FAOSTAT: Download Data from the FAOSTAT Database

Download Data from the FAOSTAT Database of the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. A list of functions to download statistics from FAOSTAT (database of the FAO <http://www.fao.org/faostat/en/#data>) and WDI (database of the World Bank <https://data.worldbank.org/>), and to perform some harmonization operations.

Version: 2.1.2
Imports: RJSONIO (≥ 0.96-0), plyr (≥ 1.7.1), data.table (≥ 1.8.2), MASS (≥ 7.3-22), classInt (≥ 0.1-19), ggplot2 (≥ 0.9.3), labeling (≥ 0.1)
Suggests: knitr, testthat
Published: 2020-04-06
Author: Michael C. J. Kao, Markus Gesmann, Filippo Gheri
Maintainer: Paul Rougieux <paul.rougieux at gmail.com>
BugReports: https://gitlab.com/paulrougieux/faostatpackage/-/issues
License: GPL-2 | GPL-3 [expanded from: GPL (≥ 2)]
URL: https://gitlab.com/paulrougieux/faostatpackage
NeedsCompilation: no
In views: OfficialStatistics
CRAN checks: FAOSTAT results


Reference manual: FAOSTAT.pdf
Vignettes: Download and harmonize FAOSTAT and WDI data: the FAOSTAT package
Package source: FAOSTAT_2.1.2.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel: FAOSTAT_2.1.2.zip, r-release: FAOSTAT_2.1.2.zip, r-oldrel: FAOSTAT_2.1.2.zip
macOS binaries: r-release: FAOSTAT_2.1.2.tgz, r-oldrel: FAOSTAT_2.1.2.tgz
Old sources: FAOSTAT archive


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