Fast Kalman Filter

Getting Started


Example 1: ARMA(2, 1) model estimation.

This example shows how to fit an ARMA(2, 1) model using this Kalman filter implementation (see also stats’ makeARIMA and KalmanRun).

Set the length of the series and parameters

n <- 1000

## Set the AR parameters
ar1 <- 0.6
ar2 <- 0.2
ma1 <- -0.2
sigma <- sqrt(0.2)

Sample from an ARMA(2, 1) process

a <- arima.sim(model = list(ar = c(ar1, ar2), ma = ma1), n = n,
               innov = rnorm(n) * sigma)

Create a state space representation out of the four ARMA parameters

arma21ss <- function(ar1, ar2, ma1, sigma) {
    Tt <- matrix(c(ar1, ar2, 1, 0), ncol = 2)
    Zt <- matrix(c(1, 0), ncol = 2)
    ct <- matrix(0)
    dt <- matrix(0, nrow = 2)
    GGt <- matrix(0)
    H <- matrix(c(1, ma1), nrow = 2) * sigma
    HHt <- H %*% t(H)
    a0 <- c(0, 0)
    P0 <- matrix(1e6, nrow = 2, ncol = 2)
    return(list(a0 = a0, P0 = P0, ct = ct, dt = dt, Zt = Zt, Tt = Tt, GGt = GGt,
                HHt = HHt))

The objective function passed to ‘optim’

objective <- function(theta, yt) {
    sp <- arma21ss(theta["ar1"], theta["ar2"], theta["ma1"], theta["sigma"])
    ans <- fkf(a0 = sp$a0, P0 = sp$P0, dt = sp$dt, ct = sp$ct, Tt = sp$Tt,
               Zt = sp$Zt, HHt = sp$HHt, GGt = sp$GGt, yt = yt)

theta <- c(ar = c(0, 0), ma1 = 0, sigma = 1)
fit <- optim(theta, objective, yt = rbind(a), hessian = TRUE)
#> $par
#>        ar1        ar2        ma1      sigma 
#>  0.6422740  0.1586912 -0.2344075  0.4615897 
#> $value
#> [1] 653.0144
#> $counts
#> function gradient 
#>      295       NA 
#> $convergence
#> [1] 0
#> $message
#> $hessian
#>                ar1         ar2          ma1        sigma
#> ar1   2454.7956557 1874.720767 1.188663e+03 1.527964e-01
#> ar2   1874.7207673 2454.700768 2.894124e+02 1.128140e-01
#> ma1   1188.6629770  289.412407 1.067686e+03 5.550697e-02
#> sigma    0.1527964    0.112814 5.550697e-02 9.377075e+03
## Confidence intervals
rbind(fit$par - qnorm(0.975) * sqrt(diag(solve(fit$hessian))),
      fit$par + qnorm(0.975) * sqrt(diag(solve(fit$hessian))))
#>            ar1        ar2         ma1     sigma
#> [1,] 0.4611659 0.03372028 -0.41458954 0.4413496
#> [2,] 0.8233821 0.28366217 -0.05422538 0.4818299

## Filter the series with estimated parameter values
sp <- arma21ss(fit$par["ar1"], fit$par["ar2"], fit$par["ma1"], fit$par["sigma"])
ans <- fkf(a0 = sp$a0, P0 = sp$P0, dt = sp$dt, ct = sp$ct, Tt = sp$Tt,
           Zt = sp$Zt, HHt = sp$HHt, GGt = sp$GGt, yt = rbind(a))

## Compare the prediction with the realization
plot(ans, at.idx = 1, att.idx = NA, CI = NA)
lines(a, lty = "dotted")

## Compare the filtered series with the realization
plot(ans, at.idx = NA, att.idx = 1, CI = NA)
lines(a, lty = "dotted")

## Check whether the residuals are Gaussian
plot(ans, type = "resid.qq")

## Check for linear serial dependence through 'acf'
plot(ans, type = "acf")

Example 2: Local level model for the Nile’s annual flow.

## Transition equation:
## alpha[t+1] = alpha[t] + eta[t], eta[t] ~ N(0, HHt)          
## Measurement equation:
## y[t] = alpha[t] + eps[t], eps[t] ~  N(0, GGt)

y <- Nile
y[c(3, 10)] <- NA  # NA values can be handled

## Set constant parameters:
dt <- ct <- matrix(0) 
Zt <- Tt <- matrix(1)
a0 <- y[1]            # Estimation of the first year flow 
P0 <- matrix(100)     # Variance of 'a0'

## Estimate parameters:
fit.fkf <- optim(c(HHt = var(y, na.rm = TRUE) * .5,
                   GGt = var(y, na.rm = TRUE) * .5),
                 fn = function(par, ...)
                 -fkf(HHt = matrix(par[1]), GGt = matrix(par[2]), ...)$logLik,
                 yt = rbind(y), a0 = a0, P0 = P0, dt = dt, ct = ct,
                 Zt = Zt, Tt = Tt)

## Filter Nile data with estimated parameters:
fkf.obj <- fkf(a0, P0, dt, ct, Tt, Zt, HHt = matrix(fit.fkf$par[1]),
               GGt = matrix(fit.fkf$par[2]), yt = rbind(y))

## Compare with the stats' structural time series implementation:
fit.stats <- StructTS(y, type = "level")

#>       HHt       GGt 
#>  1385.066 15124.131
#>     level   epsilon 
#>  1599.452 14904.781

## Plot the flow data together with fitted local levels:
plot(y, main = "Nile flow")
lines(fitted(fit.stats), col = "green")
lines(ts(fkf.obj$att[1, ], start = start(y), frequency = frequency(y)), col = "blue")
legend("top", c("Nile flow data", "Local level (StructTS)", "Local level (fkf)"),
       col = c("black", "green", "blue"), lty = 1)

Example 3 - Local level and plotting

## Transition equation:
## alpha[t+1] = alpha[t] + eta[t], eta[t] ~ N(0, HHt)
## Measurement equation:
## y[t] = alpha[t] + eps[t], eps[t] ~  N(0, GGt)

y <- treering
y[c(3, 10)] <- NA  # NA values can be handled

## Set constant parameters:
dt <- ct <- matrix(0)
Zt <- Tt <- matrix(1) 
a0 <- y[1]            # Estimation of the first width
P0 <- matrix(100)     # Variance of 'a0'

## Estimate parameters:
fit.fkf <- optim(c(HHt = var(y, na.rm = TRUE) * .5,
                   GGt = var(y, na.rm = TRUE) * .5),
                 fn = function(par, ...)
                   -fkf(HHt = array(par[1],c(1,1,1)), GGt = array(par[2],c(1,1,1)), ...)$logLik,
                 yt = rbind(y), a0 = a0, P0 = P0, dt = dt, ct = ct,
                 Zt = Zt, Tt = Tt)

## Filter tree ring data with estimated parameters:
fkf.obj <- fkf(a0, P0, dt, ct, Tt, Zt, HHt = array(fit.fkf$par[1],c(1,1,1)),
               GGt = array(fit.fkf$par[2],c(1,1,1)), yt = rbind(y))

## Plot the width together with fitted local levels:
plot(y, main = "Treering data")
lines(ts(fkf.obj$att[1, ], start = start(y), frequency = frequency(y)), col = "blue")
legend("top", c("Treering data", "Local level"), col = c("black", "blue"), lty = 1)

## Check the residuals for normality:
plot(fkf.obj, type = "resid.qq")

## Test for autocorrelation:
plot(fkf.obj, type = "acf", na.action = na.pass)