23
## 49 t24   10    t21  959.3697 955.9505    b   FALSE        t24
## 50 t24   49    t21  961.0975 959.3697    b   FALSE        t24
## ...
## Taxonomy representing 31 species across 61 edges.

If the paleotree record is fully extinct, i.e contains no extant samples, the age of the record will be encoded in the field origin.time of the tree.

## [1] 1000

Similarly, converting from the FossilSim objects to paleotree format is done using the function, which requires a fossils object and either a phylo or taxonomy object. If no taxonomy is provided, all speciation events in the tree will be assumed to be symmetric (bifurcating).

t = ape::rtree(6)
f = sim.fossils.poisson(rate = 2, tree = t)

converted_record = = f, tree = t)
## $t8
## $t8$
##   orig.time    ext.time still.alive 
##    1.000000          NA    2.383516    1.500349    0.000000    1.000000 
## $t8$sampling.times
## [1] 2.085077 2.063856 1.785298
## $t4
## $t4$
##   orig.time    ext.time still.alive 
##   2.0000000   1.0000000   1.5003491   0.5702621   0.0000000   2.0000000 
## $t4$sampling.times
## [1] 0.9750461 0.8258748
## $t9
## $t9$
##   orig.time    ext.time still.alive 
##   3.0000000   1.0000000   1.5003491   0.9801043   0.0000000   3.0000000 
## $t9$sampling.times
## [1] 1.1584846 0.9956939 1.3111476
## $t1
## $t1$
##   orig.time    ext.time still.alive 
##   4.0000000   3.0000000   0.9801043   0.2131562   0.0000000   4.0000000 
## $t1$sampling.times
## [1] 0.3602269 0.4704336
## $t10
## $t10$
##   orig.time    ext.time still.alive 
##   5.0000000   3.0000000   0.9801043   0.5062916   0.0000000   5.0000000 
## $t10$sampling.times
## [1] 0.8534006
## $t3
## $t3$
##   orig.time    ext.time still.alive 
##   6.0000000   5.0000000   0.5062916   0.1720527   0.0000000   6.0000000 
## $t3$sampling.times
## [1] 0.4453817
## $t2
## $t2$
##   orig.time    ext.time still.alive 
##   7.0000000   5.0000000   0.5062916   0.0000000   1.0000000   7.0000000 
## $t2$sampling.times
## [1] 0
## $t11
## $t11$
##   orig.time    ext.time still.alive 
##    8.000000          NA    2.383516    2.040861    0.000000    8.000000 
## $t11$sampling.times
## [1] 2.339343
## $t6
## $t6$
##   orig.time    ext.time still.alive 
##    9.000000    8.000000    2.040861    1.357577    0.000000    9.000000 
## $t6$sampling.times
## [1] 1.613225
## $t5
## $t5$
##   orig.time    ext.time still.alive 
##   10.000000    8.000000    2.040861    2.028629    0.000000   10.000000 
## $t5$sampling.times
## numeric(0)
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "fossilRecordSimulation"